
时间:2014-11-26 06:32:25

标签: excel vba


how to build parent-child data table in excel?

在我的情况下,排序应该基于现有字段。(seq_num),自定义排序级别1,比自定义排序级别2 ......自定义排序levelmax


id Parent_id seq_num

29938 29937 901

29939 29938 0

29940 29938 5

29941 29938 6

29942 29938 8

29943 29938 14

29944 29938 13

29945 29938 9

29946 29938 12

29947 29938 1

29948 29938 10

29949 29938 3

29950 29944 512

29951 29944 513

29952 29943 512

29953 29943 513



1 29938 29937.29938

2 29939 29937.29938.29939

3 29947 29937.29938.29947

4 29949 29937.29938.29949

5 29940 29937.29938.29940

6 29941 29937.29938.29941

7 29942 29937.29938.29942

8 29945 29937.29938.29945

9 29948 29937.29938.29948

10 29946 29937.29938.29946

11 29944 29937.29938.29944

12 29950 29937.29938.29944.29950

13 29951 29937.29938.29944.29951

14 29943 29937.29938.29943

15 29952 29937.29938.29943.29952

16 29953 29937.29938.29943.29953

我正在使用excel(ado with jet),输入表是csv,jet不支持递归自连接,并且级别数一直在变化。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)








Call SimpleSort(StrArray)

如果您在互联网上搜索VBA排序例程,您会发现许多具有类似参数。 StrArray是一个字符串数组。例程将在元素之间交换值,以便在返回时值按升序排列。


Call SimpleSort(StrArray, InxLow, InxHigh)








Element No     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
Target         D   C   E   A   I   G   F   H   B


Element No     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
Target         D   C   E   A   I   G   F   H   B
Index          1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9


Element No     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
Target         D   C   E   A   I   G   F   H   B
Index          4   9   2   1   3   7   6   8   5


  • Index(1) = 4Target(Index(1)) = "A"
  • Index(2) = 9Target(Index(2)) = "B"
  • Index(3) = 2Target(Index(3)) = "C"


上面我试图描述您将要或可能需要的功能。如果要将字符串数组按升序排序,可以在Internet上轻松找到合适的例程。 如果您想要任何其他类型的例程,您必须调整其中一个例程或编写自己的例程。如果您要自己调整/编码,您可能还包括您期望需要的所有功能,因为额外的功能通常更容易调试排序例程。如果你能避免,你不希望有多个排序程序。


  1. 能够对任何类型的数组进行排序。
  2. 创建已排序的索引数组,而不是已排序的目标数组。
  3. 能够按任何顺序排序
  4. 有用的技巧1 - ParamArray

    要求2 - 创建一个排序的索引数组而不是一个已排序的目标数组 - 要正确起来有点棘手,但不需要特殊的VBA知识。

    要求1 - 能够对任何类型的数组进行排序 - 如果你了解ParamArrays就变得容易了。我经常感到惊讶的是ParamArrays并不是更为人所知并且使用得更充分,因为它们非常有用。


    Sub MySub(ByRef Param1() As String, ByVal Param2 As Long)
        :   :   :   :   :
    End Sub


    Sub MySub(ByRef Param1() As String, ByVal Param2 As Long , _
                                            ParamArray Extra() As Variant)
        :   :   :   :   :
    End Sub


    Call MySub(StrArrayA, 5, 26.1, "abcdef", StrArrayB)


    • Param1访问StrArrayA的引用。因此Param1(5) = "a"StrArrayA(5)设置为=" a"。
    • Param2 = 5
    • Extra(0)= 26.1
    • Extra(1)=" abcdef"
    • 引用Extra(2)访问StrArrayB





    有用的技巧2 - 运行


          Result = Application.Run(QSequenceName, Param1, Param2, Param3, …)

