
时间:2014-11-22 11:02:49

标签: c multithreading performance pthreads multiprocessing

我有一个小型的C程序,使用monte-carlo模拟计算 pi - 基本上只测试一个随机点[x,y],如果它在内部或外部一个圆圈。

要近似 pi ,我必须使用大量样本 n ,其具有 O(n)的直接比例复杂度。因此,尝试计算大量样本n,我实现了POSIX threads api来平衡计算能力。


pthread_t worker[nthreads]; /* creates workers for each thread */
struct param aparam[nthreads]; /* struct param{ long* hits; long rounds; }; */
long nrounds = nsamples / nthreads; /* divide samples to subsets of equal rounds per thread */

for (int i = 0; i < nthreads; ++i) { /* loop to create threads */
    aparam[i].hits = 0;
    aparam[i].rounds = nrounds;
    pthread_create(&worker[i], NULL, calc_pi, &aparam[i]); /* calls calc_pi(void* vparam){}  */ 

long nhits = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nthreads; ++j) { /* collects results */
    pthread_join(worker[j], NULL);
    nhits += (long)aparam[j].hits; /* counts hits inside the cicrle */


void* calc_pi(void* vparam)
{ /* counts hits inside a circle */
    struct param *iparam;
    iparam = (struct param *) vparam;
    long hits = 0;
    float x, y, z;
    for (long i = 0; i < iparam->rounds; ++i) {
        x = (float)rand()/RAND_MAX;
        y = (float)rand()/RAND_MAX;
        z = x * x + y * y;
        if (z <= 1.f) /* circle radius of 1 */
    iparam->hits = (long*)hits;
    return NULL;

现在我有一个奇怪的观察。使用相同的样本集 n 并且线程数增加 i ,此程序需要更多时间而不是更少


| Threads[1] | Samples[1] | Rounds[1] | Time[s] |
|        32  |  268435456 |   8388608 |    118  |
|        16  |  268435456 |  16777216 |    106  |
|         8  |  268435456 |  33554432 |    125  |
|         4  |  268435456 |  67108864 |    152  |
|         2  |  268435456 | 134217728 |     36  |
|         1  |  268435456 | 268435456 |     15  |


使用GCC 4.9.1和以下标志编译:

gcc -O2 -std=gnu11 -pthread pipa.c -lpthread -o pipa

我的硬件是双Intel Xeon E5520(2个处理器,每个4核)@ 2.26 GHz,禁用超线程,使用2.6.18内核运行科学linux。


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