
时间:2010-04-28 15:22:57

标签: cocoa core-data nsmanagedobject





17 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:58)

这是我创建的一个类,用于执行托管对象的“深层复制”:属性和关系。请注意,这不会检查对象图中的循环。 (感谢Jaanus的起点......)

@interface ManagedObjectCloner : NSObject {
+(NSManagedObject *)clone:(NSManagedObject *)source inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context;

@implementation ManagedObjectCloner

+(NSManagedObject *) clone:(NSManagedObject *)source inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context{
    NSString *entityName = [[source entity] name];

    //create new object in data store
    NSManagedObject *cloned = [NSEntityDescription

    //loop through all attributes and assign then to the clone
    NSDictionary *attributes = [[NSEntityDescription
                                 inManagedObjectContext:context] attributesByName];

    for (NSString *attr in attributes) {
        [cloned setValue:[source valueForKey:attr] forKey:attr];

    //Loop through all relationships, and clone them.
    NSDictionary *relationships = [[NSEntityDescription
                                   inManagedObjectContext:context] relationshipsByName];
    for (NSRelationshipDescription *rel in relationships){
        NSString *keyName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",rel];
        //get a set of all objects in the relationship
        NSMutableSet *sourceSet = [source mutableSetValueForKey:keyName];
        NSMutableSet *clonedSet = [cloned mutableSetValueForKey:keyName];
        NSEnumerator *e = [sourceSet objectEnumerator];
        NSManagedObject *relatedObject;
        while ( relatedObject = [e nextObject]){
            //Clone it, and add clone to set
            NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [ManagedObjectCloner clone:relatedObject 
            [clonedSet addObject:clonedRelatedObject];


    return cloned;


答案 1 :(得分:42)


1,我接受了Z S的建议并将其作为NSManagedObject的一个类别,这对我来说似乎有点清洁。




注意:如果您使用我理解的CoreData最佳实践,始终提供反向关系,那么这可能会克隆与您要克隆的对象有关系的所有对象。如果您正在使用反转并且您有一个知道所有其他对象的单个根对象,那么您可能会克隆整个对象。我的解决方案是添加黑名单并传入我知道是我想要克隆的其中一个对象的父类的实体类型。这似乎对我有用。 :)


// NSManagedObject+Clone.h
#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>

@interface NSManagedObject (Clone)
- (NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context exludeEntities:(NSArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude;

// NSManagedObject+Clone.m
#import "NSManagedObject+Clone.h"

@implementation NSManagedObject (Clone)

- (NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context withCopiedCache:(NSMutableDictionary *)alreadyCopied exludeEntities:(NSArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude {
  NSString *entityName = [[self entity] name];

  if ([namesOfEntitiesToExclude containsObject:entityName]) {
    return nil;

  NSManagedObject *cloned = [alreadyCopied objectForKey:[self objectID]];
  if (cloned != nil) {
    return cloned;

  //create new object in data store
  cloned = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:entityName inManagedObjectContext:context];
  [alreadyCopied setObject:cloned forKey:[self objectID]];

  //loop through all attributes and assign then to the clone
  NSDictionary *attributes = [[NSEntityDescription entityForName:entityName inManagedObjectContext:context] attributesByName];

  for (NSString *attr in attributes) {
    [cloned setValue:[self valueForKey:attr] forKey:attr];

  //Loop through all relationships, and clone them.
  NSDictionary *relationships = [[NSEntityDescription entityForName:entityName inManagedObjectContext:context] relationshipsByName];
  for (NSString *relName in [relationships allKeys]){
    NSRelationshipDescription *rel = [relationships objectForKey:relName];

