
时间:2014-12-06 20:19:54

标签: assembly binary decimal dos x86-16

我需要帮助我的汇编程序中的第一个程序。 我必须将用户输入的值从十进制转换为二进制。 我不知道如何将值显示为小数,我接下来该怎么做。 任何人都可以一步一步地指导下一步做什么。

    .model small
    .stack 100h`

            txt1 db "Enter binary value:" ,10,13, "$"
            txt2 db "BIN: " ,10,13, "$"


        main proc
        mov ax, @data
        mov ds, ax
        ;clear screen
        mov ah,0fh
        int 10h
        mov ah,0
        int 10h
        ;show first text
        mov ah, 9
        mov dx, offset txt1
        int 21h
        call Number

        main endp

        Number proc
        mov cx,5
        xor bx,bx

        mov ah,0
        int 16h
        cmp al,'0'
        jb read
        cmp al, '9'
        ja read
        mov ah,0eh
        int 10h
        loop read
        Number endp

        mov ax, 4c00h
        int 21h

        end main

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


; Read an integer from the screen and display the int in binary format
; and continue until number is negative.
again:            ; For loop
    call read_int ; take the integer from screen
    cmp eax,0     ; look if number is not negative
        JL end:       ; if less than zero program ends.
    mov ecx,32    ; for loop we set ecx to 32 ; ATTENTION we not specified type. So compiler will get error.

    mov ebx,eax   ; we will lost our number in eax, so I take it to ebx
    xor eax,eax   ; eax = 0
    SHL ebx,1     ; shift the top bit out of EBX into CF
    ADC eax,0     ; EAX  = EAX + CF + 0 ADD CARRY FLAG, so eax is zero we add zero. The new eax will exact value of Carry Flag which is out bit.
    call print_int ; Then we print the CF which we took the eax.
LOOP start:   ; Loop looks ecx if not 0 it goes start.  
call print_nl ; For next number we print a new line
JMP again:    ; For take new number

    END:      ; End of the program.

setc al也可以工作而不是adc eax,0,并且在某些CPU上效率更高。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

不完全清楚你要做什么。我猜“十进制到二进制”,但提示“输入二进制值”。我认为这意味着一串“1”和“0”。我不会问他们的“小数”值 - 你会得到像“1.23”,你没有能力处理。只要问他们一个号码。也许“数字小于65536”,这可能是(?)你想要的。


    Number proc
    mov cx,5 ; loop counter?
    xor bx,bx ; "result so far"?

    mov ah,0
    int 16h

; wanna give 'em the option to enter
; less than the full five digits?
    cmp al, 13 ; carriage return
    jz finis

    cmp al,'0'
    jb read
    cmp al, '9'
    ja read
    mov ah,0eh
    int 10h
; Assuming al still holds your character...
    sub al, '0' ; convert character to number
    mov ah, 0 ; make sure upper byte is clear
    imul bx, bx, 10 ; multiply "result so far" by 10
    ; jc overflow ;  ignore for now
    add bx, ax ; add in the new digit
    ; jc overflow ; ignore for now

    loop read
; now our number is in bx
; it is conventional to return values in ax
    mov ax, bx

overflow: ; I'm just going to ignore it
    ; spank the user?
    ; go right to exit?
    ret ; maybe endp generates this. two shouldn't hurt
    Number endp


    Printbin proc
; what does "proc" do? Do you know?
    mov bx, ax
    mov cx, 16 ; 16 bits to do, right?
    mov ah, 2
    mov dl, '0'
    shl bx, 1 ; shift leftmost bit to carry flag
    adc dl, 0 ; bump the "0" up to "1", if set
    int 21h
    loop top

    endp ; ?
