
时间:2014-11-30 23:39:19

标签: cuda nvcc

大约两年前,我写了一个内核,用于同时处理几个数字网格。出现了一些非常奇怪的行为,导致错误的结果。当使用printf() - 内核中的语句查找错误时,bug就消失了。


__launch_bounds__(672, 2)
__global__ void heisenkernel(float *d_u, float *d_r, float *d_du, int radius,
        int numNodesPerGrid, int numBlocksPerSM, int numGridsPerSM, int numGrids)
    int id_sm           = blockIdx.x /   numBlocksPerSM;                                    // (arbitrary) ID of Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) this thread works upon           - (constant over lifetime of thread)
    int id_blockOnSM    = blockIdx.x % numBlocksPerSM;                                      // Block number on this specific SM                                                 - (constant over lifetime of thread)
    int id_r            = id_blockOnSM  * (blockDim.x - 2*radius) + threadIdx.x - radius;   // Grid point number this thread is to work upon                                    - (constant over lifetime of thread)
    int id_grid         = id_sm         * numGridsPerSM;                                    // Grid ID this thread is to work upon                                              - (not constant over lifetime of thread)

    while(id_grid < numGridsPerSM * (id_sm + 1))    // this loops over numGridsPerSM grids
        int id_numInArray       = id_grid * numNodesPerGrid + id_r;     // Entry in array this thread is responsible for (read and possibly write)  - (not constant over lifetime of thread)
        float uchange           = 0.0f;
        //uchange                   = 1.0f;                                 // if this line is uncommented, results will be computed correctly ("Solution 1")
        float du                = 0.0f;

        if((threadIdx.x > radius-1) && (threadIdx.x < blockDim.x - radius) && (id_r < numNodesPerGrid) && (id_grid < numGrids))
            if (id_r == 0)  // FO-forward difference
                du = (d_u[id_numInArray+1] - d_u[id_numInArray])/(d_r[id_numInArray+1] - d_r[id_numInArray]);
            else if (id_r == numNodesPerGrid - 1)  // FO-rearward difference
                du = (d_u[id_numInArray] - d_u[id_numInArray-1])/(d_r[id_numInArray] - d_r[id_numInArray-1]);
            else if (id_r == 1 || id_r == numNodesPerGrid - 2) //SO-central difference
                du = (d_u[id_numInArray+1] - d_u[id_numInArray-1])/(d_r[id_numInArray+1] - d_r[id_numInArray-1]);
            else if(id_r > 1 && id_r < numNodesPerGrid - 2)
                du = d_fourpoint_constant * ((d_u[id_numInArray+1] - d_u[id_numInArray-1])/(d_r[id_numInArray+1] - d_r[id_numInArray-1])) + (1-d_fourpoint_constant) * ((d_u[id_numInArray+2] - d_u[id_numInArray-2])/(d_r[id_numInArray+2] - d_r[id_numInArray-2]));
                du = 0;

        if((threadIdx.x > radius-1 && threadIdx.x < blockDim.x - radius) && (id_r < numNodesPerGrid) && (id_grid < numGrids))
            d_u[    id_numInArray] = d_u[id_numInArray] * uchange;          // if this line is commented out, results will be computed correctly ("Solution 2")
            d_du[   id_numInArray] = du;




  • 网格由1300个网格点组成
  • 每个网格必须由两个块处理(由于内存/寄存器限制)
  • 每个块依次在37个网格上运行(或者更好:网格一半,while循环处理它)
  • 每个线程负责每个网格中的相同网格点
  • 对于要计算的导数,线程需要访问来自四个下一个网格点的数据
  • 为了使块彼此独立,引入网格上的小重叠(每个网格的网格点666,667,668,669由来自不同块的两个线程读取,但只有一个线程是给他们写信,这是问题发生的重叠)
  • 由于沸腾过程,块两侧的两个线程没有计算,原来它们负责将相应的网格值写入共享内存