    NSString *keyName = rel.name;
    if ([rel isToMany]) {
      //get a set of all objects in the relationship
      NSMutableSet *sourceSet = [self mutableSetValueForKey:keyName];
      NSMutableSet *clonedSet = [cloned mutableSetValueForKey:keyName];
      NSEnumerator *e = [sourceSet objectEnumerator];
      NSManagedObject *relatedObject;
      while ( relatedObject = [e nextObject]){
        //Clone it, and add clone to set
        NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [relatedObject cloneInContext:context withCopiedCache:alreadyCopied exludeEntities:namesOfEntitiesToExclude];
        [clonedSet addObject:clonedRelatedObject];
    }else {
      NSManagedObject *relatedObject = [self valueForKey:keyName];
      if (relatedObject != nil) {
        NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [relatedObject cloneInContext:context withCopiedCache:alreadyCopied exludeEntities:namesOfEntitiesToExclude];
        [cloned setValue:clonedRelatedObject forKey:keyName];

  return cloned;

- (NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context exludeEntities:(NSArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude {
  return [self cloneInContext:context withCopiedCache:[NSMutableDictionary dictionary] exludeEntities:namesOfEntitiesToExclude];


答案 2 :(得分:24)


@interface ManagedObjectCloner : NSObject {
+(NSManagedObject *)clone:(NSManagedObject *)source inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context;

@implementation ManagedObjectCloner

+(NSManagedObject *) clone:(NSManagedObject *)source inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context{
    NSString *entityName = [[source entity] name];

    //create new object in data store
    NSManagedObject *cloned = [NSEntityDescription

    //loop through all attributes and assign then to the clone
    NSDictionary *attributes = [[NSEntityDescription
                                 inManagedObjectContext:context] attributesByName];

    for (NSString *attr in attributes) {
        [cloned setValue:[source valueForKey:attr] forKey:attr];

    //Loop through all relationships, and clone them.
    NSDictionary *relationships = [[NSEntityDescription
                                    inManagedObjectContext:context] relationshipsByName];
    for (NSString *relName in [relationships allKeys]){
        NSRelationshipDescription *rel = [relationships objectForKey:relName];

        NSString *keyName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",rel];
        if ([rel isToMany]) {
            //get a set of all objects in the relationship
            NSMutableSet *sourceSet = [source mutableSetValueForKey:keyName];
            NSMutableSet *clonedSet = [cloned mutableSetValueForKey:keyName];
            NSEnumerator *e = [sourceSet objectEnumerator];
            NSManagedObject *relatedObject;
            while ( relatedObject = [e nextObject]){
                //Clone it, and add clone to set
                NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [ManagedObjectCloner clone:relatedObject 
                [clonedSet addObject:clonedRelatedObject];
        }else {
            [cloned setValue:[source valueForKey:keyName] forKey:keyName];


    return cloned;

答案 3 :(得分:15)

这是@Derricks的答案,经过修改以通过查询关系以查看是否已订购来支持新的iOS 6.0订购多人关系。当我在那里时,我在同一个NSManagedObjectContext中为克隆的常见情况添加了一个更简单的-clone方法。

//  NSManagedObject+Clone.h
//  Tone Poet
//  Created by Mason Kramer on 5/31/13.
//  Copyright (c) 2013 Mason Kramer. The contents of this file are available for use by anyone, for any purpose whatsoever.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>

@interface NSManagedObject (Clone) {

-(NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context withCopiedCache:(NSMutableDictionary *)alreadyCopied exludeEntities:(NSArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude;
-(NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context exludeEntities:(NSArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude;
-(NSManagedObject *) clone;


//  NSManagedObject+Clone.m
//  Tone Poet
//  Created by Mason Kramer on 5/31/13.
//  Copyright (c) 2013 Mason Kramer. The contents of this file are available for use by anyone, for any purpose whatsoever.