    您可以使用Run完成比我需要或在此处指定的更多内容。 QSequenceName是排序例程的参数。您必须编写一个布尔函数,该函数将告诉排序例程两个值所需的序列。排序例程对Target数组和您想要的序列一无所知。名为“QSequenceName”的布尔函数知道Target数组的类型和所需的序列。是的,您必须对此布尔函数进行编码,但您不必修改排序例程以获得所需的任何排序顺序。


    Function StrDescend(Target() As String, Index() As Long, Inx1 As Long, Inx2 As Long) As Boolean
      StrDescend = IIf(Target(Index(Inx1)) >= Target(Index(Inx2)), True, False)
    End Function


    • Target:需要排序索引的数组
    • Index:排序结尾的数组将定义Target的序列。
    • Inx1:第一个元素的Index索引。请注意宏如何使用Target(Index(Inx1)来访问第一个元素的值。
    • Inx2:第二个元素Index的索引。




    Call QuickSort(True, Index, LBound(KeyStr), UBound(KeyStr), "StrDescend", KeyStr)
    • 对您而言,第一个参数始终为True
    • 第二个参数是Longs数组,其中将返回已排序的索引。
    • LBound(KeyStr)UBound(KeyStr)指定要对整个目标进行排序。如果只要对目标数组的一部分进行排序,则可以调整这些值。
    • "StrDescend"是布尔函数的名称,它指定QuickSort排序顺序。
    • KeyStr是目标数组。

    QuickSort的参数在宏的顶部指定。你说你发现递归很困难。 QuickSort是递归的,所以我建议你忽略它是如何工作的;试想一下如何使用它来实现你需要的顺序。


    我想展示QuickSort如何对一组用户类型进行排序。我定义了一个用户类型Person和一个用户类型Child with Person,包括一个Child类型的数组。然后我尝试对Person类型的数组进行排序。我发现我无法在ParamArray中传递一组用户类型。我不知道我之前是怎么没有达到这个限制的。



    创建一个新的类模块并将其命名为CPersonData。 (使用F4访问类模块的属性.Name是第一个属性。)将此代码复制到类模块:

    Public NameFamily As String
    Public NameGiven As String
    ' * Example values for ChildNameGiven:
    '     George
    '     George:Jane
    '     George:Jane:Mary
    ' * Example values for ChildNameAge:
    '     5
    '     5:4
    '     5:4:10
    ' * ChildNameGiven and ChildAge must have the same number of colons with the
    '   parts separated by colons matched by position.  In the third examples above:
    '   George is 5, Jane is 4 and Mary is 10.
    Public ChildNameGiven As String
    Public ChildAge As String


