我正在使用Golang中的XML包压缩和流式传输Freebase RDF的三元组。但是,我收到内存不足错误。
package main
var inputFile = flag.String("infile", "freebase-rdf", "Input file path")
var filter, _ = regexp.Compile("^file:.*|^talk:.*|^special:.*|^wikipedia:.*|^wiktionary:.*|^user:.*|^user_talk:.*")
type Redirect struct {
Title string `xml:"title,attr"`
type Page struct {
Title string `xml:"title"`
Abstract string `xml:""`
func CanonicaliseTitle(title string) string{
can := strings.ToLower(title)
can = strings.Replace(can, " ", "_", -1)
can = url.QueryEscape(can)
return can
func convertFreebaseId(uri string) string{
if strings.HasPrefix(uri, "<") && strings.HasSuffix(uri, ">") {
var id = uri[1 : len(uri)-1]
id = strings.Replace(id, "http://rdf.freebase.com/ns", "", -1)
id = strings.Replace(id, ".", "/", -1)
return id
return uri
func parseTriple(line string) (string, string, string){
var parts = strings.Split(line, "\t")
subject := convertFreebaseId(parts[0])
predicate := convertFreebaseId(parts[1])
object := convertFreebaseId(parts[2])
return subject, predicate, object
var (
validRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_-]*$")
englishRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("@en")
func validTitle(content []string) bool{
for _, v := range content{
if !englishRegexp.MatchString(v) && len(v) > 1 && strings.Index(v, "[]") != -1{
return true
func validText(content []string) bool{
for _, v := range content{
if !validRegexp.MatchString(v) && len(v) > 1 && strings.Index(v, "[]") != -1{
return false
return true
func processTopic(id string, properties map[string][]string, file io.Writer){
if validTitle(properties["/type/object/name"]) && validText(properties["/common/document/text"]){
fmt.Fprintf(file, "<card>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(file, "<title>\"%s\"</title>\n", properties["/type/object/name"])
fmt.Fprintf(file, "<image>\"%s/%s\"</image>\n", "https://usercontent.googleapis.com/freebase/v1/image", id)
fmt.Fprintf(file, "<text>\"%s\"</text>\n", properties["/common/document/text"])
fmt.Fprintf(file, "<facts>\n")
for k, v := range properties{
for _, value := range v{
fmt.Fprintf(file, "<fact property=\"%s\">%s</fact>\n", k, value)
fmt.Fprintf(file, "</facts>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(file, "</card>\n")
func main(){
var current_mid = ""
current_topic := make(map[string][]string)
f, err := os.Open(*inputFile)
if err != nil {
r := bufio.NewReader(f)
xmlFile, _ := os.Create("freebase.xml")
line, err := r.ReadString('\n')
for err == nil{
subject, predicate, object := parseTriple(line)
if subject == current_mid{
current_topic[predicate] = append(current_topic[predicate], object)
}else if len(current_mid) > 0{
processTopic(current_mid, current_topic, xmlFile)
current_topic = make(map[string][]string)
current_mid = subject
line, err = r.ReadString('\n')
processTopic(current_mid, current_topic, xmlFile)
if err != io.EOF {
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我不确定这是你的问题,虽然阅读你的代码似乎并没有泄漏任何东西 - 但你可以使用SetGCPercent()
根据TFM,a collection is triggered when the ratio of freshly allocated data to live data remaining after the previous collection reaches this percentage.