网格的值存储在u_arrdu_arrr_arr(及其相应的设备数组d_ud_du和{{1} })。 每个网格在每个阵列中占用1300个连续值。 内核中的while循环为每个块迭代超过37个网格。

为了评估内核的工作原理,每个网格都使用完全相同的值进行初始化,因此确定性程序将为每个网格生成相同的结果。 我的代码不会发生这种情况。


我将网格0的计算值与其他每个网格进行了比较,并且在重叠处存在差异(网格点666-669),但不一致。有些网格有正确的值,有些则没有。连续两次运行会将不同的网格标记为错误。 首先想到的是,这个重叠的两个线程试图同时写入内存,虽然情况似乎并非如此(我检查了......并重新检查)。

注释或取消注释行或使用d_r进行调试将会改变 该计划的结果:当&#34;询问&#34;负责网格点的线程,他们告诉我一切都很好,他们实际上是正确的。一旦我强制一个线程打印出它的变量,它们就会被正确计算(更重要的是:存储)。 使用Nsight Eclipse进行调试也是如此。

Memcheck / Racecheck:

cuda-memcheck(memcheck和racecheck)报告没有内存/竞争条件问题,但即使使用其中一个工具也能够影响结果的正确性。 Valgrind给出了一些警告,但我认为它们与CUDA API有关,我无法影响它,这似乎与我的问题无关。

(更新) 正如所指出的,printf()仅适用于共享内存竞争条件,而手头的问题在cuda-memcheck --tool racecheck上具有竞争条件,即全局内存。




  • 2 x GTX 460,在同时运行X-server的GPU上进行了测试 另一个
  • 驱动程序版本:340.46
  • Cuda Toolkit 6.5
  • Linux Kernel 3.11.0-12-generic(Linux Mint 16 - Xfce)


到目前为止,我很确定一些内存访问是罪魁祸首,可能是编译器的一些优化或使用未初始化的值,而且我显然不了解一些基本的CUDA范例。 内核中的d_u语句(通过一些黑暗魔法必须利用设备和主机内存)和memcheck算法(cuda-memcheck和valgrind)影响 bevavior指向同一方向。




简单的解决方案是将此内核拆分为两个内核,一个计算uchange = 1.0,另一个计算派生d_u。更理想的是只有一个内核调用而不是两个,尽管我不知道如何使用d_du完成此操作。使用-arch=sm_20可能会使用动态并行来实现这一点,尽管第二次内核调用的开销可以忽略不计。




#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <stdio.h>

const float r_sol = 6.955E8f;
__constant__ float d_fourpoint_constant = 0.2f;

__launch_bounds__(672, 2)
__global__ void heisenkernel(float *d_u, float *d_r, float *d_du, int radius,
        int numNodesPerGrid, int numBlocksPerSM, int numGridsPerSM, int numGrids)
    int id_sm           = blockIdx.x / numBlocksPerSM;                                      // (arbitrary) ID of Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) this thread works upon           - (constant over lifetime of thread)
    int id_blockOnSM    = blockIdx.x % numBlocksPerSM;                                      // Block number on this specific SM                                                 - (constant over lifetime of thread)
    int id_r            = id_blockOnSM  * (blockDim.x - 2*radius) + threadIdx.x - radius;   // Grid point number this thread is to work upon                                    - (constant over lifetime of thread)
    int id_grid         = id_sm         * numGridsPerSM;                                    // Grid ID this thread is to work upon                                              - (not constant over lifetime of thread)

    while(id_grid < numGridsPerSM * (id_sm + 1))    // this loops over numGridsPerSM grids
        int id_numInArray       = id_grid * numNodesPerGrid + id_r;     // Entry in array this thread is responsible for (read and possibly write)  - (not constant over lifetime of thread)
        float uchange           = 0.0f;
        //uchange                   = 1.0f;                                 // if this line is uncommented, results will be computed correctly ("Solution 1")
        float du                = 0.0f;

