我正在开发一个有5个班级的项目。其中一个是验证类。我验证了控件类中的数据,但教授希望它在一个单独的类中。 这是我的代码示例。用户在令牌中输入信息。运行正常,但在控制器类中,我应该“调用”具有自己的类的验证。我该怎么编码呢?
while (tkCustomer.hasMoreTokens()){
//store each token in the corresponding variable
//Make sure we format integers
//variablename = tkCustomer.nextToken();
firstName = tkCustomer.nextToken( );
lastName = tkCustomer.nextToken ( );
phone = tkCustomer.nextToken ( );
nbrVehicle = Integer.parseInt(tkCustomer.nextToken( ));
nbrTanks = Integer.parseInt(tkCustomer.nextToken( ));
//validate each data entered here
int firstNameLength = firstName.length();
if(firstNameLength == 0){
String errorMessage = "Please Enter a Valid First Name";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMessage, "Invalid Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
int lastNameLength = lastName.length();
if(lastNameLength == 0){
String errorMesssage = "Please Enter a Valid Last Name";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMesssage, "Invalid Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
int phoneLength = phone.length();
if(phoneLength != 10) {
String errorMesssage = "Please Enter a Valid Phone Number";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMesssage, "Invalid Phone Number", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
if(nbrVehicle < 1 || nbrVehicle > 10) {
String errorMesssage = "Please Enter a Number Between 1 & 10 for Your Order of Vehicles";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMesssage, "Invalid Vehicle Order", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
if(nbrTanks != 2 && nbrTanks != 4 && nbrTanks != 8 && nbrTanks != 10 && nbrTanks != 15 && nbrTanks != 20){
String errorMesssage = "Please Enter Either 2, 4, 8, 10, 15, or 20 for Your Order of Tanks";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMesssage, "Invalid Number of Tanks", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
此外,一旦用户选择了给予他们的特定选项,程序就会崩溃。控件类的完整代码如下。 DUring第一轮tokenizer项目程序运行正常。在第二轮之后程序崩溃,给我这个错误:
线程“main”java.util.NoSuchElementException中的异常 at java.util.StringTokenizer.nextToken(StringTokenizer.java:349) 在project3example.HayloFactoryController.main(HayloFactoryController.java:126)
我已尝试过“while has more token”方法,但只是将程序发送到无限循环,只能使用停止按钮终止。
package project3example;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
公共类HayloFactoryController {/**
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
//create variables to hold information collected from the user
String firstName = null;
String lastName = null;
String phone = "";
int nbrTanks = 0;
int nbrVehicle = 0;
double total = 0;
//collect the data entered by the user in
String customerMessage = "Please enter the following separated by spaces"
+ "\n\n"
+ "- Customer First Name\n"
+ "- Customer Last Name\n"
+ "- Customer Phone\n"
+ "- Number of Vehicles\n"
+ "- Number of Tanks"
+ "\n\n"
+ "Example: Homer Simpson 9094559384 5 8\n\n"
StringTokenizer tkCustomer = new StringTokenizer(
while (tkCustomer.hasMoreTokens()){
//store each token in the corresponding variable
//Make sure we format integers
//variablename = tkCustomer.nextToken();
firstName = tkCustomer.nextToken( );
lastName = tkCustomer.nextToken ( );
phone = tkCustomer.nextToken ( );
nbrVehicle = Integer.parseInt(tkCustomer.nextToken( ));
nbrTanks = Integer.parseInt(tkCustomer.nextToken( ));
//validate each data entered here
int firstNameLength = firstName.length();
if(firstNameLength == 0){
String errorMessage = "Please Enter a Valid First Name";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMessage, "Invalid Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
int lastNameLength = lastName.length();
if(lastNameLength == 0){
String errorMesssage = "Please Enter a Valid Last Name";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMesssage, "Invalid Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
int phoneLength = phone.length();
if(phoneLength != 10) {
String errorMesssage = "Please Enter a Valid Phone Number";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMesssage, "Invalid Phone Number", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
if(nbrVehicle < 1 || nbrVehicle > 10) {
String errorMesssage = "Please Enter a Number Between 1 & 10 for Your Order of Vehicles";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMesssage, "Invalid Vehicle Order", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
if(nbrTanks != 2 && nbrTanks != 4 && nbrTanks != 8 && nbrTanks != 10 && nbrTanks != 15 && nbrTanks != 20){
String errorMesssage = "Please Enter Either 2, 4, 8, 10, 15, or 20 for Your Order of Tanks";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMesssage, "Invalid Number of Tanks", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
//Create a customer Object
//CustomerObject variableName = new CustomerObject(arguments)
HayloCustomer customer = new HayloCustomer (firstName, lastName, phone, nbrVehicle, nbrTanks, total);
//Present the customer with a choice of vehicles
String[] choices = {"EV-EX 4", "EV-EX 6", "EV-DX 9", "EV-DX 12", "EV-SX 13"};
int response = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(
null // center over parent
, "Select a Vehicle type and Number of Fuel Cells" // message
, "Vehicle & Fuel Cell Selection" // title in title bar
, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION // Option type
, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE // messageType
, null // icon
, choices // Options
, "APS 24" // initial value
//get the selection from the customer
StringTokenizer tkVehicle= new StringTokenizer(choices[response]);
//populate the vehicle variables
String vehicleType;
int nbrCells;
int costVehicle;
int tankCost;
//while (tkVehicle.hasMoreTokens());
vehicleType = tkVehicle.nextToken();
nbrCells = Integer.parseInt(tkVehicle.nextToken());
costVehicle = Integer.parseInt(tkVehicle.nextToken());
tankCost = Integer.parseInt(tkVehicle.nextToken());
//Create our vehicle object
//VehicleObject variableName = new VehicleObject(arguments)
HayloVehicle vehicleFactory = new HayloVehicle(vehicleType, nbrCells, costVehicle, tankCost);
//Create our factory object
//FactoryObject factoryVariableName = new FactoryObject(customerObjectVariable, vehicleObjectVariable);
HayloFactory factory = new HayloFactory(customer, vehicleFactory);
//ask the object to process the order
//write code below to display the result for each order
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, factory.getSummary());
}while (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Enter More Orders?") == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION);
//write code below to display the summary for all the orders
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, HayloFactory.salesSummary());
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