
时间:2010-04-26 01:03:23

标签: parameters applescript local-variables


on bam of thing with frst and scnd
    local eat_frst
    return {thing: thing, frst:frst, scnd:scnd} -- this line throws an error
end bam
bam of "bug-AWWK!" with frst without scnd 

会导致错误消息“{scan”未在bam的第二行中定义。 thingfrst都已定义,将调用中的参数传递给bam。为什么会这样?为什么scnd未定义?


以下是一些不会抛出错误的示例,说明了哪个变量获得了什么值。为了区分第一和第二给定参数,每个处理程序被调用with第一个给定参数,without第二个给定参数。请注意,使用given userLabel:userParamName语法没有值捕获问题。

on foo of thing given frst:frst_with, scnd:scnd_with
    local eat_nothing
    return {frst:frst_with, scnd:scnd_with}
end foo

on bar of thing with frst and scnd
    local eat_frst
    return {frst:eat_frst, scnd:scnd}
end bar

on baz of thing with frst and scnd
    local eat_scnd, eat_others
    return {frst:eat_frst, scnd:eat_scnd}
end baz

{foo:(foo of "foo" with frst without scnd), ¬
 bar:(bar of "bar" with frst without scnd), ¬
 baz:(baz of "baz" with frst without scnd)}


{ foo:{frst:true, scnd:false}, 
  bar:{frst:true, scnd:false}, 
  baz:{frst:true, scnd:false}}

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on baa of thing with frst and scnd
    return {frst:scnd, scnd:frst}
end baa

on bas of thing with frst and scnd
    -- note that eat_frst gets the value of the frst parameter,
    -- then gets set to "set"
    set eat_frst to "set"
    return {frst:eat_frst, scnd:eat_scnd}
end bas

on qux of thing with frst and scnd
    if scnd then
    end if
    local eat_scnd, eat_others
    return {frst:scnd, scnd:eat_scnd}
end qux

on quux of thing with frst and scnd
    if frst then
    end if
    if eat_scnd then
    end if
    return {frst:frst, scnd:eat_scnd}
end quux

{  baa: (baa of "baa" with frst without scnd), ¬
   bas: (bas of "bas" with frst without scnd), ¬
   qux: (qux of "qux" with frst without scnd), ¬
  quux: (qux of "qux" with frst without scnd) }


{  baa:{frst:true, scnd:false},
   bas:{frst:"set", scnd:false},
   qux:{frst:true, scnd:false}, 
  quux:{frst:true, scnd:false}}