我有一个递归方法,但是当我想要打印需要采用的路径的输出时,输出应该看起来像,没有引号,"上,下,左,上,下&#34 ;
public String findSolution() {
// Call recursive method from here and return the string
// representing the path.
return backtrack(5, 5, "");
* Recursive backtracking method for finding a path from a starting point.
* @param row
* - row of starting point
* @param col
* - column of starting point
* @param pathSoFar
* - the current path so far.
* @return whether a path was found
public String backtrack(int row, int col, String pathSoFar) {
booleanArray[row][col] = true;
if (winningCond(row,col) == true) {
return pathSoFar;
} else {
steps = map[row][col];
* try up.
if(offBoard(row - steps, col) == false
&& booleanArray[row - steps][col] != true) {
return pathSoFar = backtrack(row
- steps, col, pathSoFar + "up");
* if that didn't work try right.
else if(offBoard(row, col + steps) == false
&& booleanArray[row][col + steps] != true) {
return pathSoFar = backtrack(row, col + steps,
pathSoFar + "right");
* if that didn't work try down.
else if(offBoard(row + steps, col) == false
&& booleanArray[row + steps][col] != true) {
return pathSoFar = backtrack(row + steps, col,
pathSoFar + "down");
* if that didn't work try left.
else if(offBoard(row, col - steps) == false
&& booleanArray[row][col - steps] != true) {
return pathSoFar = backtrack(row, col - steps,
pathSoFar + "left");
} else {
return null;