有没有办法只用一次GetHashCode调用就可以对GetHashCode覆盖进行编码? CompareTo的问题是什么?我所区分的联盟中的所有类型都实现了ICompareable。
type MyType =
| Bool of bool
| Str of string
| Float of float
override this.Equals(arg) =
let epsilon = 0.1
match arg with
| :? MyType as other ->
match this, other with
| Bool(a), Bool(b) -> a = b
| Str(a), Str(b) -> a = b
| Float(a), Float(b) -> Math.Abs(a - b) < epsilon
| _ -> false
| _ -> false
override this.GetHashCode() =
match this with
// Three calls to GetHashCode. I'd like only one
| Bool(a) -> a.GetHashCode()
| Str(a) -> a.GetHashCode()
| Float(a) -> a.GetHashCode()
| _ -> 0
interface System.IComparable with
member this.CompareTo arg =
match arg with
| :? MyType as other ->
match this, other with
// Three calls to CompareTo. I'd like only one
| Bool(a), Bool(b) -> a.CompareTo(b)
| Str(a), Str(b) -> a.CompareTo(b)
| Float(a), Float(b) -> a.CompareTo(b)
| _ -> 0
| _ -> 0
答案 0 :(得分:5)
member this.Value =
match this with
| Bool(b) -> box b
| Str(s) -> box s
| Float(f) -> box f
override this.GetHashCode() =