    Option Explicit
    Dim AlphabetSequence() As Variant
    Sub Test()
      Dim ChildNamePart() As String
      Dim ChildAgePart() As String
      Dim Index() As Long
      Dim InxChildCrnt As Long
      Dim InxCrnt As Long
      Dim InxPerson As Long
      Dim KeyStr() As String
      Dim NumChildren As Long
      Dim Person() As CPersonData
      ' Create array of strings and output to immediate window
      ' ======================================================
      ReDim KeyStr(1 To 12)
      KeyStr(1) = "B": KeyStr(2) = "F": KeyStr(3) = "C"
      KeyStr(4) = "E": KeyStr(5) = "A": KeyStr(6) = "D"
      KeyStr(7) = "I": KeyStr(8) = "H": KeyStr(9) = "G"
      KeyStr(10) = "I": KeyStr(11) = "E": KeyStr(12) = "A"
      Debug.Print " Array seq ";
      For InxCrnt = LBound(KeyStr) To UBound(KeyStr)
        Debug.Print Right("  " & InxCrnt, 3) & " ";
      Debug.Print "       Key ";
      For InxCrnt = LBound(KeyStr) To UBound(KeyStr)
        Debug.Print Right("  " & KeyStr(InxCrnt), 3) & " ";
      ' Sort KeyStr into ascending sequence and output to immediate window
      ' ==================================================================
      Call QuickSort(True, Index, LBound(KeyStr), UBound(KeyStr), "StrAscend", KeyStr)
      Debug.Print " Ascending ";
      For InxCrnt = LBound(KeyStr) To UBound(KeyStr)
        Debug.Print Right("  " & InxCrnt, 3) & " ";
      Debug.Print "     Index ";
      For InxCrnt = LBound(KeyStr) To UBound(KeyStr)
        Debug.Print Right("  " & Index(InxCrnt), 3) & " ";
      Debug.Print "       Key ";
      For InxCrnt = LBound(KeyStr) To UBound(KeyStr)
        Debug.Print Right("  " & KeyStr(Index(InxCrnt)), 3) & " ";
      ' Sort KeyStr into descending sequence and output to immediate window
      ' ===================================================================
      Call QuickSort(True, Index, LBound(KeyStr), UBound(KeyStr), "StrDescend", KeyStr)
      Debug.Print "Descending ";
      For InxCrnt = LBound(KeyStr) To UBound(KeyStr)
        Debug.Print Right("  " & InxCrnt, 3) & " ";
      Debug.Print "     Index ";
      For InxCrnt = LBound(KeyStr) To UBound(KeyStr)
        Debug.Print Right("  " & Index(InxCrnt), 3) & " ";
      Debug.Print "       Key ";
      For InxCrnt = LBound(KeyStr) To UBound(KeyStr)
        Debug.Print Right("  " & KeyStr(Index(InxCrnt)), 3) & " ";
      AlphabetSequence = Array("A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "B", "C", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", _
                               "L", "M", "N", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z")
      ' Sort KeyStr into vowels first then consonants and output to immediate window.
      ' The sequence vowels the consinants is defined by the array AlphabetSequence.
      ' ============================================================================
      Call QuickSort(True, Index, LBound(KeyStr), UBound(KeyStr), "VowelFirst", KeyStr)
      Debug.Print " Vowel 1st ";
      For InxCrnt = LBound(KeyStr) To UBound(KeyStr)
        Debug.Print Right("  " & InxCrnt, 3) & " ";
      Debug.Print "     Index ";
      For InxCrnt = LBound(KeyStr) To UBound(KeyStr)
        Debug.Print Right("  " & Index(InxCrnt), 3) & " ";
      Debug.Print "       Key ";
      For InxCrnt = LBound(KeyStr) To UBound(KeyStr)
        Debug.Print Right("  " & KeyStr(Index(InxCrnt)), 3) & " ";
      ' Create array of persons
      ' =======================
      ReDim Person(0 To 5)
      Set Person(0) = New CPersonData
      Person(0).NameFamily = "Brown"
      Person(0).NameGiven = "Adrian"
      Person(0).ChildNameGiven = "George"
      Person(0).ChildAge = "5"
      Set Person(1) = New CPersonData
      Person(1).NameFamily = "Green"
      Person(1).NameGiven = "Barbara"
      Person(1).ChildNameGiven = ""
      Person(1).ChildAge = ""
      Set Person(2) = New CPersonData
      Person(2).NameFamily = "Smith"
      Person(2).NameGiven = "Charles"
      Person(2).ChildNameGiven = "Harriet:Ian:Jane"
      Person(2).ChildAge = "4:7:11"
      Set Person(3) = New CPersonData
