
时间:2014-12-02 22:26:27

标签: c++ user-interface struct count

我正在使用C ++编写这个GUI,它应该询问输入.txt文件的路径,然后输出路径创建一个格式化的输出文件。我点击“报告”按钮后会尝试打开一个消息框,该按钮将计算输入文件中的项目数并显示该数字。我正在做它作为一个结构,我不知道如何使它工作。请给我一个这方面。这完全来自我的Form.h文件。我将跳过所有窗口生成的代码到安全空间。

#pragma once

 //declare structure and variables at the top of form code

#pragma region Global Declarations

struct PetData
int IdNumber;
char PetType[25];
 //Count and display the number of items in the linked list
int CountItems;
PetData * Link;
PetData *Headpointer = NULL;

ifstream DataFile;
ofstream FileOut;

void InsertItem ( int, char[], PetData* );
void OutputItem ( PetData*);

 #pragma endregion

namespace GilleyFinalExamSample {

using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Data;
using namespace System::Drawing;

//include these libraries
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;


#pragma endregion
private: System::Void ExitButton_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) 
private: System::Void InputFileBox_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) 
private: System::Void CreateFileButton_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) 
         PetData *CurrentRecordPointer;

         int InitIdNumber =0;
         char InitPetType[25] = "\0";

        // get the filename and store it in inputFilename

        char* InputFileName;

         InputFileName = (char*)(void*)Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(InputFileBox->Text);

         DataFile.open ( InputFileName );

         //validation check

         if (!DataFile )
             Application::Exit( );

         }//end of if stmt

    //get filename and store in OutputFileName

         char* OutPutFileName;

         OutPutFileName = (char*)(void*)Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi( OutputFileBox->Text);

         FileOut.open (OutPutFileName );

         //validation check

         if (!FileOut)

         }//end of if stmt

         //priming read

         DataFile >> InitIdNumber;
         DataFile.ignore( );
         DataFile.get (InitPetType, 7 );

         while ( DataFile )
            CurrentRecordPointer = new PetData;
            InsertItem(InitIdNumber, InitPetType, CurrentRecordPointer);
            Headpointer = CurrentRecordPointer;

             DataFile >> InitIdNumber;
             DataFile.ignore( );
             DataFile.get (InitPetType, 7 );

         }//end of while loop

         OutputItem ( Headpointer );

         DataFile.close( );
         FileOut.close( );
         delete CurrentRecordPointer;
         Headpointer = NULL;

     }//end brace of create file button

  //define Insert and output functions

     void InsertItem ( int InitIdNumber, char InitPetType[ ], PetData* CurrentRecordPointer )
         CurrentRecordPointer->IdNumber = InitIdNumber;
         strcpy_s (CurrentRecordPointer->PetType, InitPetType);
         CurrentRecordPointer->Link = Headpointer;

     }//close brace of InsertItem

     void OutputItem ( PetData *FirstRecord )
         FileOut << "       Pet Data    " << endl << endl;
         FileOut << "   Id Number    Pet Type   " << endl;

         while (FirstRecord != NULL)
             FileOut << FirstRecord->IdNumber
                     << "       "
             FirstRecord = FirstRecord->Link;
         }//end of while

     }//close brace of OutputItem Function


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