
时间:2014-12-09 14:14:15

标签: angularjs checkbox filter conditional ng-repeat

例如,我有一张桌子,其中我向学生展示数学,科学,英语和其他科目的标记。我有一个checkbox,如果选中,只会列出{{student.mathMarks + student.scienceMarks > 150}}的学生(即学生数学和科学分数的总和超过150)。当checkbox未选中时,它将再次显示所有学生。有没有办法可以将条件过滤器与给定学生ng-repeat关联起来实现这一目标?


<tr ng-repeat="student in students">
    <td >
    <td >
    <td >
     <td >

<input type="checkbox" ng-model="onlyFooStudents" />

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

你可以pass a function as the expression for you filter。因此,在这种情况下,您所要做的就是在范围内声明一个检查标志的函数,例如:

$scope.yourCustomFilter = function(student) {
    // if flag is false, bring everybody. if not, bring only the ones that match.
    return $scope.onlyFooStudents || 
      student && student.mathMarks + student.scienceMarks > 150;

在您的约束中,您将拥有ng-repeat="student in student | filter:yourCustomFilter"

如果你在其他地方使用相同的过滤器,实现它的另一种方法是创建一个custom filter,你可以传递参数,在这些行中:

angular.module('appFilters', []).filter('filterStudents', function() {
   function isApproved(student) {
       return student && student.mathMarks + student.scienceMarks > 150;

   return function(students, showApprovedOnly) {
     // if it is to bring everybody, we just return the original array,
     // if not, we go on and filter the students in the same way.
     return !showApprovedOnly ? students : students.filter(isApproved);

     // COMPATIBLITY: please notice that Array.prototype.filter is only available IE9+.

您的约束力为ng-repeat="student in students | studentFilter:onlyFooStudents"。请注意,我们将onlyFooStudents作为参数传递给过滤器,直接绑定到范围。

答案 1 :(得分:3)


function FooFilter() {
  return function(data, isEnabled) {
    var result = [];
    if (angular.isArray(data) && isEnabled) {
      angular.forEach(data, function(student) {
        if (student.mathMark + student.scienceMark > 150) {
      return result;
    } else {
      return data;
<tr ng-repeat="student in students | fooFilter : filterState">

<input type="checkbox" ng-model="filterState" /> Enable filter
