void Box2dManager::flipFixtures(bool horizzontally, b2Body* physBody)
b2Fixture* fix = physBody->GetFixtureList();
b2Shape* shape = fix->GetShape();
if(shape->GetType()== b2Shape::e_polygon)
// flipping x or y coordinates
b2PolygonShape* ps = (b2PolygonShape*)shape;
for(int i=0; i < ps->GetVertexCount(); i++)
horizzontally ? ps->m_vertices[i].x *= -1 : ps->m_vertices[i].y *= -1;
// revert the vertices (no need after Box2D 2.3.0 as polygon creation computes the convex hull)
b2Vec2* reVert = new b2Vec2[ps->GetVertexCount()];
int j = ps->GetVertexCount() -1;
for(int i=0; i<ps->GetVertexCount();i++)
reVert[i] = ps->m_vertices[j--];
ps->Set(&reVert[0], ps->GetVertexCount());
fix = fix->GetNext();