运行宏的宏,打开文件并将其另存为值 - 运行时错误1004

时间:2014-12-05 19:27:24

标签: excel vba excel-vba excel-2003 excel-2013

我一直收到这个1004运行时错误。我已经缩减了我的编程,所以它不是那么Programception。我认为这可能与使用Excel 2010保存.xls文件有关。不确定。

  1. 当Auto_Root.xls打开时,它会运行Sub auto_open()打开 Panel.xls
  2. 面板打开并运行Sub Update(),按顺序打开7个文件 在不同的目录中都称为Auto_Update.xls
  3. Auto_Update.xsl打开并运行Sub Flat,每个都打开一些 顺序存档文件并将自己的平面副本保存在另一个文件中 目录。
  4. 我已经打开了7个Auto_Update.xls文件中的每一个并且已经独立运行它们并且它们运行时没有错误。当我从Auto_Root运行它们时,我得到一个运行时错误1004.并且其中一个文件突出显示CurrentWB.Save。我甚至将CurrentWB.Save替换为CurrentWB.SaveAs Filename:= TargetFile,FileFormat:= xlNormal并收到相同的运行时错误。



    Sub auto_open()
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Dim PanelFilePath As String
    Dim PanelFileName As String
    Dim PanelLocation As String
    Dim PanelWB As Workbook
        PanelFilePath = "D:\umc\UMC Production Files\Automation Files\"
        PanelFileName = "Panel.xls"
        PanelLocation = PanelFilePath & Dir$(PanelFilePath & PanelFileName)
            Set PanelWB = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=PanelLocation, UpdateLinks:=3)
                PanelWB.RunAutoMacros Which:=xlAutoOpen
                Application.Run "Panel.xls!Update"
        Call Shell("D:\umc\UMC Production Files\Automation Files\Auto.bat", vbNormalFocus)
    End Sub


     Sub Update()
    Dim RowNumber As Long
    Dim AutoUpdateTargetFile As String
    Dim AutoUpdateWB As Workbook
    For RowNumber = 1 To (Range("AutoUpdate.File").Rows.Count - 1)
        If (Range("AutoUpdate.File").Rows(RowNumber) <> "") Then
            AutoUpdateTargetFile = Range("Sys.Path") & Range("Client.Path").Rows(RowNumber) & Range("AutoUpdate.Path ").Rows(RowNumber) & Range("AutoUpdate.File").Rows(RowNumber)
            Set AutoUpdateWB = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=AutoUpdateTargetFile, UpdateLinks:=3)
                AutoUpdateWB.RunAutoMacros Which:=xlAutoOpen
                Application.Run "Auto_Update.xls!Flat"
        End If
        Next RowNumber
    End Sub


    Sub Flat()
    Dim RowNumber As Long 'Long Stores Variable
    Dim SheetNumber As Long
    Dim TargetFile As String 'String Stores File Path
    Dim BackupFile As String
    Dim CurrentWB As Workbook 'Workbook Stores Workbook
    For RowNumber = 1 To (Range("File").Rows.Count - 1)
    'Loops through each file in the list and assigns a workbook variable.
        If (Range("File").Rows(RowNumber) <> "") Then
            TargetFile = Range("Sys.Path") & Range("Path").Rows(RowNumber) & Range("File").Rows(RowNumber) 'Target File Path
            BackupFile = Range("Report.Path") & Range("Path").Rows(RowNumber) & Range("SubFolder") & Range("File").Rows(RowNumber) 'Backup File Path
    Set CurrentWB = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=TargetFile, UpdateLinks:=3) 'Sets CurrentWB = to that long name. This becomes the name of the workbook.
        CurrentWB.RunAutoMacros Which:=xlAutoOpen 'Enables Macros in Workbook
        CurrentWB.SaveAs Filename:=TargetFile, FileFormat:=56
            For SheetNumber = 1 To Sheets.Count 'Counts Worksheets in Workbook
                Sheets(SheetNumber).Select 'Selects All Worksheets in Workbook
                If (Sheets(SheetNumber).Name <> "What If") Then
                    Sheets(SheetNumber).Unprotect ("UMC626") 'Unprotects Workbook
                    Cells.Select 'Selects Data in Workbook
                    With Sheets(SheetNumber).UsedRange
                        .Value = .Value
                    End With
                    Sheets(SheetNumber).Protect Password:="UMC626", DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True 'Protects Workbook
                End If
            Next SheetNumber 'Runs Through Iteration
            Range("A1").Select 'Saves each workbook at the top of the page
            CurrentWB.SaveAs Filename:=BackupFile, FileFormat:=56, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _
            ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False 'Saves Workbook in Flatten File Location
        CurrentWB.Close 'Closes Workbook
        End If 'Ends Loop
    Next RowNumber 'Selects Another Account
    End Sub


