例如," A1200",是农业企业部门的甘蔗产业类作物。我想知道如何在单独的列中将字母数字代码与其各自的扇区,行业和类别值配对。
中 Catcode Catname Catorder Industry Sector
A1200 Sugar cane A01 Crop Production Agribusiness
Business name Amount donated Year Category
Sarah Farms 1000 2010 A1200
Catcode Catname Catorder Industry Sector Business name Amount donated Year Category
A1200 Sugar cane A01 Crop Production Agribusiness Sarah Farms 1000 2010 A1200
答案 0 :(得分:2)
df1 <- data.frame(Catcode = c("A1200", "B1500", "C1800"),
Catname = c("Sugar", "Salty", "Butter"),
Catorder = c("cane A01", "cane A01", "cane A01"),
Industry = c("Crop Production", "Crop Production", "Crop Production"),
Sector = c("Agribusiness", "Agribusiness", "Agribusiness"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Catcode Catname Catorder Industry Sector
#1 A1200 Sugar cane A01 Crop Production Agribusiness
#2 B1500 Salty cane A01 Crop Production Agribusiness
#3 C1800 Butter cane A01 Crop Production Agribusiness
df2 <- data.frame(BusinessName = c("Sarah Farms", "Ben Farms"),
AmountDonated = c(100, 200),
Year = c(2010, 2010),
Category = c("A1200", "B1500"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# BusinessName AmountDonated Year Category
#1 Sarah Farms 100 2010 A1200
#2 Ben Farms 200 2010 B1500
# 1) dplyr option
# Catcode C1800 will be dropped since it does not exist in both data frames.
inner_join(df1, df2, by = c("Catcode" = "Category"))
# Catcode Catname Catorder Industry Sector BusinessName AmountDonated Year
#1 A1200 Sugar cane A01 Crop Production Agribusiness Sarah Farms 100 2010
#2 B1500 Salty cane A01 Crop Production Agribusiness Ben Farms 200 2010
# Catcide C1800 remains
left_join(df1, df2, by = c("Catcode" = "Category"))
# Catcode Catname Catorder Industry Sector BusinessName AmountDonated Year
#1 A1200 Sugar cane A01 Crop Production Agribusiness Sarah Farms 100 2010
#2 B1500 Salty cane A01 Crop Production Agribusiness Ben Farms 200 2010
#3 C1800 Butter cane A01 Crop Production Agribusiness <NA> NA NA
# 2) data.table option
# Convert data.frame to data.table
#Set columns for merge
setkey(df1, "Catcode")
setkey(df2, "Category")
# Catcode Catname Catorder Industry Sector BusinessName AmountDonated Year
#1: A1200 Sugar cane A01 Crop Production Agribusiness Sarah Farms 100 2010
#2: B1500 Salty cane A01 Crop Production Agribusiness Ben Farms 200 2010
# BusinessName AmountDonated Year Category Catname Catorder Industry Sector
#1: Sarah Farms 100 2010 A1200 Sugar cane A01 Crop Production Agribusiness
#2: Ben Farms 200 2010 B1500 Salty cane A01 Crop Production Agribusiness
#3: NA NA NA C1800 Butter cane A01 Crop Production Agribusiness
答案 1 :(得分:0)
code values dataset(your table for this) a
LEFT JOIN industry donation dataset(your table for this) b
ON a.CatCode = b.Category
答案 2 :(得分:0)
> merge(df1, df2, by.x = "Catcode", by.y = "Category", all = T)
Catcode Catname Catorder Industry Sector Business_name Amount_donated Year
1 A1200 Sugar_cane A01 Crop_Production Agribusiness Sarah_Farms 1000 2010