#import "NSManagedObject+Clone.h"

@implementation NSManagedObject (Clone)

-(NSManagedObject *) clone {
    return [self cloneInContext:[self managedObjectContext] exludeEntities:@[]];

- (NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context withCopiedCache:(NSMutableDictionary *)alreadyCopied exludeEntities:(NSArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude {
    NSString *entityName = [[self entity] name];

    if ([namesOfEntitiesToExclude containsObject:entityName]) {
        return nil;

    NSManagedObject *cloned = [alreadyCopied objectForKey:[self objectID]];
    if (cloned != nil) {
        return cloned;

    //create new object in data store
    cloned = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:entityName inManagedObjectContext:context];
    [alreadyCopied setObject:cloned forKey:[self objectID]];

    //loop through all attributes and assign then to the clone
    NSDictionary *attributes = [[NSEntityDescription entityForName:entityName inManagedObjectContext:context] attributesByName];

    for (NSString *attr in attributes) {
        [cloned setValue:[self valueForKey:attr] forKey:attr];

    //Loop through all relationships, and clone them.
    NSDictionary *relationships = [[NSEntityDescription entityForName:entityName inManagedObjectContext:context] relationshipsByName];
    for (NSString *relName in [relationships allKeys]){
        NSRelationshipDescription *rel = [relationships objectForKey:relName];

        NSString *keyName = rel.name;
        if ([rel isToMany]) {
            if ([rel isOrdered]) {
                NSMutableOrderedSet *sourceSet = [self mutableOrderedSetValueForKey:keyName];
                NSMutableOrderedSet *clonedSet = [cloned mutableOrderedSetValueForKey:keyName];

                NSEnumerator *e = [sourceSet objectEnumerator];

                NSManagedObject *relatedObject;
                while ( relatedObject = [e nextObject]){
                    //Clone it, and add clone to set
                    NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [relatedObject cloneInContext:context withCopiedCache:alreadyCopied exludeEntities:namesOfEntitiesToExclude];

                    [clonedSet addObject:clonedRelatedObject];
                    [clonedSet addObject:clonedRelatedObject];
            else {
                NSMutableSet *sourceSet = [self mutableSetValueForKey:keyName];
                NSMutableSet *clonedSet = [cloned mutableSetValueForKey:keyName];
                NSEnumerator *e = [sourceSet objectEnumerator];
                NSManagedObject *relatedObject;
                while ( relatedObject = [e nextObject]){
                    //Clone it, and add clone to set
                    NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [relatedObject cloneInContext:context withCopiedCache:alreadyCopied exludeEntities:namesOfEntitiesToExclude];

                    [clonedSet addObject:clonedRelatedObject];
        else {
            NSManagedObject *relatedObject = [self valueForKey:keyName];
            if (relatedObject != nil) {
                NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [relatedObject cloneInContext:context withCopiedCache:alreadyCopied exludeEntities:namesOfEntitiesToExclude];
                [cloned setValue:clonedRelatedObject forKey:keyName];


    return cloned;

-(NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context exludeEntities:(NSArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude {
    return [self cloneInContext:context withCopiedCache:[NSMutableDictionary dictionary] exludeEntities:namesOfEntitiesToExclude];

答案 4 :(得分:8)



@implementation NSManagedObjectContext (DeepCopy)

-(NSManagedObject *) clone:(NSManagedObject *)source{
    NSString *entityName = [[source entity] name];

    //create new object in data store
    NSManagedObject *cloned = [NSEntityDescription

    //loop through all attributes and assign then to the clone
    NSDictionary *attributes = [[NSEntityDescription
                                 inManagedObjectContext:self] attributesByName];

    for (NSString *attr in attributes) {
        [cloned setValue:[source valueForKey:attr] forKey:attr];

    //Loop through all relationships, and clone them.
    NSDictionary *relationships = [[NSEntityDescription
                                    inManagedObjectContext:self] relationshipsByName];

    for (NSString *relName in [relationships allKeys]){

        NSRelationshipDescription *rel = [relationships objectForKey:relName];
        if ([rel isToMany]) {
            //get a set of all objects in the relationship
            NSArray *sourceArray = [[source mutableSetValueForKey:relName] allObjects];
            NSMutableSet *clonedSet = [cloned mutableSetValueForKey:relName];
            for(NSManagedObject *relatedObject in sourceArray) {
                NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [self clone:relatedObject];
                [clonedSet addObject:clonedRelatedObject];
        } else {
            [cloned setValue:[source valueForKey:relName] forKey:relName];


    return cloned;


