我有两个来自同一个数据库的数组使用相同的查询来获取两者。两者都包含有关具有两个不同行项目(物料清单)的单个销售订单的信息,第一个具有行项目ItemID= 600271
但是如下所示他们都具有相同的销售订单编号[CustomerSONo] => [7] => **15020**
我遇到的困难:尝试使用Built in functions
那么我如何比较或联合这两个数组呢? ?
Customer ID Customer_Bill_Name....... Item ID 1 Item ID 2
XXX001 XXX Company Name...... WH15 02 600278
$result= --select statement--;
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
Array (
[0] => XXX001
[CustomerId] => XXX001
[1] => XXX Company Name.*
[Customer_Bill_Name] => XXX Company Name.*
[2] => DHE
[WhichShipVia] => DHE [3] =>
[INV_POSOOrderNumber] => [4] => 2014-12-19
[ShipByDate] => 2014-12-19 [5] =>
[GoodThruDate] => [6] =>
[CustomerSONo] => [7] => 15020
[Reference] => 15020 [8] => 2014-11-25
[TransactionDate] => 2014-11-25 [9] => 1
[DistNumber] => 1
[10] => 70.0000000000000000000 //here is the difference 1
[Quantity] => 70.0000000000000000000 //here is the difference 2
[11] => 600271 //here is the difference 3
[ItemId] => 600271 //here is the difference 4
[12] => ASSY7.60-15SL/8 FRM I1 15X6 6-6, BLK (GWT-761508 (24) //here is the difference 5
[SalesDescription] => ASSY7.60-15SL/8 FRM I1 15X6 6-6, BLK (GWT-761508)(24)//here is the difference 1 //here is the difference 6
[13] => AS1577 //here is the difference 7
[PartNumber] => AS1577 //here is the difference 8
[14] => ASSY7.60-15 8PLY W/WHL15X6 BLK //here is the difference 9
[ItemDescription] => ASSY7.60-15 8PLY W/WHL15X6 BLK )
Array (
[0] => XXX001
[CustomerId] => XXX001
[1] => XXX Company Name.*
[Customer_Bill_Name] => XXX Company Name.*
[2] => DHE [WhichShipVia] => DHE [3] =>
[INV_POSOOrderNumber] => [4] => 2014-12-19
[ShipByDate] => 2014-12-19 [5] =>
[GoodThruDate] => [6] =>
[CustomerSONo] => [7] => 15020
[Reference] => 15020 [8] => 2014-11-25
[TransactionDate] => 2014-11-25 [9] => 2
[DistNumber] => 2
[10] => 6.0000000000000000000 //here is the difference 1
[Quantity] => 6.0000000000000000000 //here is the difference 2
[11] => 600274 //here is the difference 3
[ItemId] => 600274 //here is the difference 4
[12] => ASSY9.5L-15SL/8 FLT I1 15X8 6-6, BLK (GWT-951508)(16)
[SalesDescription] => ASSY9.5L-15SL/8 FLT I1 15X8 6-6, BLK (GWT-951508)(16) //here is the difference 5
[13] => AS1601 //here is the difference 6
[PartNumber] => AS1601 //here is the difference 7
[14] => ASSY9.5L-15 W/WHL15X8 6/6 BLK //here is the difference 8
[ItemDescription] => ASSY9.5L-15 W/WHL15X8 6/6 BLK ) //here is the difference 9