VB.Net代码总是首先以字节为单位获取大小,因此当文件的大小(以字节为单位)小于100时,如果其>>则返回B. 1000然后我将它除以1000并返回KB。但是当它应该是MB时,我尝试除以1000000,它返回的大小总是比它应该的大2 MB!
我的文件大小是(15,570,550字节)..是...(14.8 MB)
Public Function GetFileSize(ByVal TheFile As String, _
Optional ByVal ShowSizeType As Boolean = False) As String
If TheFile.Length = 0 Then Return ""
If Not System.IO.File.Exists(TheFile) Then Return ""
Dim TheSize As Integer = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(TheFile).Length
Dim SizeType As String = ""
If TheSize < 1000 Then
SizeType = "B"
If TheSize < 1000000000 Then
If TheSize < 1000000 Then
SizeType = "KB"
TheSize = TheSize / 1000
SizeType = "MB"
TheSize = TheSize / 1000000
End If
SizeType = "GB"
End If
End If
If ShowSizeType = True Then
Return TheSize & SizeType
Return TheSize
End If
End Function
答案 0 :(得分:8)
我将Dim TheSize As Integer改为&#34; Dim TheSize As ULong&#34;否则大数字不会工作。
同时制作昏暗的&#34; Dim DoubleBytes As Double&#34;你将在选择的情况下使用它。
首先你比较一下你拥有的字节数,比如mb&#34; Case 1048576 To 1073741823&#34;
因此,如果是这种情况,请将TheSize转换为double&#34; DoubleBytes = CDbl(TheSize / 1048576)&#39; MB
然后在返回中使用FormatNumber设置要在后面显示的数字。 &#34; nuber 2将其设置为2。比如28.11,将其改为0,它将返回28&#34;也因为你知道它,你会添加&amp;返回。
&#34;返回FormatNumber(DoubleBytes,2)&amp; &#34; MB&#34;
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
Dim DoubleBytes As Double
Public Function GetFileSize(ByVal TheFile As String) As String
If TheFile.Length = 0 Then Return ""
If Not System.IO.File.Exists(TheFile) Then Return ""
Dim TheSize As ULong = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(TheFile).Length
Dim SizeType As String = ""
Select Case TheSize
Case Is >= 1099511627776
DoubleBytes = CDbl(TheSize / 1099511627776) 'TB
Return FormatNumber(DoubleBytes, 2) & " TB"
Case 1073741824 To 1099511627775
DoubleBytes = CDbl(TheSize / 1073741824) 'GB
Return FormatNumber(DoubleBytes, 2) & " GB"
Case 1048576 To 1073741823
DoubleBytes = CDbl(TheSize / 1048576) 'MB
Return FormatNumber(DoubleBytes, 2) & " MB"
Case 1024 To 1048575
DoubleBytes = CDbl(TheSize / 1024) 'KB
Return FormatNumber(DoubleBytes, 2) & " KB"
Case 0 To 1023
DoubleBytes = TheSize ' bytes
Return FormatNumber(DoubleBytes, 2) & " bytes"
Case Else
Return ""
End Select
Return ""
End Try
End Function
FormatBytes(GetHDSizeF)&#34; GetHDSizeF是字节数&#34;
Dim DoubleBytes As Double
Default Public Property FormatBytes(ByVal BytesCaller As ULong) As String
Select Case BytesCaller
Case Is >= 1099511627776
DoubleBytes = CDbl(BytesCaller / 1099511627776) 'TB
Return FormatNumber(DoubleBytes, 2) & " TB"
Case 1073741824 To 1099511627775
DoubleBytes = CDbl(BytesCaller / 1073741824) 'GB
Return FormatNumber(DoubleBytes, 2) & " GB"
Case 1048576 To 1073741823
DoubleBytes = CDbl(BytesCaller / 1048576) 'MB
Return FormatNumber(DoubleBytes, 2) & " MB"
Case 1024 To 1048575
DoubleBytes = CDbl(BytesCaller / 1024) 'KB
Return FormatNumber(DoubleBytes, 2) & " KB"
Case 0 To 1023
DoubleBytes = BytesCaller ' bytes
Return FormatNumber(DoubleBytes, 2) & " bytes"
Case Else
Return ""
End Select
Return ""
End Try
End Get
Set(value As String)
End Set
End Property
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
Dim DoubleBytes As Double
Public Function FormatBytes(ByVal BytesCaller As ULong) As String
Select Case BytesCaller
Case Is >= 1099511627776
DoubleBytes = CDbl(BytesCaller / 1099511627776) 'TB
Return FormatNumber(DoubleBytes, 2) & " TB"
Case 1073741824 To 1099511627775
DoubleBytes = CDbl(BytesCaller / 1073741824) 'GB
Return FormatNumber(DoubleBytes, 2) & " GB"
Case 1048576 To 1073741823
DoubleBytes = CDbl(BytesCaller / 1048576) 'MB
Return FormatNumber(DoubleBytes, 2) & " MB"