答案 5 :(得分:6)

我修改了Derrick's answer,这对我来说非常有用,可以支持iOS 5.0和Mac OS X 10.7中提供的ordered relationships

//  NSManagedObject+Clone.h

#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>


@interface NSManagedObject (Clone)

- (NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context
                    excludeEntities:(NSArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude;


//  NSManagedObject+Clone.m

#import "NSManagedObject+Clone.h"

@interface NSManagedObject (ClonePrivate)
- (NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context
                    withCopiedCache:(NSMutableDictionary **)alreadyCopied
                    excludeEntities:(NSArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude;

@implementation NSManagedObject (Clone)

- (NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context
                    withCopiedCache:(NSMutableDictionary **)alreadyCopied
                    excludeEntities:(NSArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude {
    if (!context) {
        CD_CUSTOM_DEBUG_LOG(@"%@:%@ Try to clone NSManagedObject in the 'nil' context.",
        return nil;
    NSString *entityName = [[self entity] name];

    if ([namesOfEntitiesToExclude containsObject:entityName]) {
        return nil;
    NSManagedObject *cloned = nil;
    if (alreadyCopied != NULL) {
        cloned = [*alreadyCopied objectForKey:[self objectID]];
        if (cloned) {
            return cloned;
        // Create new object in data store
        cloned = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:entityName
        [*alreadyCopied setObject:cloned forKey:[self objectID]];
    } else {
        CD_CUSTOM_DEBUG_LOG(@"%@:%@ NULL pointer was passed in 'alreadyCopied' argument.",
    // Loop through all attributes and assign then to the clone
    NSDictionary *attributes = [[NSEntityDescription entityForName:entityName
                                            inManagedObjectContext:context] attributesByName];
    for (NSString *attr in attributes) {
        [cloned setValue:[self valueForKey:attr] forKey:attr];

    // Loop through all relationships, and clone them.
    NSDictionary *relationships = [[NSEntityDescription entityForName:entityName
                                               inManagedObjectContext:context] relationshipsByName];
    NSArray *relationshipKeys = [relationships allKeys];
    for (NSString *relName in relationshipKeys) {
        NSRelationshipDescription *rel = [relationships objectForKey:relName];
        NSString *keyName = [rel name];
        if ([rel isToMany]) {
            if ([rel isOrdered]) {
                // Get a set of all objects in the relationship
                NSMutableOrderedSet *sourceSet = [self mutableOrderedSetValueForKey:keyName];
                NSMutableOrderedSet *clonedSet = [cloned mutableOrderedSetValueForKey:keyName];
                for (id relatedObject in sourceSet) {
                    //Clone it, and add clone to set
                    NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [relatedObject cloneInContext:context
                    if (clonedRelatedObject) {
                        [clonedSet addObject:clonedRelatedObject];
            } else {
                // Get a set of all objects in the relationship
                NSMutableSet *sourceSet = [self mutableSetValueForKey:keyName];
                NSMutableSet *clonedSet = [cloned mutableSetValueForKey:keyName];
                for (id relatedObject in sourceSet) {
                    //Clone it, and add clone to set
                    NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [relatedObject cloneInContext:context
                    if (clonedRelatedObject) {
                        [clonedSet addObject:clonedRelatedObject];
        } else {
            NSManagedObject *relatedObject = [self valueForKey:keyName];
            if (relatedObject) {
                NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [relatedObject cloneInContext:context
                [cloned setValue:clonedRelatedObject forKey:keyName];
    return cloned;

