我有一项功能需要在媒体查询中关闭,因为它在移动设备上运行得非常慢。当函数加载到特定的窗口大小时,函数不会触发,但是当调整大小到1024px以下的特定大小时,我的假设是我的headerParallax = null不做任何事情我需要它来移除窗口调整大小的函数移动尺寸的另一种方式。
var headerParallax = function (x, z, y) {
$(window).scroll(function() {
// Store scrollTop in variable
var scrollPos = $(window).scrollTop();
// var viewportHeight = $(window).height();
//console.log(scrollPos + 'bgbottle1');
var bouncePos = ((-1 * (scrollPos ) * 1.30) + scrollPos).toFixed(2);
var bouncePos1 = ((-1 * (scrollPos -100) * 1.40) + scrollPos).toFixed(2);
var bouncePos2 = ((-1 * (scrollPos -150) * 1.265) + scrollPos).toFixed(2);
$(".bottle1").css({ 'background-position': x + bouncePos + 'px'});
console.log( x + "," + bouncePos + "," + scrollPos);
//if (scrollPos > 50){
$(".bottle2").css({ 'background-position': z + bouncePos1 + 'px'});
// }
//if (scrollPos > 850){
$(".glass").css({ 'background-position': y + bouncePos2 + 'px'});
} // end headerParallax
//Window resizing fucnsions
if($(window).width() > 1024 ){
//These variables allow the glass to hold its background position on a window.resize.
var scrollPos = $(window).scrollTop();
var bouncePos2 = ((-1 * (scrollPos -215.75) * 1.25) + scrollPos).toFixed(2);
$(".bottle1").css({ 'background-position': "368px 0"});
$(".bottle2").css({ 'background-position': "73px 125px"});
$(".glass").css({ 'background-position': "750px " + bouncePos2 + "px"});
//window.requestAnimationFrame(headerParallax("368px ","-452px ", "900px "));
headerParallax("368px ","73px ", "750px ");
}else if($(window).width() > 920 && $(window).width() < 1024){
//These variables allow the glass to hold its background position on a window.resize.
var scrollPos = $(window).scrollTop();
var bouncePos2 = ((-1 * (scrollPos -215.75) * 1.25) + scrollPos).toFixed(2);
$(".bottle1").css({ 'background-position': "368px 0"});
$(".bottle2").css({ 'background-position': "73px 125px"});
$(".glass").css({ 'background-position': "750px " + bouncePos2 + "px"});
headerParallax = null;
}else if($(window).width() < 920){
var scrollPos = $(window).scrollTop();
var bouncePos2 = ((-1 * (scrollPos -215.75) * 1.25) + scrollPos).toFixed(2);
$(".bottle1").css({ 'background-position': "150px 0"});
$(".bottle2").css({ 'background-position': "-400px 125px"});
$(".glass").css({ 'background-position': "470px " + bouncePos2 + "px"});
//window.requestAnimationFrame(headerParallax("150px ","-500px ", "600px "));
headerParallax = null;
}); //end windoResize
if($(window).width() > 1024 ){
//window.requestAnimationFrame(headerParallax("368px ", "-452px ", "900px "));
headerParallax("368px ","73px ", "750px ");
}else if($(window).width() > 920 && $(window).width() < 1024){
headerParallax = null;
}else if($(window).width() < 920 ){
//window.requestAnimationFrame(headerParallax("150px ","-500px ", "600px "));
headerParallax = null;