        if((threadIdx.x > radius-1) && (threadIdx.x < blockDim.x - radius) && (id_r < numNodesPerGrid) && (id_grid < numGrids))
            if (id_r == 0)  // FO-forward difference
                du = (d_u[id_numInArray+1] - d_u[id_numInArray])/(d_r[id_numInArray+1] - d_r[id_numInArray]);
            else if (id_r == numNodesPerGrid - 1)  // FO-rearward difference
                du = (d_u[id_numInArray] - d_u[id_numInArray-1])/(d_r[id_numInArray] - d_r[id_numInArray-1]);
            else if (id_r == 1 || id_r == numNodesPerGrid - 2) //SO-central difference
                du = (d_u[id_numInArray+1] - d_u[id_numInArray-1])/(d_r[id_numInArray+1] - d_r[id_numInArray-1]);
            else if(id_r > 1 && id_r < numNodesPerGrid - 2)
                du = d_fourpoint_constant * ((d_u[id_numInArray+1] - d_u[id_numInArray-1])/(d_r[id_numInArray+1] - d_r[id_numInArray-1])) + (1-d_fourpoint_constant) * ((d_u[id_numInArray+2] - d_u[id_numInArray-2])/(d_r[id_numInArray+2] - d_r[id_numInArray-2]));
                du = 0;

        if((threadIdx.x > radius-1 && threadIdx.x < blockDim.x - radius) && (id_r < numNodesPerGrid) && (id_grid < numGrids))
            d_u[    id_numInArray] = d_u[id_numInArray] * uchange;          // if this line is commented out, results will be computed correctly ("Solution 2")
            d_du[   id_numInArray] = du;


bool gridValuesEqual(float *matarray, uint id0, uint id1, const char *label, int numNodesPerGrid){

    bool retval = true;
    for(uint i=0; i<numNodesPerGrid; ++i)
        if(matarray[id0 * numNodesPerGrid + i] != matarray[id1 * numNodesPerGrid + i])
            printf("value %s at position %u of grid %u not equal that of grid %u: %E != %E, diff: %E\n",
                    label, i, id0, id1, matarray[id0 * numNodesPerGrid + i], matarray[id1 * numNodesPerGrid + i],
                    matarray[id0 * numNodesPerGrid + i] - matarray[id1 * numNodesPerGrid + i]);
            retval = false;
    return retval;

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    float *d_u;
    float *d_du;
    float *d_r;

    float *u_arr;
    float *du_arr;
    float *r_arr;

    int numNodesPerGrid = 1300;
    int numBlocksPerSM  = 2;
    int numGridsPerSM   = 37;
    int numSM           = 7;
    int TPB             = 672;
    int radius          = 2;
    int numGrids        = 259;
    int memsize_grid    = sizeof(float) * numNodesPerGrid;

    int numBlocksPerGrid    = numNodesPerGrid / (TPB - 2 * radius) + (numNodesPerGrid%(TPB - 2 * radius) == 0 ? 0 : 1);

    printf("--- Heisenbug Extermination Tracker ---------------------------------------\n");


    cudaMalloc((void **) &d_u,      memsize_grid * numGrids);
    cudaMalloc((void **) &d_du,     memsize_grid * numGrids);
    cudaMalloc((void **) &d_r,      memsize_grid * numGrids);

    u_arr   = new float[numGrids * numNodesPerGrid];
    du_arr  = new float[numGrids * numNodesPerGrid];
    r_arr   = new float[numGrids * numNodesPerGrid];

    for(uint k=0; k<numGrids; ++k)
        for(uint i=0; i<numNodesPerGrid; ++i)
            uint index  = k * numNodesPerGrid + i;

            if (i < 585)
                r_arr[index] = i * (6000.0f);
                if (i == 585)
                    r_arr[index] = r_arr[index - 1] + 8.576E-6f * r_sol;
                    r_arr[index] = r_arr[index - 1] + 1.02102f  * ( r_arr[index - 1] - r_arr[index - 2] );