    1. 每个单独的AutoUpdate文件在运行时都有效。
    2. 如果Application.Run&#34; Auto_Update.xls!Flat&#34;从Panel.xls中删除!更新它会打开并关闭所有AutoUpdate.xls文件,没有错误。
    3. 如果我将Panel.xls!Update链接到7个AutoUpdate文件中的3个....任何3.它运行时没有错误。
    4. 我似乎无法在不说运行时错误1004的情况下运行所有​​7个。


      Sub CopySheetTest()
          Dim iTemp As Integer
          Dim oBook As Workbook
          Dim iCounter As Integer
          ' Create a new blank workbook:
          iTemp = Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook
          Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1
          Set oBook = Application.Workbooks.Add
          Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook = iTemp
          ' Add a defined name to the workbook
          ' that RefersTo a range:
          oBook.Names.Add Name:="tempRange", _
          ' Save the workbook:
          oBook.SaveAs "c:\test2.xls"
          ' Copy the sheet in a loop. Eventually,
          ' you get error 1004: Copy Method of
          ' Worksheet class failed.
          For iCounter = 1 To 275
              oBook.Worksheets(1).Copy After:=oBook.Worksheets(1)
              'Uncomment this code for the workaround:
              'Save, close, and reopen after every 100 iterations:
              If iCounter Mod 100 = 0 Then
                  oBook.Close SaveChanges:=True
                  Set oBook = Nothing
                  Set oBook = Application.Workbooks.Open("c:\test2.xls")
              End If
      End Sub


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


Copying worksheet programmatically causes run-time error 1004 in Excel





答案 1 :(得分:2)

从你的文字中不清楚,但是你正在打开的文件里面是“平坦”的程序,如果是这样,它是由自动打开的宏调用的吗? 听起来您只想从原始工作簿中运行宏,而不是在打开的工作簿的自动打开宏中触发宏。 如果确实如此,我会在我的一个工作簿中执行类似的操作,我会在工作簿打开时触发“升级”向导,但是因为我正在升级,我打开的其他工作簿也有升级向导,以及以前用于开火的。我通过在隐藏的excel实例中打开其他工作簿来解决这个问题,并且在我的自动打开宏中,我有一行代码来查询工作簿的可见状态,如果隐藏它则不会触发。因此,在下面的代码中,“And Me.Application.visible”控制是否运行向导

  'Check if the ODS code is populated or default xxx, if so invoke the upgrade wizard
  'but only if the application is visible
   If (ActiveWorkbook.Names("Trust_ODS_Code").RefersToRange.Value = "xxx" _
        Or Len(ActiveWorkbook.Names("Trust_ODS_Code").RefersToRange.Value) = 0) _
        And Me.Application.visible = True Then
          'run the upgrade wizard
   End If


      Dim lRet
      Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
      Dim FoundSheet As Boolean

      'Because the wizard opens the old DCS in a hidden instance of Excel, it is vital that we close this if
      'anything goes wrong, so belt and braces, close it every time the user presses the button
      'Switch off the error handling and the display alerts to avoid any error messages if the old dcs has
      'never been opened and the hidden instance does not exist
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
   On Error Resume Next
        book.Close SaveChanges:=False
        Set app = Nothing
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

      'set error handling
    On Error GoTo Err_Clr

      'populate the status bar
   Application.StatusBar = "Attempting to open File"

      'Default method Uses Excel Open Dialog To Show the Files
   lRet = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel files (*.xls;*.xlsx;*.xlsm;*.xlsb), *.xls;*.xlsx;*.xlsm;*.xlsb")

      'If the user selects cancel update the status to tell them
   If lRet = False Then
       Me.lstOpenDCSStatus.AddItem "No file selected"
      'if the user has selected a file try to open it
          'This next section of code creates a new instance of excel to open the selected file with, as this allows us to
          'open it in the background
       OldDCS = lRet
       Application.StatusBar = "Attempting to open File - " & lRet
       app.visible = False 'Visible is False by default, so this isn't necessary, but makes readability better
       Set book = app.Workbooks.Add(lRet)
       Application.StatusBar = "Opened File - " & lRet