- (NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context
                    excludeEntities:(NSArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude {
    NSMutableDictionary* mutableDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
    return [self cloneInContext:context


答案 6 :(得分:5)


//  NSManagedObject+Clone.h

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>

@interface NSManagedObject (Clone) {

-(NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context withCopiedCache:(NSMutableDictionary *)alreadyCopied exludeEntities:(NSMutableArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude  isFirstPass:(BOOL)firstPass;

-(NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context exludeEntities:(NSMutableArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude;

-(NSManagedObject *) clone;


//  NSManagedObject+Clone.m

#import "NSManagedObject+Clone.h"

@implementation NSManagedObject (Clone)

-(NSManagedObject *) clone {
    NSMutableArray *emptyArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1];
    return [self cloneInContext:[self managedObjectContext] exludeEntities:emptyArray];

- (NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context withCopiedCache:(NSMutableDictionary *)alreadyCopied exludeEntities:(NSMutableArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude
    NSString *entityName = [[self entity] name];

    if ([namesOfEntitiesToExclude containsObject:entityName]) {
        return nil;

    NSManagedObject *cloned = [alreadyCopied objectForKey:[self objectID]];
    if (cloned != nil) {
        return cloned;

    //create new object in data store
    cloned = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:entityName inManagedObjectContext:context];
    [alreadyCopied setObject:cloned forKey:[self objectID]];

    //loop through all attributes and assign then to the clone
    NSDictionary *attributes = [[NSEntityDescription entityForName:entityName inManagedObjectContext:context] attributesByName];

    for (NSString *attr in attributes) {
        [cloned setValue:[self valueForKey:attr] forKey:attr];

    //Inverse relationships can cause all of the entities under one area to get duplicated
    //This is the reason for "isFirstPass" and "excludeEntities"

    if (firstPass == TRUE) {
        [namesOfEntitiesToExclude addObject:entityName];

    //Loop through all relationships, and clone them.
    NSDictionary *relationships = [[NSEntityDescription entityForName:entityName inManagedObjectContext:context] relationshipsByName];
    for (NSString *relName in [relationships allKeys]){
        NSRelationshipDescription *rel = [relationships objectForKey:relName];

        NSString *keyName = rel.name;
        if ([rel isToMany]) {
            if ([rel isOrdered]) {
                NSMutableOrderedSet *sourceSet = [self mutableOrderedSetValueForKey:keyName];
                NSMutableOrderedSet *clonedSet = [cloned mutableOrderedSetValueForKey:keyName];

                NSEnumerator *e = [sourceSet objectEnumerator];

                NSManagedObject *relatedObject;
                while ( relatedObject = [e nextObject]){
                    //Clone it, and add clone to set
                    NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [relatedObject cloneInContext:context withCopiedCache:alreadyCopied exludeEntities:namesOfEntitiesToExclude

                    if (clonedRelatedObject != nil) {
                    [clonedSet addObject:clonedRelatedObject];
                    [clonedSet addObject:clonedRelatedObject];
            else {
                NSMutableSet *sourceSet = [self mutableSetValueForKey:keyName];
                NSMutableSet *clonedSet = [cloned mutableSetValueForKey:keyName];
                NSEnumerator *e = [sourceSet objectEnumerator];
                NSManagedObject *relatedObject;
                while ( relatedObject = [e nextObject]){
                    //Clone it, and add clone to set
                    NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [relatedObject cloneInContext:context withCopiedCache:alreadyCopied exludeEntities:namesOfEntitiesToExclude
                    if (clonedRelatedObject != nil) {
                    [clonedSet addObject:clonedRelatedObject];
        else {
            NSManagedObject *relatedObject = [self valueForKey:keyName];
            if (relatedObject != nil) {
                NSManagedObject *clonedRelatedObject = [relatedObject cloneInContext:context withCopiedCache:alreadyCopied exludeEntities:namesOfEntitiesToExclude
                if (clonedRelatedObject != nil) {
                [cloned setValue:clonedRelatedObject forKey:keyName];


    return cloned;

