我使用下面的代码来实现我的模型与一些实验数据的最小平方拟合。 该程序只是继续运行,似乎我的实现有问题,但我无法搞清楚。两个函数中的打印语句(simulateFunc和fit)表示这些语句被调用了几次(准确地说是9),但之后没有响应。
示例数据点:(我的文件中总共有100个) 0.944444444,2.838888889,5.711111111,2.962962963,0.481481481 0.822222222,2.672222222,5.855555556,3.259259259,0.351851852
#Simulate egg-laying in hermaphrodites
import math
import csv
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
f = open('dataPointsCSV.csv')
csv_f = csv.reader(f)
for row in csv_f :
####### My Model #######
def simulateFunc(parms) :
oocytes = 0
sperm = 300
eggs = []
total_t = 0
delta_t = 0.1
bin_size = 4
k_o = parms[0]
k_c = parms[1]
k_f = parms[2]
k_s = parms[3]
while(sperm > 1) :
oocytes += delta_t*(k_o-k_c*oocytes)
new_eggs = delta_t*min(k_f*oocytes,k_s*sperm)
sperm -= new_eggs
oocytes -= new_eggs
index = int(total_t/bin_size)
if(len(eggs)<=index) :
else :
eggs[index] += new_eggs
total_t += delta_t
for i in range(0,len(eggs)) :
eggs[i] = eggs[i]/bin_size
return eggs
######## Returns the residuals #########
def fit(para) :
newEggs = []
modelEggs = simulateFunc(para)
exp = np.array(row)
expEggs = exp.astype(np.float)
########## Get the required points for calculating the residuals from the model data ############
for i in range(0,len(modelEggs)):
if(i == 2 or i == 4 or i == 9 or i == 15 or i == 22):
newEggs = np.array(newEggs)
res = expEggs - newEggs
return res
######## Parameter Initializations ##########
parameters = [6,-.02,.0266,.0625]
x, cov, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(fit,parameters, full_output = True, epsfcn = 1.0e-2)
print x