
时间:2014-11-26 08:46:30

标签: excel excel-2010

我每天/每周下载报告但是在下载系统时自动生成文件名,最后有一个日期,尽管基本文件名是相同的。即ANAPOS - 20141001.我正在使用一个简单的打开命令(Workbooks.OpenText文件名:=“C:\ Users \ 903270 \ Documents \ Excel \ ANAPOS.txt”)来做其他一些事情,但在这之前我需要重命名我可以运行之前将文件发送到ANAPOS.txt。 是否有任何代码允许我的宏搜索ANAPOS而不包含最后的所有其他信息? 任何帮助表示赞赏。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Sub getANAPOS()
Dim Filter As String, filePath As String

filePath = "C:\Data\VBA\SO\"
Filter = "ANAPOS files (*.txt), filepath & ANAPOS*.txt"

ANAPOSSelectedFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(Filter)

End Sub



Sub renameANAPOS()
Dim Filter As String, filePath As String, newName As String

'filter txt file names containing 'ANAPOS'
Filter = "ANAPOS files (*.txt), filepath & ANAPOS*.txt"

'the 'rename' name
newfName = "ANAPOS"

'navigate to original ANAPOS file and location details
ANAPOSSelectedFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(Filter)

'parse selected file details
fullArr = Split(ANAPOSSelectedFile, "\")
detArr = Split(fullArr(UBound(fullArr)), ".")
fullArr(UBound(fullArr)) = ""
fPath = Join(fullArr, "\")
fName = detArr(0)
fExt = detArr(1)

'rename file in not already exixts
    If Len(Dir(fPath & newfName & "." & fExt)) > 0 Then
        MsgBox newfName & "." & fExt & " already exists in this folder."
        Exit Sub
        Name ANAPOSSelectedFile As fPath & newfName & "." & fExt
    End If

End Sub