Case 1024 To 1048575
DoubleBytes = CDbl(BytesCaller / 1024) 'KB
Return FormatNumber(DoubleBytes, 2) & " KB"
Case 0 To 1023
DoubleBytes = BytesCaller ' bytes
Return FormatNumber(DoubleBytes, 2) & " bytes"
Case Else
Return ""
End Select
Return ""
End Try
End Function
答案 1 :(得分:4)
您需要除以1024而不是1000. 1 KB不是1000字节,它是1024字节。 1 MB不是1000 KB,它是1024 KB,依此类推。
答案 2 :(得分:4)
以下是我的操作方法,下面是我在Microsoft Access中使用的VBA函数,可以轻松转换为VB或VBScript等。
Public Function FormatFileSize(ByVal lngFileSize As Long) As String
Dim x As Integer: x = 0
Dim Suffix As String: Suffix = ""
Dim Result As Single: Result = lngFileSize
Do Until Int(Result) < 1000
x = x + 1
Result = Result / 1024
Result = Round(Result, 2)
Select Case x
Case 0
Suffix = "Bytes"
Case 1 'KiloBytes
Suffix = "KB"
Case 2 'MegaBytes
Suffix = "MB"
Case 3 'GigaBytes
Suffix = "GB"
Case 4 'TeraBytes
Suffix = "TB"
Case 5 'PetaBytes
Suffix = "PB"
Case 6 'ExaBytes
Suffix = "EB"
Case 7 'ZettaBytes
Suffix = "ZB"
Case 8 'YottaBytes
Suffix = "YB"
Case Else
Suffix = "Too big to compute :)"
End Select
FormatFileSize = Format(Result, "#,##0.00") & " " & Suffix
End Function 'FormatFileSize
答案 3 :(得分:2)
这篇文章帮我解决了当我试图解决这个问题时学习C#,我通常使用VB。无论如何,我想我会发布我的更新,以防有人关心使用它。 它是在VB中,因为我有一个有用的函数库和子函数库,我用它来保存这些东西,而我在VB中启动它并且懒得改变所有代码。它适合我,所以我希望它可以帮助别人。
Function ByteConv(Bytes As Double, Optional Style As Integer = 1) As String
Dim count As Integer = 0
Dim factor As Integer = 1024
Dim Workingnum As Double = Bytes
Dim Suffix() As String = {"Bytes", "Kb", "Mb", "Tb", "Pb", "Eb"} 'Dimention the string array upto Exobyte .. Cos why not?'
If Style - 1 Then factor = 1000 Else factor = 1024 'This allows for Function to be used for Comms Calculations. I.e So it returns 100MB connection rather than 95.37'
While Workingnum > factor And count < 5 'Basically keep dividing the Bytecount by the factor until the result reaches a whole number less that the factor itself'
Workingnum = Workingnum / factor ' '
count = count + 1
End While
Return Workingnum.ToString("N") + Suffix(count) ' Then return a string that includes the result and the applicable suffix.'
End Function
答案 4 :(得分:1)
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim CalculatedSize As Decimal
Dim TheSize As Long = Long.Parse(My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(OpenFileDialog1.FileName).Length)
Dim SizeType As String = "B"
If TheSize < 1024 Then
CalculatedSize = TheSize
ElseIf TheSize > 1024 AndAlso TheSize < (1024 ^ 2) Then 'KB
CalculatedSize = Math.Round((TheSize / 1024), 2)
SizeType = "KB"
ElseIf TheSize > (1024 ^ 2) AndAlso TheSize < (1024 ^ 3) Then 'MB
CalculatedSize = Math.Round((TheSize / (1024 ^ 2)), 2)
SizeType = "MB"
ElseIf TheSize > (1024 ^ 3) AndAlso TheSize < (1024 ^ 4) Then 'GB
CalculatedSize = Math.Round((TheSize / (1024 ^ 3)), 2)
SizeType = "GB"
ElseIf TheSize > (1024 ^ 4) Then 'TB
CalculatedSize = Math.Round((TheSize / (1024 ^ 4)), 2)
SizeType = "TB"
End If
MessageBox.Show("File size is: " & CalculatedSize.ToString & " " & SizeType, "File size", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End If
End Sub
答案 5 :(得分:0)
Public Function GetDirSize(RootFolder As String) As Long
Dim FolderInfo = New IO.DirectoryInfo(RootFolder)
For Each File In FolderInfo.GetFiles : TotalSize += File.Length
For Each SubFolderInfo In FolderInfo.GetDirectories : GetDirSize(SubFolderInfo.FullName)
Return TotalSize
End Function
Public Sub GetfilesizeFromDirectory()
Dim path As String
path = "D:"
TotalSize = 0 'Reset the counter
Dim TheSize As Long = GetDirSize(path)
' TextBox1.Text = (FormatNumber(TheSize / 1024 / 1024 / 1) & vbCr & "MB")
End Sub