用于Visual Basic赋值的并行数组

时间:2014-11-28 22:28:43

标签: arrays vb.net

对于此分配,我被要求“将文件读入与文件中的列对应的并行字符串数组”。 文件中的列为:“P_CODE”“P_DESCRIPT”“P_INDATE”“P_QOH”“P_MIN”“P_PRICE”。 我的问题是“什么是并行阵列?”它看起来像什么我猜想我会怎么想,但我不确定我是否走在正确的轨道上。

   ========== project Inventory ==========

选择“读取”按钮将导致内容   要从项目的默认文件夹中读取的InventoryData.txt文件。   该文件包含列标题行。


将文件读入与文件中的列对应的并行字符串数组。读取文件后,将其关闭。显示   并行数组中文件的内容,包括列标题,   在使用Format()方法格式化的列表框中。左和右   根据约定对齐列的数据类型。暗示:   将列表框的Font属性设置为非比例空格字体   比如Courier。


在并行数组中写入文件的内容,包括   列标题,在您的文件中创建的名为InventoryDataOut.txt的文件   项目的默认文件夹。用管道(>)分隔列   符号。每个库存项目到文件的一行输出。


 Private Sub btnRead_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnRead.Click

        Dim dirPath As String = "C:\Users\...\Inventory\"
        Dim filePath As String = dirPath & "InventoryData.txt"

        Dim P_CODE As String()
        Dim P_DESCRIPT As String()
        Dim P_INDATE As String()
        Dim P_QOH As String()
        Dim P_MIN As String()
        Dim P_PRICE As String()

    ' Open file for reading

    Dim textIn As New StreamReader(
        New FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None))

    'Read in the lines of text into the String variables in the array;

    Dim i As Integer = 0
    Do While textIn.Peek <> -1
        Dim row As String = textIn.ReadLine
        Dim columns As String() = row.Split(CChar(" "))
        P_CODE(i) = columns(i)
        P_DESCRIPT(i) = columns(i)
        P_INDATE(i) = columns(i)
        P_QOH(i) = columns(i)
        P_MIN(i) = columns(i)
        P_PRICE(i) = columns(i)
        i = i + 1

    '- After reading the file, close it. 



警告1变量'P_CODE'在分配之前使用   值。可能会导致空引用异常   运行时。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

列是否为独立数组? :/


一行回答:You're doing it right


  • 有简单的方法(在使用和可读性方面 - 而不是性能)
  • 您的代码中存在拼写错误。


您说的错误与“什么是并行数组”这个问题并不真正相关。 “在为其分配值之前使用的变量”。当然 !您的数组 Null 。声明了变量但没有创建它的实例。并且数组在dotNet中是严格的(与JavaScript不同)

你真正的问题是什么? 它与“我应该如何将值分配给(并行)数组”更相关,并且可以像 那样重新表示“如何并行读取存储在文本文件中的字符串值数组并将它们写回来?“





Private P_CODE As String()
Private P_DESCRIPT As String()
' ...
Private P_PRICE As String()


Dim AllLines As String() = File.ReadAllLines(filePath)
' ^^ the above will open and close the file XD

Dim Columns As String()

' Initialize your arrays...
ReDim(P_CODE, AllLines.Length - 1)
ReDim(P_DESCRIPT, AllLines.Length - 1)
' ...
ReDim(P_PRICE, AllLines.Length - 1)

' set each cell value.
For LineIndex As Int32 = 0 To P_CODE.Length - 1
    Columns = AllLines(LineIndex).Split(" "c)
    P_CODE(LineIndex) = Columns(0)
    P_DESCRIPT(LineIndex) = Columns(1)
    ' ...
    P_PRICE(LineIndex) = Columns(5)

    ' Hey ! Your File Datas are ordered horizontaly,
    ' so Columns must be indexed from 0 to 5 
    ' instead of you "i" in your code in order 
    ' to correctly feed your parallel arrays

您的老师想强迫您使用StreamReader打开文件,并教您不要忘记关闭文件...并使用StreamReader.ReadLine() ...好的......!

' ...