      Person(3).NameFamily = "Farmer"
      Person(3).NameGiven = "Diana"
      Person(3).ChildNameGiven = ""
      Person(3).ChildAge = ""
      Set Person(4) = New CPersonData
      Person(4).NameFamily = "Roe"
      Person(4).NameGiven = "Eric"
      Person(4).ChildNameGiven = "Kenneth:Laura"
      Person(4).ChildAge = "10:1"
      Set Person(5) = New CPersonData
      Person(5).NameFamily = "Walker"
      Person(5).NameGiven = "Fawn"
      Person(5).ChildNameGiven = ""
      Person(5).ChildAge = ""
      ' Output Person array to Immediate window
      ' =======================================
      Debug.Print "Sequence within Person array"
      For InxPerson = LBound(Person) To UBound(Person)
        Debug.Print Person(InxPerson).NameGiven & " " & Person(InxPerson).NameFamily
        ChildNamePart = Split(Person(InxPerson).ChildNameGiven, ":")
        ChildAgePart = Split(Person(InxPerson).ChildAge, ":")
        For InxChildCrnt = 0 To UBound(ChildNamePart)
          If ChildNamePart(InxChildCrnt) <> "" Then
            Debug.Print "   " & ChildNamePart(InxChildCrnt) & " (" & _
                                ChildAgePart(InxChildCrnt) & ")"
          End If
      ' Sort Person array into sequence defined by function "AscendAgeYoungestChild"
      ' ============================================================================
      Call QuickSort(True, Index, LBound(Person), UBound(Person), "AscendAgeYoungestChild", Person)
      ' Output Person array in sequence specified by Index
      ' ==================================================
      Debug.Print "Persons without children first then descending order of youngest child"
      For InxCrnt = LBound(Index) To UBound(Index)
        InxPerson = Index(InxCrnt)
        Debug.Print Person(InxPerson).NameGiven & " " & Person(InxPerson).NameFamily
        ChildNamePart = Split(Person(InxPerson).ChildNameGiven, ":")
        ChildAgePart = Split(Person(InxPerson).ChildAge, ":")
        For InxChildCrnt = 0 To UBound(ChildNamePart)
          If ChildNamePart(InxChildCrnt) <> "" Then
            Debug.Print "   " & ChildNamePart(InxChildCrnt) & " (" & _
                                ChildAgePart(InxChildCrnt) & ")"
          End If
    End Sub
    Sub QuickSort(ByVal TopLevel As Boolean, ByRef Index() As Long, _
                  ByVal InxLow As Long, ByVal InxHigh As Long, _
                  QSequenceName As String, ParamArray Target() As Variant)
      ' * Original algorithm developed by C A R Hoare in 1960.
      ' * This implementation based on Pascal procedure published in second edition
      '   of Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick.
      ' * Converted to VBA by Tony Dallimore and amended to:
      '    * Sort Index array rather than Key array
      '    * Use function passed as parameter to determine if two elements are in
      '      the correct sequence to avoid hard-coding the required sequence into
      '      this routine.
      ' * Parameters:
      '    * TopLevel      True for the outer call; False for inner calls
      '                    Index is only initialised for an outer call
      '    * Index         At start of outer call dimensioned to (InxLow To InxHigh)
      '                    and initialised to InxLow, InxLow+1, InxLow+2, ... .
      '                    On final exit, elements InxLow to InxHigh will define the
      '                    sequence of elements InxLow to InxHigh of the Key array.
      '    * InxLow        Identifies the first element of the Key array to be sorted
      '    * InxHigh       Identifies the last element of the Key array to be sorted
      '                    InxLow must be less than or equal to InxHigh
      '                    If InxLow and InxHigh are set to the lower and upper bounds
      '                    of the key array, the entire array will be sorted.
      '    * QSequenceName The name of the boolean function that determines if two
      '                    elements of the Target array are in the required sequence. The