-(NSManagedObject *)cloneInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context exludeEntities:(NSMutableArray *)namesOfEntitiesToExclude {
    return [self cloneInContext:context withCopiedCache:[NSMutableDictionary dictionary] exludeEntities:namesOfEntitiesToExclude isFirstPass:TRUE];

答案 7 :(得分:4)

这样的东西? (未经测试)这将是您提到的“手动方式”,但它会自动与模型更改同步,因此您不必手动输入所有属性名称。


extension NSManagedObject {
    func shallowCopy() -> NSManagedObject? {
        guard let context = managedObjectContext, let entityName = entity.name else { return nil }
        let copy = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: entityName, into: context)
        let attributes = entity.attributesByName
        for (attrKey, _) in attributes {
            copy.setValue(value(forKey: attrKey), forKey: attrKey)
        return copy


@interface MyObject (Clone)
- (MyObject *)clone;

@implementation MyObject (Clone)

- (MyObject *)clone{

    MyObject *cloned = [NSEntityDescription

    NSDictionary *attributes = [[NSEntityDescription
    inManagedObjectContext:moc] attributesByName];

    for (NSString *attr in attributes) {
        [cloned setValue:[self valueForKey:attr] forKey:attr];

    return cloned;



答案 8 :(得分:3)

您要求的内容称为“深层复制”。因为它可能非常昂贵(如在无限制的内存使用中)并且很难正确(考虑对象图中的循环),因此Core Data不会为您提供此功能。

然而,通常有一种架构可以避免这种需求。您可以创建一个新实体,而不是复制整个对象图,也可以创建一个新实体,用于封装您复制对象图然后仅引用原始图时所具有的差异(或未来差异)。换句话说,实例化一个新的“定制器”实体,而不是复制整个对象图。例如,考虑一组排屋。每个都有相同的框架和设备,但业主可以定制油漆和家具。不是为每个所有者深度复制整个房屋图,而是为每个所有者提供一个“绘画和家具”实体 - 引用所有者和房屋模型。

答案 9 :(得分:3)

这里有 swift 3 方法:

func shallowCopy(copyRelations: Bool) -> NSManagedObject? {

        guard let context = managedObjectContext, let entityName = entity.name else { return nil }
        let copy = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: entityName, into: context)
        let attributes = entity.attributesByName
        for (attrKey, _) in attributes {
            copy.setValue(value(forKey: attrKey), forKey: attrKey)

        if copyRelations {
            let relations = entity.relationshipsByName

            for (relKey, relValue) in relations {
                if relValue.isToMany {
                    let sourceSet = mutableSetValue(forKey: relKey)
                    let clonedSet = copy.mutableSetValue(forKey: relKey)
                    let enumerator = sourceSet.objectEnumerator()

                    while let relatedObject = enumerator.nextObject()  {
                        let clonedRelatedObject = (relatedObject as! NSManagedObject).shallowCopy(copyRelations: false)
                } else {
                    copy.setValue(value(forKey: relKey), forKey: relKey)

        return copy

答案 10 :(得分:2)


答案 11 :(得分:0)


[clone setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:[item dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:[properties allKeys]]];
[clone setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:[item dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:[attributes allKeys]]];

答案 12 :(得分:0)



NSString *entityName = [[self entity] name];

下面     if([namesOfEntitiesToExclude containsObject:entityName]){

NSMutableArray *arrayToOnlyRelate   = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"ENTITY 1",@"ENTITY 2",@"ENTITY 3", nil];

if ([arrayToOnlyRelate containsObject:entityName]) {
    return self;

答案 13 :(得分:0)


