
时间:2014-12-04 18:23:49

标签: java swing jtable inputverifier

我正在编写一个自定义POS系统,允许用户直接在桌面上更改数量,而不是生成一个对话框。这是表格的第一行,其中包含虚拟数据。 (我还没把它与数据库联系起来。) enter image description here



我的验证器嵌套在屏幕本身内,因此它可以访问屏幕的字段和表格本身。我想把它放到表模型中,但我发现我无法告诉用户选择了哪个单元格。 (验证()有效,所以我省略了)

class QtyVerifier extends InputVerifier
    private int qty = 0;
    private BigDecimal pricePerUnit;
    private BigDecimal prevamt;

    public boolean shouldYieldFocus(JComponent input) 
        //reset quantity
        this.qty = 0;

        //verify the results
        boolean ok2go = this.verify(input);

        if (ok2go)
            //grab all the current values
            this.qty = new Integer(
                    (String)salesOrderFormTable.getValueAt(rowselected, colselected));
            this.pricePerUnit = new BigDecimal(
                    (String)salesOrderFormTable.getValueAt(rowselected, colselected));
            this.prevamt = new BigDecimal( 
                    (String)salesOrderFormTable.getValueAt(rowselected, colselected));

            //remove previous amount from the total
            //update sales order total

            //update line total cell
            salesOrderFormTable.setValueAt(actualTotal, rowselected, 6);
        else { ... }
        return ok2go;



Selected: 0,1
Quantity in cell 0,1 is 1
Line price is 1.0
Previous amt is 1.0
New amt is 1.0

好的,好的。所以我将值更改为5并按Enter键。 enter image description here 它将值更改为25 (解决了此问题),并从单元格中提取错误的数据。

Quantity in cell 0,1 is 5 //this is correct
Line price is 5.0 //this is incorrect. It should be 1.
Previous amt is 5.0 //also incorrect. This also should be 1.
New amt is 25.0 //this WOULD be correct if the previous data was.


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  • 验证数字列的输入:如果我们的表模型中的getColumnClass(...)返回适当的类,则可以将其委派给正确的编辑器。无需自定义编辑器!
  • 更新amtqty列上的price列更新:这也可以使用表模型完成,只需要正确覆盖setValueAt(...)
  • 以货币格式显示priceamt列:这可以通过提供自定义渲染器(而不是编辑器)来完成。


String[] header = new String[] { "qty", "price", "amt" };
DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(header, 1) {

    public Class<?> getColumnClass(int columnIndex) {
        switch (columnIndex) {
            case 0: return Integer.class;
            case 1: 
            case 2: return Double.class;
        throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(columnIndex);

    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
        return column < 2;

    public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int row, int column) {
        super.setValueAt(aValue, row, column);
        if (column < 2) {
            Integer qty = (Integer)getValueAt(row, 0);
            Double price = (Double)getValueAt(row, 1);
            Double amt = (qty != null && price != null) 
                       ? (Double)(qty * price)
                       : null;
            super.setValueAt(amt, row, 2);


  1. 在此示例中,我只设置了实际重要的三列:qtypriceamt
  2. 只有qtyprice列可编辑而amt不可编辑(在其他列更新时计算)。
  3. 鉴于getColumnClass()实现,默认编辑器不允许任何数字列的无效输入:列类是否为Integer,它只允许整数值。这同样适用于Double class。
  4. 如果修改了qtyprice列,则会调用setValueAt(...)并相应地更新amt列。
  5. 最后,在渲染单元格(未编辑)时应用货币格式,我们需要提供自定义渲染器。例如:

    class CurrencyRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {
        private final NumberFormat currencyFormat;
        public CurrencyRenderer() {
            currencyFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
            Component renderer = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
            if (value instanceof Number) {
            return renderer;

    现在,有不同的方式来提供渲染器,所有这些都在这里解释:Concepts: Editors and Renderers