            u_arr[index]    = 1E-10f * (i+1);
            du_arr[index]   = 0.0f;

    printf("\n\nbefore kernel start\n\n");
    for(uint k=0; k<numGrids; ++k)
        printf("matrix->du_arr[k*paramH.numNodes + 668]:\t%E\n", du_arr[k*numNodesPerGrid + 668]);//*/

    bool equal = true;
    for(int k=1; k<numGrids; ++k)
        equal &= gridValuesEqual(u_arr, 0, k, "u", numNodesPerGrid);
        equal &= gridValuesEqual(du_arr, 0, k, "du", numNodesPerGrid);
        equal &= gridValuesEqual(r_arr, 0, k, "r", numNodesPerGrid);

        printf("Input values are not identical for different grids!\n\n");
        printf("All grids contain the same values at same grid points.!\n\n");

    cudaMemcpy(d_u, u_arr,      memsize_grid * numGrids, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    cudaMemcpy(d_du, du_arr,    memsize_grid * numGrids, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    cudaMemcpy(d_r, r_arr,      memsize_grid * numGrids, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

    printf("numNodesPerGrid:\t%i\nnumBlocksPerSM:\t\t%i\nnumGridsPerSM:\t\t%i\n", numNodesPerGrid, numBlocksPerSM, numGridsPerSM);
    printf("numSM:\t\t\t\t%i\nTPB:\t\t\t\t%i\nradius:\t\t\t\t%i\nnumGrids:\t\t\t%i\nmemsize_grid:\t\t%i\n", numSM, TPB, radius, numGrids, memsize_grid);
    printf("numBlocksPerGrid:\t%i\n\n", numBlocksPerGrid);
    printf("Kernel launch parameters:\n\n");
    printf("moduleA2_3<<<%i, %i, %i>>>(...)\n\n", numBlocksPerSM * numSM, TPB, 0);
    printf("Launching Kernel...\n\n");

    heisenkernel<<<numBlocksPerSM * numSM, TPB, 0>>>(d_u, d_r, d_du, radius, numNodesPerGrid, numBlocksPerSM, numGridsPerSM, numGrids);

    cudaMemcpy(u_arr, d_u,      memsize_grid * numGrids, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaMemcpy(du_arr, d_du,    memsize_grid * numGrids, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaMemcpy(r_arr, d_r,      memsize_grid * numGrids, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

    printf("\n\nafter kernel finished\n\n");
    for(uint k=0; k<numGrids; ++k)
        printf("matrix->du_arr[k*paramH.numNodes + 668]:\t%E\n", du_arr[k*numNodesPerGrid + 668]);//*/

    equal = true;
    for(int k=1; k<numGrids; ++k)
        equal &= gridValuesEqual(u_arr, 0, k, "u", numNodesPerGrid);
        equal &= gridValuesEqual(du_arr, 0, k, "du", numNodesPerGrid);
        equal &= gridValuesEqual(r_arr, 0, k, "r", numNodesPerGrid);

        printf("Results are wrong!!\n");
        printf("All went well!\n");


    delete [] u_arr;
    delete [] du_arr;
    delete [] r_arr;

    return 0;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)










  • 两个块在发生任何写入之前读取该值。
  • 一个块读取该值,然后发生写入,然后另一个块读取该值。


请注意cuda-memcheck -tool racecheck选项only captures race conditions related to __shared__ memory usage __shared__。发布的内核不使用cuda-memcheck内存,因此我不希望cuda-memcheck报告任何内容。

printf,为了收集数据, 会影响块执行的顺序,因此它会影响行为并不奇怪。

in-kernel {{1}}代表一个代价高昂的函数调用,写入全局内存缓冲区。所以它也会影响执行行为/模式。如果要打印大量数据,超出输出的缓冲行,则在缓冲区溢出的情况下,效果非常高(就执行时间而言)。

另外,据我所知,Linux Mint是not a supported distro for CUDA。但是我不认为这与你的问题有关;我可以在受支持的配置上重现该行为。