
时间:2014-11-27 01:26:01

标签: c# .net regex csv


 foreach (var item in csv.GetFieldHeaders())

                    dataColumn = dataColumn + "\"" + item + "\"" + ',';
                writer.WriteLine(dataColumn.Substring(0, dataColumn.Length - 1));
                dataColumn = string.Empty;
                //Iteratively loop through all the Rows in the File and Append quotes to it
                string str;

                while (csv.ReadNextRecord())
                    for (int i = 0; i < csv.FieldCount; i++)
                        str = csv[i];
                        if (csv[i].Length == 0)//if the column don't have any data
                            dataColumn = dataColumn + csv[i] + ",";

                            dataColumn = dataColumn + "\"" + csv[i].Replace("\"", "'").Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\r", "").Replace(" ", "()").Replace(")(", "").Replace("()", " ") + "\"" + ",";
                    row.Append(dataColumn.Substring(0, (dataColumn.Length) - 1));//-1 to exclude the comma (,) at the end of the row
                    writer.WriteLine(row);//Write to File
                    dataColumn = null;


现在我有一个小组说 “open anchor tag href =”http://abc.html“target =”_ blank“&gt; xyz close anchor tag , 当csv [i]是这个数据时我得到一个错误找不到任何适合指定文化或中性文化的资源。确保在编译时正确嵌入或链接到程序集“CsvReader”中的CsvReader.Resources.ExceptionMessage.resources,或者所有所需的附属程序集都是可加载和完全签名的。 文件G:data.CSV已在0秒内成功解析 按任意键继续 。 。 。

但如果我有一个字段说(删除链接的双引号后) “open anchor tag href = http://abc.html target = _blank&gt; xyz close anchor tag 然后它工作。请提供解决方案,不要删除上面的双引号。

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