  • rel.inverseRelationship.name传递给递归方法,以省略访问反向关系而不是维护一组alreadyCopied个对象

  • 浅或深拷贝

  • 接受与克隆关系的密钥路径,但要么省略,要么只是复制,如果逆是多对多关系

  • 有序的,多对多关系的解决方法以向后的顺序结束 - 简单地遍历源实体向后 :)我不确定这是一个好主意还是它甚至一直有效



答案 14 :(得分:0)

Swift 4.0版本

import UIKit
import CoreData

class ManagedObjectCloner: NSObject {

    static func cloneObject(source :NSManagedObject, context :NSManagedObjectContext) -> NSManagedObject{
        let entityName = source.entity.name
        let cloned = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: entityName!, into: context)

        let attributes = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: entityName!, in: context)?.attributesByName

        for (key,_) in attributes! {
            cloned.setValue(source.value(forKey: key), forKey: key)

        let relationships = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: entityName!, in: context)?.relationshipsByName
        for (key,_) in relationships! {
            let sourceSet = source.mutableSetValue(forKey: key)
            let clonedSet = cloned.mutableSetValue(forKey: key)
            let e = sourceSet.objectEnumerator()

            var relatedObj = e.nextObject() as? NSManagedObject

            while ((relatedObj) != nil) {
                let clonedRelatedObject = ManagedObjectCloner.cloneObject(source: relatedObj!, context: context)
                relatedObj = e.nextObject() as? NSManagedObject

        return cloned


答案 15 :(得分:0)


这是基于@Derrick和@Dmitry Makarenko和@masonk的贡献,将所有内容整合在一起,对其进行了改进,并将其变成了适合2020年的解决方案。

  • 处理一对一和一对多房地产
  • 处理有序关系
  • 复制整个NSManagedObject图(使用已经复制的缓存)
  • 实现为NSManagedObject的扩展

import CoreData

extension NSManagedObject {

    func copyEntireObjectGraph(context: NSManagedObjectContext) -> NSManagedObject {

        var cache = Dictionary<NSManagedObjectID, NSManagedObject>()
        return cloneObject(context: context, cache: &cache)


    func cloneObject(context: NSManagedObjectContext, cache alreadyCopied: inout Dictionary<NSManagedObjectID, NSManagedObject>) -> NSManagedObject {

        guard let entityName = self.entity.name else {
            fatalError("source.entity.name == nil")

        if let storedCopy = alreadyCopied[self.objectID] {
            return storedCopy

        let cloned = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: entityName, into: context)
    alreadyCopied[self.objectID] = cloned

        if let attributes = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: entityName, in: context)?.attributesByName {

            for key in attributes.keys {
                cloned.setValue(self.value(forKey: key), forKey: key)


        if let relationships = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: entityName, in: context)?.relationshipsByName {

            for (key, value) in relationships {

                if value.isToMany {

                    if let sourceSet = self.value(forKey: key) as? NSMutableOrderedSet {

                        guard let clonedSet = cloned.value(forKey: key) as? NSMutableOrderedSet else {
                            fatalError("Could not cast relationship \(key) to an NSMutableOrderedSet")

                        let enumerator = sourceSet.objectEnumerator()

                        var nextObject = enumerator.nextObject() as? NSManagedObject

                        while let relatedObject = nextObject {

                            let clonedRelatedObject = relatedObject.cloneObject(context: context, cache: &alreadyCopied)
                            nextObject = enumerator.nextObject() as? NSManagedObject


                    } else if let sourceSet = self.value(forKey: key) as? NSMutableSet {

                        guard let clonedSet = cloned.value(forKey: key) as? NSMutableSet else {
                            fatalError("Could not cast relationship \(key) to an NSMutableSet")

                        let enumerator = sourceSet.objectEnumerator()

                        var nextObject = enumerator.nextObject() as? NSManagedObject

                        while let relatedObject = nextObject {

                            let clonedRelatedObject = relatedObject.cloneObject(context: context, cache: &alreadyCopied)
                            nextObject = enumerator.nextObject() as? NSManagedObject



