#imports required modules
import random
from time import sleep
#correct number variable created
num = 0
#generates number at random
comp_num = random.randint(1,10)
print('I\'m thinking of a number guess what it is...\n')
#main game code
def main():
#lives created
lives = 3
#correct number variable reset
num = 0
while lives >= 1:
#player guesses
guess = int(input('Guess: '))
if comp_num == guess:
#if correct says well done
input('\nWell Done! You guessed Correctly!\n')
#player doesn't get told what the number is if there right
num = num +1
elif comp_num >= guess:
#if guess is too low tells player
#one live taken for incorrect guess
lives = lives -1
print('\nToo low!\n')
#player is told how many lives they have left
print('You guessed incorrectly. You have',lives,'live(s) remaining.\n')
elif comp_num <= guess:
#if guess is too high tells player
#one live taken for incorrect guess
lives = lives -1
print('\nToo high!\n')
#player is told how many lives they have left
print('You guessed incorrectly. You have',lives,'live(s) remaining.\n')
def end():
#asks player if they want to play again
play_again = input('Would you like to play again?[Y/N] ')
while play_again.lower() == 'y':
#if they do game resets and plays again
if play_again.lower() == 'y':
comp_num = random.randint(1,10)
print('\nI\'m thinking of a number guess what it is...\n')
play_again = input('Would you like to play again?[Y/N] ')
if play_again.lower() == 'n':
if play_again.lower() == 'n':
#if they don't game ends
input('\nOk, Press enter to exit')
if num != 1:
#if player guesses incorrectly they get told the correct awnser
print('The number I was thinking of was...',comp_num,'!\n')
I'm thinking of a number guess what it is...
Guess: 5
Well Done! You guessed Correctly!
The number I was thinking of was... 5 !
Would you like to play again?[Y/N] y
I'm thinking of a number guess what it is...
Guess: 5
Well Done! You guessed Correctly!
Would you like to play again?[Y/N] y
I'm thinking of a number guess what it is...
Guess: 5
Well Done! You guessed Correctly!
Would you like to play again?[Y/N] y
I'm thinking of a number guess what it is...
Guess: 5
Well Done! You guessed Correctly!
答案 0 :(得分:0)
的局部变量。 num += 1
行只会更改局部变量。但是最后的if num != 1
def main():
global num
# the rest of your code
在Python中,每次在函数中编写赋值语句(如num = 0
或num += 1
)时,都会创建一个局部变量 - 除非你明确告诉它不要,用{ {1}}声明。*因此,添加global
表示现在没有局部变量global num
Defining Functions上的教程部分对此进行了更详细的说明。
*或num += 1
答案 1 :(得分:0)
#imports required modules
import random
#correct number variable created
num = 0
#generates number at random
comp_num = random.randint(1,10)
print('I\'m thinking of a number guess what it is...\n')
#main game code
def main():
#generates number at random
comp_num = random.randint(1,10)
#set num as a global variable
global num
#lives created
lives = 3
while lives >= 1:
#player guesses
guess = int(input('Guess: '))
if comp_num == guess:
#if correct says well done
print('\nWell Done! You guessed Correctly!\n')
elif comp_num >= guess:
#if guess is too low tells player
#one live taken for incorrect guess
lives = lives -1
print('\nToo low!\n')
#player is told how many lives they have left
print('You guessed incorrectly. You have',lives,'live(s) remaining.\n')
if lives == 0:
#if player guesses incorrectly they get told the correct awnser
print('The number I was thinking of was...',comp_num,'!\n')
elif comp_num <= guess:
#if guess is too high tells player
#one live taken for incorrect guess
lives = lives -1
print('\nToo high!\n')
#player is told how many lives they have left
print('You guessed incorrectly. You have',lives,'live(s) remaining.\n')
if lives == 0:
#if player guesses incorrectly they get told the correct awnser
print('The number I was thinking of was...',comp_num,'!\n')
def end():
#asks player if they want to play again
play_again = input('Would you like to play again?[Y/N] ')
while play_again.lower() == 'y':
#if they do game resets and plays again
if play_again.lower() == 'y':
comp_num = random.randint(1,10)
print('\nI\'m thinking of a number guess what it is...\n')
play_again = input('Would you like to play again?[Y/N] ')
if play_again.lower() == 'n':
if play_again.lower() == 'n':
#if they don't game ends
input('Ok, Press enter to exit')
#calls main section of game
#calls end of game to give option of playing again and reseting game
答案 2 :(得分:-1)
import random
print "Welcome to guess my number!"
number = random.randint(1,100)
count = 1
while count <= 5:
guess = int(raw_input("Guess an integer between 1 and 100 (inclusive): "))
if guess == number:
print "Correct! You won in",count,"guesses!"
if guess > number:
print "Lower!"
print "Higher!"
count += 1
if count == 6:
print "Man, you really suck at this game. The number was", number