FileInputStream s = new FileInputStream(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath()+"/audio_raw.wav");
BufferedInputStream b = new BufferedInputStream(s);
byte[] data = new byte[128];
while((bytes = b.read(data)) > 0)
for(int i = 0; i<bytes; i++)
unsigned = data[i] & 0xFF;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
// read a wav file into this class
public boolean read()
DataInputStream inFile = null;
myData = null;
byte[] tmpLong = new byte[4];
byte[] tmpInt = new byte[2];
inFile = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(myPath));
//System.out.println("Reading wav file...\n"); // for debugging only
String chunkID = "" + (char) inFile.readByte() + (char) inFile.readByte() + (char) inFile.readByte() + (char) inFile.readByte();
inFile.read(tmpLong); // read the ChunkSize
myChunkSize = byteArrayToLong(tmpLong);
String format = "" + (char) inFile.readByte() + (char) inFile.readByte() + (char) inFile.readByte() + (char) inFile.readByte();
// print what we've read so far
//System.out.println("chunkID:" + chunkID + " chunk1Size:" + myChunkSize + " format:" + format); // for debugging only
String subChunk1ID = "" + (char) inFile.readByte() + (char) inFile.readByte() + (char) inFile.readByte() + (char) inFile.readByte();
inFile.read(tmpLong); // read the SubChunk1Size
mySubChunk1Size = byteArrayToLong(tmpLong);
inFile.read(tmpInt); // read the audio format. This should be 1 for PCM
myFormat = byteArrayToInt(tmpInt);
inFile.read(tmpInt); // read the # of channels (1 or 2)
myChannels = byteArrayToInt(tmpInt);
inFile.read(tmpLong); // read the samplerate
mySampleRate = byteArrayToLong(tmpLong);
inFile.read(tmpLong); // read the byterate
myByteRate = byteArrayToLong(tmpLong);
inFile.read(tmpInt); // read the blockalign
myBlockAlign = byteArrayToInt(tmpInt);
inFile.read(tmpInt); // read the bitspersample
myBitsPerSample = byteArrayToInt(tmpInt);
// print what we've read so far
//System.out.println("SubChunk1ID:" + subChunk1ID + " SubChunk1Size:" + mySubChunk1Size + " AudioFormat:" + myFormat + " Channels:" + myChannels + " SampleRate:" + mySampleRate);
// read the data chunk header - reading this IS necessary, because not all wav files will have the data chunk here - for now, we're just assuming that the data chunk is here
String dataChunkID = "" + (char) inFile.readByte() + (char) inFile.readByte() + (char) inFile.readByte() + (char) inFile.readByte();
inFile.read(tmpLong); // read the size of the data
myDataSize = byteArrayToLong(tmpLong);
// read the data chunk
myData = new byte[(int) myDataSize];
// close the input stream
catch (Exception e)
return false;
return true; // this should probably be something more descriptive