在Mac OS X 10.6.3下保存PDF时应用Quartz过滤器

时间:2010-04-28 10:57:32

标签: macos quartz-graphics pyobjc

使用Mac OS X API,我正在尝试使用Quartz过滤器保存PDF文件,就像可以从预览应用程序中的“另存为”对话框一样。到目前为止,我已经编写了以下代码(使用Python和pyObjC,但对我来说并不重要):

- filter-pdf.py:start

from Foundation import *
from Quartz import *
import objc

page_rect = CGRectMake (0, 0, 612, 792)
fdict = NSDictionary.dictionaryWithContentsOfFile_("/System/Library/Filters/Blue
\ Tone.qfilter")
in_pdf = CGPDFDocumentCreateWithProvider(CGDataProviderCreateWithFilename ("test
url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(None, "test_out.pdf", kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, 
c = CGPDFContextCreateWithURL(url, page_rect, fdict)

np = CGPDFDocumentGetNumberOfPages(in_pdf)
for ip in range (1, np+1):
        page = CGPDFDocumentGetPage(in_pdf, ip)
        r = CGPDFPageGetBoxRect(page, kCGPDFMediaBox)
        CGContextBeginPage(c, r)
        CGContextDrawPDFPage(c, page)

- filter-pdf.py:ndout

不幸的是,过滤器“Blue Tone”未应用,输出PDF看起来与输入PDF完全相同。



----- filter-pdf-old.py:start

from CoreGraphics import *
import sys, os, math, getopt, string

def usage ():
  print '''
usage: python filter-pdf.py FILTER INPUT-PDF OUTPUT-PDF

Apply a ColorSync Filter to a PDF document.

def main ():

  page_rect = CGRectMake (0, 0, 612, 792)

    opts,args = getopt.getopt (sys.argv[1:], '', [])
  except getopt.GetoptError:
    usage ()
    sys.exit (1)

  if len (args) != 3:
    usage ()
    sys.exit (1)

  filter = CGContextFilterCreateDictionary (args[0])
  if not filter:
    print 'Unable to create context filter'
    sys.exit (1)
  pdf = CGPDFDocumentCreateWithProvider (CGDataProviderCreateWithFilename (args[1]))
  if not pdf:
    print 'Unable to open input file'
    sys.exit (1)

  c = CGPDFContextCreateWithFilename (args[2], page_rect, filter)
  if not c:
    print 'Unable to create output context'
    sys.exit (1)

  for p in range (1, pdf.getNumberOfPages () + 1):
    #r = pdf.getMediaBox (p)
    r = pdf.getPage(p).getBoxRect(p)
    c.beginPage (r)
    c.drawPDFDocument (r, pdf, p)
    c.endPage ()

  c.finish ()

if __name__ == '__main__':
  main ()

----- filter-pdf-old.py:ndout

=============================================== ========================


from Foundation import *
from Quartz import *

pdf_url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_("test.pdf")
pdf_doc = PDFDocument.alloc().initWithURL_(pdf_url)

furl = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_("/System/Library/Filters/Blue Tone.qfilter")
fobj = QuartzFilter.quartzFilterWithURL_(furl)
fdict = { 'QuartzFilter': fobj }
pdf_doc.writeToFile_withOptions_("test_out.pdf", fdict)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

两种方法 - 如果您需要打开并修改现有文件,请使用PDFKit的PDF文档(reference)并使用PDFDocument的writeToFile_withOptions_和选项dict,包括所需过滤器的“QuartzFilter”选项。


from Quartz import *
data = NSMutableData.dataWithCapacity_(1024**2)
dataConsumer = CGDataConsumerCreateWithCFData(data)
context = CGPDFContextCreate(dataConsumer, None, None)
f = QuartzFilter.quartzFilterWithURL_(NSURL.fileURLWithPath_("YourFltr.qfilter"))
# do your drawing
# the PDF is in the data variable. Do whatever you need to do with the data (save to file...).