好的,这是我的困境。当您在IE8及更早版本的兼容模式下查看它时,我使用的960 gs会中断。我的公司不允许删除/隐藏兼容模式的代码。他们将更新到更新版本的IE,但暂时不会,这个网站必须在月底前工作。所以我真的被困住了,需要一些帮助。这是我在下面使用的测试代码。我还用JS小提琴提供它,这样你就可以看到所有的代码。这是JS小提琴:http://jsfiddle.net/6gtt9c7u/embedded/result/
<div class="container_14">
<div class="grid_6 alpha">
<div class="grid_6 alpha omega results">
<div id="bulletin" class="tooltip" title="Tip1">
<h5><b>Bulletin Board</b></h5>
</div> <!-- end inner Bulletin div (any margins or padding for this article add to this div -->
</div> <!-- end Bulletin Board -->
<div class="clear"></div> <!-- Creates new row in grid system -->
<div class="grid_3 alpha results1 cursor">
<a href="http://www.google.com" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none; dispaly: block; cursor: pointer; border-bottom:0;" title="Getting started">
<div id="started" class="tooltip" title="Tip4">
<h3>Getting Started</h3>
</div> <!-- end inner Getting Started div (any margins or padding for this article add to this div -->
</div> <!-- end Getting Started -->
<div class="grid_3 omega results1 cursor">
<div id="ownCareer" class="tooltip" title="Tip5">
<h3>Own Your Career</h3>
</div> <!-- end inner Own Your Career div (any margins or padding for this article add to this div -->
</div> <!-- end Own Your Career -->
<div class="clear"></div> <!-- Creates new row in grid system -->
<div class="grid_3 alpha results1 cursor">
<div id="ace" class="tooltip" title="Tip6">
<h3>Ace Your Job</h3>
</div> <!-- end Ace Your Job -->
<div class="grid_3 omega results1 cursor">
<div id="develop" class="tooltip" title="Tip7">
<h3>Develop Your Team</h3>
</div> <!-- end inner Develop Your Team div (any margins or padding for this article add to this div -->
</div> <!-- end Develop Your Team -->
</div> <!-- End grid 6 Div -->
<div class="grid_8 omega">
<div class="grid_6 alpha results">
<div id="whatIs" class="tooltip" title="Tip2">
<h4>What is the Learning and Development Network?</h4>
</div> <!-- end inner WhatIs div (any margins or padding for this article add to this div -->
</div> <!-- end What is -->
<div class="grid_2 omega results">
<div id="quickLearning" class="tooltip" title="Tip3">
<h3>Quick Learning Break</h3>
<img src="http://placehold.it/75x75" alt="Take 5 Icon" />
<a href="#quickLearningBox" title="Quick Learning Break" class="lightbox"></a>
<div id="quickLearningBox">
<h3>Quick Learning Break</h3>
<p>More content...</p>
<a href="#">Quick Learning Break</a>
</div> <!-- Easybox div - all contents in this div will appear in the lightbox for this div -->
</div> <!-- end inner Quick Learning div (any margins or padding for this article add to this div -->
</div> <!-- end Quick Learning -->
<div class="clear"></div> <!-- Creates new row in grid system -->
<div class="grid_8 alpha omega">
<div class="grid_6 alpha results1">
<div id="featured">
<div id="owl-demo" class="owl-carousel owl-theme">
<div class="item">
<h3>Featured Programs for Front Line Leaders</h3><br/>
</div> <!--End Div item-->
<div class="item">
<h3>Featured Programs for Trainers</h3><br/>
</div> <!--End Grid 6-->
<div class="item">
<h3>Featured Programs for All Associates</h3><br/>
</div> <!--End Div item-->
</div> <!--End Owl Demo-->
</div> <!--End Div Featured-->
</div> <!-- end Featured courses -->
<div class="grid_2 omega results1 cursor mydiv">
<div id="keyLearning" class="tooltip" title="Tip9">
<h3>Key Learning Resources</h3>
<img src="images/graduate23_100px.png" alt="My Learning" />
<a href="#keyLearningBox" title="Key Learning Resources" class="lightbox"></a>
<div id="keyLearningBox">
<h3>Key Learning Resources</h3>
<p>More content...</p>
<a href="#">Key Learning Resources</a>
</div> <!-- Easybox div - all contents in this div will appear in the lightbox for this div -->
</div> <!-- end inner Key Learning Resources div (any margins or padding for this article add to this div -->
</div> <!-- end Key Learning Resources -->
<div class="grid_2 omega results1">
<div id="about" class="tooltip" title="Tip10">
<h3>Learn About, Inc's Culture</h3>
<a href="#aboutBox" title="Learn About" class="lightbox"></a>
<div id="aboutBox">
<h3>Learn About, Inc's Culture</h3>
<p>More content...</p>
<a href="#">Learn About</a>
</div> <!-- Easybox div - all contents in this div will appear in the lightbox for this div -->
<img src="http://placehold.it/85x15" alt="Core Values" />
</div> <!-- end inner myLearning div (any margins or padding for this article add to this div -->
</div> <!-- end Learn About -->
</div><!-- end inner grid 8 alpha container -->
</div><!-- end outer grid_8 omega -->
</div> <!-- end container -->