      '                    function must return False if the elements are not in the
      '                    correct sequence.
      '                    Parameters are:
      '                      * Target array
      '                      * Index array
      '                      * Index of first element within Index
      '                      * Index of second element within Index
      '    * Target        Target is a ParamArray.  It will contain every parameter after
      '                    QSwapName.  There should only be one such parameter which is
      '                    the Target array.  Target is a zero-based array so Target(0)
      '                    is the array whose required sequence is to be returned in Index.
      '                    This routine does not know the nature of the Target array or
      '                    the nature of the desired sequence.
      ' * The unmodified algorithm is recursive.  It first partitions the elements of
      '   the Key array such that:
      '    * The element Key(X) is in its final place for some X.
      '    * All elements Key(InxLow) to Key(X-1) will come before Key(X) in the fully
      '      sorted array.
      '    * All elements Key(X+1) to Key(InxHigh) will come after Key(X) in the fully
      '      sorted array.
      '   It then calls itself twice: once for elements Key(InxLow) to Key(X-1) and once
      '   for elements Key(X+1) to Key(InxHigh).
      ' * In this implementation the Key array is replaced by a Target array. This routine
      '   does not know the type of the Target or what information within an element
      '   determines the desired sequence.  On exit, Index will have been sorted so, for
      '   all X in the range InxLow to InxHight, Index(X) specifies the position of
      '   Target(Index(X))in the sequence specified by function QSequenceName.
      Dim InxCrnt As Long
      Dim InxHighTemp As Long
      Dim InxLowTemp As Long
      Dim InxPartition As Long
      Dim InxTemp As Long
      Dim CorrectSequence As Boolean
      If TopLevel Then
        ' Only initialise Index for the outer call
        ' Size Index array to match InxLow to InxHigh
        ReDim Index(InxLow To InxHigh)
        ' Initialise Index array
        For InxCrnt = InxLow To InxHigh
          Index(InxCrnt) = InxCrnt
      End If
      ' Initialise indices for partitioning
      InxLowTemp = InxLow - 1
      InxHighTemp = InxHigh
      ' My understanding is that the algorithm does not depend on which element of the
      ' Target array is the partitioning element.  In this implementation it is element
      ' InxHigh.
      InxPartition = InxHigh
      Do While InxHighTemp > InxLowTemp
        ' Step InxLowTemp until Target element InxLowTemp is not to come before
        ' Target element InxPartition in the final sequence
        Do While InxLowTemp < InxHigh
          InxLowTemp = InxLowTemp + 1
          If InxLowTemp = InxPartition Then Exit Do
          CorrectSequence = Application.Run(QSequenceName, Target(0), Index, InxLowTemp, InxPartition)
          If Not CorrectSequence Then Exit Do
        ' Reduce InxHighTemp until Target element InxHighTemp is not to come after
        ' Target element InxPartition in the final sequence
        Do While InxHighTemp > InxLow
          InxHighTemp = InxHighTemp - 1
          'Debug.Assert InxHighTemp <> 0
          CorrectSequence = Application.Run(QSequenceName, Target(0), Index, InxPartition, InxHighTemp)
          If Not CorrectSequence Then Exit Do
        ' Swap position of InxLowTemp and InxHighTemp
        InxTemp = Index(InxLowTemp)
        Index(InxLowTemp) = Index(InxHighTemp)
        Index(InxHighTemp) = InxTemp
      ' Final swap.
      Index(InxHighTemp) = Index(InxLowTemp)
      Index(InxLowTemp) = Index(InxPartition)
      Index(InxHigh) = InxTemp
      ' Sort the two halves of the array unless they are less than two elements wide
      If InxLowTemp > InxLow Then
        Call QuickSort(False, Index, InxLow, InxLowTemp - 1, QSequenceName, Target(0))
      End If
      If InxLowTemp < InxHigh Then
