
时间:2014-12-03 20:24:31

标签: c# asp.net xml web-services dotnet-httpclient

好的,我又来了。我需要从我正在尝试开发的C#客户端使用Web服务。我正在使用HttpClient(来自.NET 4.5)但我正在使用 .NET 4 ,我从NuGet获得了这些Http包。除了两件事之外,我对WS一无所知:它做了什么(接收一个人的国家身份证号码并以xml格式返回他/她的一些信息),以及服务器要求使用它的凭证。


protected void rutBTN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //This void function triggers when the user clicks the button 
    {                                                   //aside the textbox where they're meant to input the ID number.
        if (rutTB.Text != "")                           //"rutTB" is the textbox aside the button
            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();                       //Here i'm creating an instance of an HTTP client
            var byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("user:pass123"); //Load credentials into a byte array (obviously censored since that's where the actual credentials go
            client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://wschsol.mideplan.cl"); //Base address of the web-service
            var par = "mod_perl/xml/fps-by-rut?rut=" + rutTB.Text;      //Creating a variable that holds the rest of the WS's URL
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray)); //Server authentication header with the byte array turned into a string
            client.GetAsync(par).ContinueWith(                          //Sending the GET request to the WS
                (requestTask) =>
                        HttpResponseMessage resp = requestTask.Result;  //This task receives the WS's http response and assigns it to a HttpResponseMessage variable
                            resp.EnsureSuccessStatusCode();             //This line is to check that the response was successful or else throw an exception
                            XmlDocument xmlResp = new XmlDocument();    //Creating an instance of an xml document
                            (streamTask) =>
                                xmlResp.Load(streamTask.Result);                         //Loading the result stream into an XmlDocument object
                                xmlResp.GetEnumerator();                                 //Not really sure if this is needed.
                                XmlNodeList xmlLst = xmlResp.GetElementsByTagName("dv"); //Loading a list of xml nodes with the elements from the xml object of the type "dv"
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex.InnerException);
            testLBL.Text = "Got here";             //This is to know if the execution reached this point, and it did.
            testLBL.Visible = true;
            dvLBL.Text = xmlLst.Item(0).InnerText; //HERE is the problem. VS tells me that the "xmlLst" name doesn't exist on the current context
            dvLBL.Visible = true;                  //This label was meant to show the value of the 0 indexed item from the list. 
            testLBL.Text = "You must enter an RUT number"; // Error label
            testLBL.Visible = true;




P.S。:以防它可能有用,这是我的故事(关于同一主题的问题之前的问题)Can't assign an http response content into an xml document on C#

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

XmlNodeList xmlLst声明移到任务之外。 client.GetAsync对它自己的范围进行操作,因此当你尝试访问外部的xmlLst时会得到异常。所以你新代码应该是这样的:

HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
XmlNodeList xmlLst;


xmlLst = xmlResp.GetElementsByTagName("dv");
