
时间:2014-12-04 03:37:31

标签: assembly

我知道这是一个简单的问题,但我真的不知道如何解决这个问题。 我正在使用此代码

mov bx, handle
mov dx, offset data
mov cx, 100
mov ah, 40h
int 21h



.model small
    filename db "test1.txt", 0
    handle dw ?
    data db "write me! "
    buffer db 200 dup(' ') 
    errormess db "Error in opening file!$"
.stack 100h

    main proc

    mov ax, @data
    mov ds, ax

    mov AH,3dh
    mov AL,2
    lea dx,filename
    int 21h

    mov handle,AX
    jc erroropen
    jmp noerror
        lea dx, errormess
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h
        jmp exit

    mov bx, handle
    mov ah, 42h  ; "lseek"
    mov al, 2    ; position relative to end of file
    mov cx, 0    ; offset MSW
    mov dx, 0    ; offset LSW
    int 21h

    ;mov bx, handle
    mov dx, offset data
    mov cx, 100
    mov ah, 40h
    int 21h ; write to file...

    mov bx, handle
    mov ah, 3eh
    int 21h ; close file... 

    mov ax, 4c00h
    int 21h

    main endp
    end main

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

也许在编写之前使用function 42hlseek)并定位到文件的末尾:

; assuming "bx" holds the file handle

mov ah, 42h  ; "lseek"
mov al, 2    ; position relative to end of file
mov cx, 0    ; offset MSW
mov dx, 0    ; offset LSW
int 21h

; current position (= file length) now in dx:ax
; write here...

(哇,我以为我再也没想过DOS中断了; - )。


   org 100h

section .code

   mov ah, 3dh
   mov al, 2
   mov dx, filename
   int 21h
   jc err_open

   mov [handle], ax

   mov bx, ax
   mov ah, 42h  ; "lseek"
   mov al, 2    ; position relative to end of file
   mov cx, 0    ; offset MSW
   mov dx, 0    ; offset LSW
   int 21h
   jc err_seek

   mov bx, [handle]
   mov dx, usermsg
   mov cx, 100
   mov ah, 40h
   int 21h ; write to file...
   jc err_write

   mov bx, [handle]
   mov ah, 3eh
   int 21h ; close file...
   jc err_close

   mov ax, 4c00h
   int 21h

   mov dx, msg_open
   jmp error

   mov dx, msg_seek
   jmp error

   mov dx, msg_write
   jmp error

   mov dx, msg_close
   ; fallthrough

   mov ah, 09h
   int 21h

   mov ax, 4c01h
   int 21h

section .data

filename:  db "test1.txt", 0
handle:    dw 0
usermsg:   db "write me", 0
buffer:    times 200 db 0
msg_open:  db "Error opening file!$"
msg_seek:  db "Error seeking file!$"
msg_write: db "Error writing file!$"
msg_close: db "Error closing file!$"

今晚可能比我想要的DOS更多: - )

% echo "bla" > ~/.dosemu/drive_c/test1.txt 
% dosemu

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