        Call QuickSort(False, Index, InxLowTemp + 1, InxHigh, QSequenceName, Target(0))
      End If
    End Sub
    Function AscendAgeYoungestChild(Person() As CPersonData, Index() As Long, _
                                    Inx1 As Long, Inx2 As Long) As Boolean
      ' * If Person(Index(Inx1)) has no children, return True
      ' * If Person(Index(Inx1)) has children but Person(Index(Inx2))
      '   does not, return False
      ' * If both Person(Index(Inx1)) and Person(Index(Inx2)) have children,
      '   return True if Person(Index(Inx1))'a youngest child is older than
      '   Person(Index(Inx2))'s youngest child
      Dim ChildAgePart() As String
      Dim InxChild As Long
      Dim InxInx1 As Long
      Dim InxInx2 As Long
      Dim NumChildren1 As Long
      Dim NumChildren2 As Long
      Dim AgeYoungest1 As Long
      Dim AgeYoungest2 As Long
      InxInx1 = Index(Inx1)
      InxInx2 = Index(Inx2)
      If Person(InxInx1).ChildAge = "" Then
        ' Person(Index(Inx1)) has no children. If Person(Index(Inx2)) has children,
        ' Person(Index(Inx2)) is to come first in the required sequence. If
        ' Person(Index(Inx2)) has no children, Person(Index(Inx1)) and
        ' Person(Index(Inx2)) are "equal" and the current sequence is OK.
        ' Either way, return True
        AscendAgeYoungestChild = True
        Exit Function
      End If
      If Person(InxInx2).ChildAge = "" Then
        ' Person(Index(Inx1)) has children but Person(Index(Inx2)) doe not
        AscendAgeYoungestChild = False
        Exit Function
      End If
      ' Both persons have children
      ' Find age of youngest child of Person(Index(Inx1))
      ChildAgePart = Split(Person(InxInx1).ChildAge, ":")
      AgeYoungest1 = Val(ChildAgePart(0))
      For InxChild = 1 To UBound(ChildAgePart)
        If AgeYoungest1 > Val(ChildAgePart(InxChild)) Then
          AgeYoungest1 = Val(ChildAgePart(InxChild))
        End If
      ' Find age of youngest child of Person(Index(Inx2))
      ChildAgePart = Split(Person(InxInx2).ChildAge, ":")
      AgeYoungest2 = Val(ChildAgePart(0))
      For InxChild = 1 To UBound(ChildAgePart)
        If AgeYoungest2 > Val(ChildAgePart(InxChild)) Then
          AgeYoungest2 = Val(ChildAgePart(InxChild))
        End If
      If AgeYoungest1 > AgeYoungest2 Then
        AscendAgeYoungestChild = True
        AscendAgeYoungestChild = False
      End If
    End Function
    Function StrAscend(Target() As String, Index() As Long, Inx1 As Long, Inx2 As Long) As Boolean
      ' Return True if element Index(Inx1) is to come before element Index(Inx2)
      ' in the final sequence which is ascending alphanumeric
      StrAscend = IIf(Target(Index(Inx1)) <= Target(Index(Inx2)), True, False)
    End Function
    Function StrDescend(Target() As String, Index() As Long, Inx1 As Long, Inx2 As Long) As Boolean
      ' Return True if element Index(Inx1) is to come before element Index(Inx2)
      ' in the final sequence which is descending alphanumeric
      StrDescend = IIf(Target(Index(Inx1)) >= Target(Index(Inx2)), True, False)
    End Function
    Function VowelFirst(Target() As String, Index() As Long, Inx1 As Long, Inx2 As Long) As Boolean
      ' Return True if element Index(Inx1) is to come before element Index(Inx2)
      ' in the final sequence which is the sequence defined by AlphabetSequence
      ' which is vowels then consonants
      Dim FirstLetter As String
      Dim InxAlpha1 As Long
      Dim InxAlpha2 As Long
      ' First first letter of Target(Inx1) in AlphabetSequence
      FirstLetter = Left(Target(Index(Inx1)), 1)
      For InxAlpha1 = LBound(AlphabetSequence) To UBound(AlphabetSequence)
        If AlphabetSequence(InxAlpha1) = FirstLetter Then
          Exit For
        End If
      FirstLetter = Left(Target(Index(Inx2)), 1)
      For InxAlpha2 = LBound(AlphabetSequence) To UBound(AlphabetSequence)
        If AlphabetSequence(InxAlpha2) = FirstLetter Then
          Exit For
        End If
      If InxAlpha1 <= InxAlpha2 Then
        VowelFirst = True
        VowelFirst = False
      End If
    End Function

