错误:字段在C ++中具有不完整的类型

时间:2014-11-22 19:42:43

标签: c++

我写了一个基于班级的机场:D !!那包含飞机&所有这些类必须是一个叫做fly的大类中的对象,但是当我在fly类中创建这个对象时,给出这个错误:


错误:字段' flyairplane'有不完整的类型   错误:字段' flypilot'有不完整的类型     。     。

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

/*    Prototypes   */

class date;
class Time;
class passenger;
class pilot;
class fly;
class Airplane;
class Destination;
class lane;
class Time;
class era;
class priorityQueue;

/*     class defines    */

class fly{
void setflyserialNumber(string serial){
    flySerialNumber = serial;
void setAirPlane(Airplane a){
    flyairplane = a;
  void setPilot(pilot p){
      flyPilot = p;
  void setflyEra(era E){
     airplaneEra = E;
  void setflyDestination(Destination D){
    airplaneDestination = D;

void setflyTime(Time t){
    flyTime = t;
void setflyDate(date D){
    flyDate = D;
void setPassengerNumber(int a){
passengerNumber = a ;
void setNumberOfWaiters(int  n){
numberOfWaiters = n ;
string getFlySerialNumber(){
    return flySerialNumber;

string getPriority(){
 stringstream stm; // crisis$fuel$flyDuration$sitnumbers$
 stm << flyairplane.getCrisisState()<< "$"<< flyairplane.getExistFuel()<< "$" << flyDuaration << "$" << flyairplane.sitNumber <<"$" ;
 return stm.str();


string flySerialNumber;

Airplane flyairplane;
pilot flyPilot;
 /* fly contributes  */
era airplaneEra;
Destination airplaneDestination;
date flyDate;
Time flyTime;
int passengerNumber;
int numberOfWaiters;
int flyDuaration;


class passenger {

public :
passenger(string n ,string fn , long int nc,date * bt ){
name = n ;

familyName = fn;
nationCode = nc ;
birthDate = bt;
void setName(string nm , string fn){
    name = nm ;
    familyName = fn ;
string getName(){

stringstream stm;
stm << name << " " << familyName ;
return stm.str();
void SetNationalCode(long int Nc) {
nationCode = Nc ;
long int getNationalCode(){
return nationCode;

string name;
string familyName;
long int nationCode;
date *birthDate;

class pilot{
private :
string name;
string family;
int personallyCode;
date *birthDate;
date *empDate;
string Degree;
int flyTimeDuration;

public :
pilot(string n , string famil , int persoalCode , date *birthD , date *empd , string deg ,int     flyTimeDur){

name = n;
family = famil;
personallyCode = persoalCode;
birthDate = birthD ;
empDate = empd ;
Degree = deg;
flyTimeDuration = flyTimeDur ;


class era{
string eraname;
// location in coordinate system can define here
date flyDate;
Time flyTime;
class Destination{
string destinationName;
// location in coordinate system can define here
date flyDate;
Time flyTime;
class date{


int day;
int month;
int year;
string dateToserial()
    stringstream stm;
   stm << year << month << day;
   return stm.str();

  int dateToNumber(){
  int t = day + month + year ;
  return t;


   class Time{

 public :
 Time(int h , int mins , int sec){
 hour = h;
 minute = mins;
 second = sec;
 int hour;
 int minute;
int second;
  class Airplane{
 //friend class fly;
  public :
  Airplane(){    }
  Airplane(string name,date *genesis,int sitnum , int weight ,string moedl ,string produceFactor ,       int motors ,float fuelcapacity ){
   AirplaneName = name;
   genesisYear = *genesis;


// void addPassenger(Passenger pass);
   string getState (){
   stringstream tstm;
   tstm << "fuelValue : "<<  fuelCapacity << " passengerNumber:"<<passangerNumbers ;
   return tstm.str();

  string getAirplaneSerialnumber(){
    stringstream tempstr;
    tempstr << genesisYear.dateToserial() << weight << motorNumber << fuelCapacity;
    return tempstr.str();

   void setexistfuel(float f){
   existFuel = f;

   float getExistFuel(){
   return existFuel;
   void setCrisisState(bool b){
   crisis = b;
   bool getCrisisState(){
   return crisis;
  bool crisis = false;
  string AirplaneName;
  string serialNumber;
  date genesisYear;
  int sitNumber;
  int passangerNumbers;
  int weight;
  string modelType;
  string producerFactory;
 int motorNumber;
  float fuelCapacity;
  float existFuel;

class lane{
    lane(string lsn , int cap , bool state , bool pstate)
    capacity = cap;
    status = state;
    portStatus = pstate;
     int capacity;
    int usedCapacity;
    bool status;
    bool portStatus;
    int discharingTime;
    void setport(bool ps)
         if(ps) portStatus=true; // takeOff
             portStatus = false; // landing

    void setStatus(bool state)
        if(state) status = true;
             status = false;

    bool getStatus()
      return status;
    void setlaneSerialNumber(string lsn)
    string getlaneSerialNumber()
        return laneSerialNumber;
    string toString()
        stringstream stm;
        stm << laneSerialNumber << "{ "<< "Capacity : "<< capacity<< " used :"<<usedCapacity<<" _ Status : "<<status << " _ Direcion : "<< portStatus << " _ DischaringTime" <<discharingTime << endl;
        return stm.str();
    string generatelaneSerialNumber()
        stringstream stm;
        stm << capacity << usedCapacity << status << portStatus << discharingTime;
        laneSerialNumber = stm.str();
        return stm.str();


    string laneSerialNumber="";

 class manager{
 // priority_queues for takeoff & landing
 // return value of the takeoff queue at time to watchtower
 // get the Objects for landing from watchtower then add it to queue by priority
 // manage priority of queue in dangerous occasions return last priority to watchtower to landing
 /*  Objects contents */
 // in every queue object there is a fly object that contain name & etc of air plane
 // & there is a number that is  combined from fuel value & Events type of landing , that created     by watchtower

 public :


/*   Global functions    */

int main()
lane lane1("lane1",3,true,true);
Airplane plane1;

cout << "\n";
cout << lane1.generatelaneSerialNumber() << endl;
cout << "\n";
cout << lane1.toString() << endl;
cout << plane1.getState();
return 0;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

在C ++中,如果对象是成员变量,则不能使用前向声明。

以下是关于何时可以使用正向声明的帖子:When can I use a forward declaration?


答案 1 :(得分:0)


Airplane flyairplane;
pilot flyPilot;


class pilot{
private :
string name;
string family;
int personallyCode;
date *birthDate;
date *empDate;
string Degree;
int flyTimeDuration;

public :
pilot(string n , string famil , int persoalCode , date *birthD , date *empd , string deg ,int     flyTimeDur){

name = n;
family = famil;
personallyCode = persoalCode;
birthDate = birthD ;
empDate = empd ;
Degree = deg;
flyTimeDuration = flyTimeDur ;

