
时间:2014-11-25 08:37:37

标签: extjs extjs4 rally


            getChartConfig: function(project_oid) {
                that = this;
                var chart = Ext.getCmp('mychart');
                if (chart) {
                return {
                    id: 'mychart',
                    storeConfig: {
                        find: {
                                '_ProjectHierarchy': project_oid,
                                "$or": [
                                    {"_TypeHierarchy": "HierarchicalRequirement"},
                                    {"_TypeHierarchy": "Defect"}
                                'Children': null
                            fetch: ['PlanEstimate','_TypeHierarchy','ObjectID', 'ScheduleState', '_ValidFrom', '_ValidTo', '_PreviousValues'],
                            hydrate: ['ScheduleState', '_TypeHierarchy'],
                            sort: { '_ValidFrom': 1 }
                        /*find: {
                            '_ProjectHierarchy': project_oid,
                            "_TypeHierarchy": {
                                "$in": ['HierarchicalRequirement', 'Defect']
                            'Children': null
                        fetch: ['PlanEstimate','_TypeHierarchy','ObjectID', 'ScheduleState', '_ValidFrom', '_ValidTo', '_PreviousValues'],
                        hydrate: ['ScheduleState', '_TypeHierarchy'],
                        sort: { '_ValidFrom': 1 }*/
                    calculatorType: 'CycleCalculator',
                    chartColors: [ "#6AB17D", "#F47168", "#000000"],
                    calculatorConfig: {
                        startDate: Rally.util.DateTime.format(new Date(this._startDate), 'Y-m-d'),
                        endDate: Rally.util.DateTime.format(new Date(this._endDate), 'Y-m-d'),
                        startState: this._startState,
                        endState: this._endState
                        //granularity: 'week'
                    chartConfig: {
                        chart: {
                            type: 'line',
                        title: { text: 'Cycle/Lead Time' },
                        border: 1,
                        plotOptions: {
                            series: {                       
                                connectNulls: true,
                                marker: {
                        xAxis: {
                            //tickmarkPlacement: 'on',
                            tickInterval: 10,
                            title: {
                                text: 'Months'
                        yAxis: [
                                title: {
                                    text: 'Average Days'
                    listeners: {
                        snapshotsAggregated: this.showStats,
                        scope: this

在我要调用的函数下面 并且在showStats()函数中我想使用图表对象,,,,请提前帮助..谢谢

            showStats: function(chart) {
                console.log("chart values", chart);
                var average = Ext.Array.mean(chart.calculator.globalVar);
                var average = Ext.Number.toFixed(average, 2);
                var min = Ext.Array.min(chart.calculator.globalVar);
                var max = Ext.Array.max(chart.calculator.globalVar);
                var count = Ext.Array.sum(chart.calculator.globalVar);
                console.log("field value", average, min, max, count);
                //field.fieldLabel = average;
                var stdDev = this.standardDeviation(average, chart.calculator.globalVar);
                var stdDev = Ext.Number.toFixed(stdDev, 2);
                this.down('#averageId').setText("Average  " + average); 
                this.down('#countId').setText("Count  " + count);   
                this.down('#minId').setText("Minimum  " + min); 
                this.down('#maxId').setText("Maximum  " + max); 
                this.down('#stdDevId').setText("Std Deviation  " + stdDev);                 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您选择的chartRendered是正确的 - 这是最后一次开火。


当我通过添加chartRendered事件监听器来修改this example时,视觉上console.log的记录速度可能比图表动画完全快,但是图表数据已经完全加载了,所有数据都已完成。我通过构建一个包含您使用的一些统计数据的表来验证。这是完整的代码:

Ext.define('Rally.example.BurnCalculator', {
    extend: 'Rally.data.lookback.calculator.TimeSeriesCalculator',
    config: {
        completedScheduleStateNames: ['Accepted']

    constructor: function(config) {

    getDerivedFieldsOnInput: function() {
        var completedScheduleStateNames = this.getCompletedScheduleStateNames();
        return [
                "as": "Planned",
                "f": function(snapshot) {
                    if (snapshot.PlanEstimate) {
                        return snapshot.PlanEstimate;

                    return 0;
                "as": "PlannedCompleted",
                "f": function(snapshot) {
                    if (_.contains(completedScheduleStateNames, snapshot.ScheduleState) && snapshot.PlanEstimate) {
                        return snapshot.PlanEstimate;

                    return 0;

    getMetrics: function() {
        return [
                "field": "Planned",
                "as": "Planned",
                "display": "line",
                "f": "sum"
                "field": "PlannedCompleted",
                "as": "Completed",
                "f": "sum",
                "display": "column"

var PI_OID = 12483739639; //The ObjectID of the PI on which to burn

    Ext.define('Rally.example.BurnChart', {
        extend: 'Rally.app.App',

        requires: [

        launch: function() {
                xtype: 'rallychart',
                storeType: 'Rally.data.lookback.SnapshotStore',
                storeConfig: this._getStoreConfig(),
                calculatorType: 'Rally.example.BurnCalculator',
                calculatorConfig: {
                    completedScheduleStateNames: ['Accepted', 'Released']
                chartConfig: this._getChartConfig(),
                        chartRendered: this._getStats,
                        scope:  this

     * Generate the store config to retrieve all snapshots for all leaf child stories of the specified PI
    _getStoreConfig: function() {
        return {
            find: {
                _ItemHierarchy: PI_OID,
                _TypeHierarchy: 'HierarchicalRequirement',
                Children: null
            fetch: ['ScheduleState', 'PlanEstimate'],
            hydrate: ['ScheduleState'],
            sort: {
                _ValidFrom: 1
            context: this.getContext().getDataContext(),
            limit: Infinity

     * Generate a valid Highcharts configuration object to specify the chart
    _getChartConfig: function() {
        return {
            chart: {
                defaultSeriesType: 'area',
                zoomType: 'xy'
            title: {
                text: 'PI Burnup'
            xAxis: {
                categories: [],
                tickmarkPlacement: 'on',
                tickInterval: 5,
                title: {
                    text: 'Date',
                    margin: 10
            yAxis: [
                    title: {
                        text: 'Points'
            tooltip: {
                formatter: function() {
                    return '' + this.x + '<br />' + this.series.name + ': ' + this.y;
            plotOptions: {
                series: {
                    marker: {
                        enabled: false,
                        states: {
                            hover: {
                                enabled: true
                    groupPadding: 0.01
                column: {
                    stacking: null,
                    shadow: false
        var stats = [];
        var series = chart.chartData.series;
        _.each(series, function(s){
                name    : s.name,
                average : Ext.Number.toFixed(Ext.Array.mean(s.data), 2),
                min     : Ext.Array.min(s.data),
                max     : Ext.Array.max(s.data),
                count   : Ext.Array.sum(s.data)

    _showStats: function(stats) {
            xtype: 'rallygrid',
            store: Ext.create('Rally.data.custom.Store', {
                data: stats
            columnCfgs: [
                    text: 'Name',
                    dataIndex: 'name'
                    text: 'Average',
                    dataIndex: 'average'
                    text: 'Min',
                    dataIndex: 'min'
                    text: 'Max',
                    dataIndex: 'max'
                    text: 'Count',
                    dataIndex: 'count'

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