
时间:2014-11-26 14:58:17

标签: batch-file

我正在创建一个批处理文件来为JSHOP2设置环境变量。代码接受两个用户输入并将它们与现有的ClassPath变量进行比较,如果它不存在则设置环境变量。 这是我的代码:

@echo off
color 0a
echo ............................Welcome to path to shop............................ 
echo .... Make sure you provide exact paths with full file name when prompted.
echo .... Once given the path of the file make sure you don't change the location of the file in        your computer. 
set /p "antlrPath=Enter the path of the antlr.jar file in your computer: "
set /p "jshop2Path=Enter the path of the compiled JSHOP2 source file (SomeName.jar) in your  computer: "
set @specifiedPath= %antlrPath%;%jshop2Path%
echo %@specifiedPath% %CLASSPATH% ::code runs fine upto this line then cmd exits unexpectedly
if %@specifiedPath% == %CLASSPATH% 
goto isAlreadySet
goto isNotAlreadySet
echo yesss!
echo no



@echo off
color 0a
echo ............................Welcome to path to shop............................ 
echo .... Make sure you provide exact paths with full file name when prompted.
echo .... Once given the path of the file make sure you don't change the location of the file in    your computer.
set /p "antlrPath=Enter the path of the antlr.jar file in your computer: "
set /p "jshop2Path=Enter the path of the compiled JSHOP2 source file (SomeName.jar) in your  computer: " 
set @specifiedPath= %antlrPath%;%jshop2Path%
echo %@specifiedPath% %CLASSPATH%
if "%@specifiedPath%" == "%CLASSPATH%" (
goto isAlreadySet
) ELSE (
goto isNotAlreadySet
echo yesss!
echo no

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


@echo off
color 0a
echo ............................Welcome to path to shop............................ 
echo .... Make sure you provide exact paths with full file name when prompted.
echo .... Once given the path of the file make sure you don't change the location of the file in your computer.
set /p "antlrPath=Enter the path of the antlr.jar file in your computer: "
set /p "jshop2Path=Enter the path of the compiled JSHOP2 source file (SomeName.jar) in your computer: "
set @specifiedPath=%antlrPath%;%jshop2Path%
echo %@specifiedPath% %CLASSPATH%
if "%@specifiedPath%" == "%CLASSPATH%" (
goto isAlreadySet
) ELSE (
goto isNotAlreadySet
echo yesss!
goto end
echo no


答案 1 :(得分:0)



  • 添加引号以处理路径中的空格。
  • /I语句添加了IF选项,以防止不区分大小写。


if /I "%@specifiedPath%" == "%CLASSPATH%" goto isAlreadySet
goto isNotAlreadySet


if /I "%@specifiedPath%" == "%CLASSPATH%" (
  goto isAlreadySet
) ELSE (
  goto isNotAlreadySet