Dim LineIndex As Int32 = 0
Dim textIn As New StreamReader(filePath)
' ^^ why do you bother using a FileStream ?
Dim Row As String = textIn.ReadLine()
Dim Columns As String()

Do While row IsNot Nothing
    Redim Preserve P_CODE(LineIndex)
    Redim Preserve P_DESCRIPT(LineIndex)
    ' ...
    Redim Preserve P_PRICE(LineIndex)

    Columns = Row.Split(" "c)

    P_CODE(LineIndex) = Columns(0)
    P_DESCRIPT(LineIndex) = Columns(1)
    ' ...
    P_PRICE(LineIndex) = Columns(5)

    Row = textIn.ReadLine()
    LineIndex = LineIndex + 1

textIn.Close() ' Voila !

' /!\ Add at least a Try Catch enclosing your Do/Loop if you're lazy.


Using textIn As New StreamReader(filePath)
    Dim LineIndex As Int32 = 0
    Dim Columns As String()

    Do While textIn.Peek() <> -1
        Redim Preserve P_CODE(LineIndex)
        Redim Preserve P_DESCRIPT(LineIndex)
        ' ...
        Redim Preserve P_PRICE(LineIndex)

        Columns = textIn.ReadLine().Split(" "c)

        P_CODE(LineIndex) = Columns(0)
        P_DESCRIPT(LineIndex) = Columns(1)
        ' ...
        P_PRICE(LineIndex) = Columns(5)

        LineIndex = LineIndex + 1
End Using ' StreamReader closed ! XD

不,不!不要让我使用FileStream!如果我知道文件中每个数据块的大小,我会使用固定大小的结构。 FileStream最适合在操作大型数据缓冲区时使用,因为它可以通过适当的异步检查直接在内存中工作。

只是读行?不!对于此部分,read the documentation


Dim Row As String

For LineIndex As Int32 = 0 To P_CODE.Length - 1
    Row = String.Format("{0, -12}{1,-16}{2,10}{3,10}{4,8}{5,10}", _
              P_CODE(LineIndex), _
              P_DESCRIPT(LineIndex), _
              P_INDATE(LineIndex), _
              P_QOH(LineIndex), _
              P_MIN(LineIndex), _

将文件写入InventoryDataOut.txt ..

Dim Separator As String = "|"
Dim FileContent As New StringBuilder() ' System.Text

' Prepare File content...
If P_CODE.Length > 0 Then
    For LineIndex As Int32 = 0 To P_CODE.Length - 2 ' Note the -2
        FileContent.AppendLine(String.Format("{0}{6}{1}{6}{2}{6}{3}{6}{4}{6}{5}", _
              P_CODE(LineIndex), _
              P_DESCRIPT(LineIndex), _
              P_INDATE(LineIndex), _
              P_QOH(LineIndex), _
              P_MIN(LineIndex), _
              P_PRICE(LineIndex), _
    FileContent.Append(String.Format("{0}{6}{1}{6}{2}{6}{3}{6}{4}{6}{5}", _
              P_CODE(P_CODE.Length - 1), _
              P_DESCRIPT(P_CODE.Length - 1), _
              P_INDATE(P_CODE.Length - 1), _
              P_QOH(P_CODE.Length - 1), _
              P_MIN(P_CODE.Length - 1), _
              P_PRICE(P_CODE.Length - 1), _

    ' This ensures we don't add unnecessary line at the end of the file
    ' which would make your application explode !

    ' best move is to check for null entries upon file parsing.
    ' (Again : File.ReadAllLines() + RemoveEmptyString parameter to keep it simple)

End If

' Create your file using the stream object 
' you're forced to use by your teacher,
' then dump the the content of your StringBuilder inside like

' And close you dummy stream or use Using XD


似乎他只是懒得编写代码来分派几个并行数组中的每一列用于显示或其他目的。或者,为什么在加载文件内容时使用空格作为分隔符,而使用管道来代替它们? 如果是一个错字,就不要费心阅读了。否则,您的老师只是要求您创建一个将空间分隔符转换为管道的小程序...(同时为您提供学习操作(并行)数组,流I / O和String.Format)的任务