                } else {

                    if let relatedObject = self.value(forKey: key) as? NSManagedObject {

                        let clonedRelatedObject = relatedObject.cloneObject(context: context, cache: &alreadyCopied)
                        cloned.setValue(clonedRelatedObject, forKey: key)





        return cloned




let myManagedObjectCopy = myManagedObject.copyEntireObjectGraph(context: myContext)

答案 16 :(得分:0)

这是对@Geoff H、@Derrick、@Dmitry Makarenko 和@masonk 的贡献的轻微改进。代码使用了更函数式的风格并抛出了友好的错误?。


  • 处理一对一和一对多的关系
  • 处理有序关系
  • 复制整个 NSManagedObject 图(使用 alreadyCopied 缓存)
  • 作为对 NSManagedObject 的扩展实施
  • 新:抛出自定义 DeepCopyError 而不是崩溃 fatalError()
  • 新:(可选)从 NSManagedObjectContext 本身检索 NSManagedObject

Swift 5.0 代码


import CoreData

extension NSManagedObject {
    enum DeepCopyError: Error {
        case missingContext
        case missingEntityName(NSManagedObject)
        case unmanagedObject(Any)
    func deepcopy(context: NSManagedObjectContext? = nil) throws -> NSManagedObject {
        if let context = context ?? managedObjectContext {
            var cache = Dictionary<NSManagedObjectID, NSManagedObject>()
            return try deepcopy(context: context, cache: &cache)
        } else {
            throw DeepCopyError.missingContext

    private func deepcopy(context: NSManagedObjectContext, cache alreadyCopied: inout Dictionary<NSManagedObjectID, NSManagedObject>) throws -> NSManagedObject {
        guard let entityName = self.entity.name else {
            throw DeepCopyError.missingEntityName(self)
        if let storedCopy = alreadyCopied[self.objectID] {
            return storedCopy

        let cloned = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: entityName, into: context)
        alreadyCopied[self.objectID] = cloned
        // Loop through all attributes and assign then to the clone
            .entity(forEntityName: entityName, in: context)?
            .forEach { attribute in
                cloned.setValue(value(forKey: attribute.key), forKey: attribute.key)
        // Loop through all relationships, and clone them.
        try NSEntityDescription
            .entity(forEntityName: entityName, in: context)?
            .forEach { relation in
                if relation.value.isToMany {
                    if relation.value.isOrdered {
                        // Get a set of all objects in the relationship
                        let sourceSet = mutableOrderedSetValue(forKey: relation.key)
                        let clonedSet = cloned.mutableOrderedSetValue(forKey: relation.key)
                        for object in sourceSet.objectEnumerator() {
                            if let relatedObject = object as? NSManagedObject {
                                // Clone it, and add clone to the set
                                let clonedRelatedObject = try relatedObject.deepcopy(context: context, cache: &alreadyCopied)
                                clonedSet.add(clonedRelatedObject as Any)
                            } else {
                                throw DeepCopyError.unmanagedObject(object)
                    } else {
                        // Get a set of all objects in the relationship
                        let sourceSet = mutableSetValue(forKey: relation.key)
                        let clonedSet = cloned.mutableSetValue(forKey: relation.key)
                        for object in sourceSet.objectEnumerator() {
                            if let relatedObject = object as? NSManagedObject {
                                // Clone it, and add clone to the set
                                let clonedRelatedObject = try relatedObject.deepcopy(context: context, cache: &alreadyCopied)
                                clonedSet.add(clonedRelatedObject as Any)
                            } else {
                                throw DeepCopyError.unmanagedObject(object)
                } else if let relatedObject = self.value(forKey: relation.key) as? NSManagedObject {
                    // Clone it, and assign then to the clone
                    let clonedRelatedObject = try relatedObject.deepcopy(context: context, cache: &alreadyCopied)
                    cloned.setValue(clonedRelatedObject, forKey: relation.key)
        return cloned