初学者C ++程序员,对动态数组感到困惑

时间:2014-11-21 17:03:49

标签: c++ arrays class pointers vector

我正在尝试创建一个类似于C ++中内置向量类的类。我试图遵循Walter Savitche的教科书中的所有说明,但却无法让它正常工作。

代码是使用Code :: Blocks IDE编写的,并使用gcc编译器编译。

我认为我缺少的是数组参数和指向数组的指针之间的关系。 这是我对正常变量的理解:

int *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, a;
a = 5; // variable  of type int with value 5
p1 = &a; // p1 now points to the value 5
p2 = p1; // p2 now also points to the value of a
p3 = new int; // p3 points to an anonamous variable of type int with undefined value
*p3 = *p1 // value of variable changed to the value of a, namely 5, but doesn't point to a
p4 = new int; // p4 points to an anonamous variable of type int with undefined value
*p4 = 5; // value of variable changed to  5
p4 = p1 // p4 now also points to the value of a


int *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, a[3] = {4, 5, 6}; // a points to the first indexed element of the array, namely 4
p1 = a; // p1 points to the exactly the same thing as a
p2 = new int[3]; // p2 points to an array of base type int with undefined values
p2[0] = 8; // is this the correct usage? is p2 "dereferenced" 
p2[1] = 9;
p2[2] = 10;
p2[2] = p1[2]; // again is this correct? is the third element of the array pointed to by p2 now equal to 6?
*p3 = a // what does this mean?
p4 = new int[4]; // p4 points to an array of base type int with undefined values
p4[0] = p2[0]; 
p4[1] = p2[1];
p4[2] = p2[2];
p4[3] = 3
p2 = p4 // p2 now points to p4, but what happens to the array p2 was pointing to?
delete [] p2; // does this destroy the pointer and the array it is pointing to or just one or the other?


class VectorDouble
    // constructors
    VectorDouble(); // default constructor
    VectorDouble(int init_count); // user specified
    VectorDouble(const VectorDouble& vd_object); // copy constructor
    // destructor
    // accessors
    int capacity_vd(); // get max_count
    int size_vd(); // get amt_count
    double value_at(int index); // get value of "value" at index i
    // mutators
    void push_back_vd(double put_at_end); // insert new element at end of "value"
    void reserve_vd(int incr_capacity); // set max_count
    void resize_vd(int incr_size); // set amt_count
    void change_value_at(double d, int index); // set value of "value" at index i
    // overloaded =
    void operator =(const VectorDouble& vd_object_rhs);
    // other
    friend bool operator ==(VectorDouble vd_object1, VectorDouble vd_object2);
    double *value; // pointer that points to array of type double
    int max_count; // the memory allocated to the array
    int amt_count; // the amount of memory in use


void VectorDouble::push_back_vd(double put_at_end)
    double *temp;
    if(amt_count == max_count)
        max_count += 1;
    temp = new double[max_count];
    for(int i = 0; i < amt_count; i++)
        temp[i] = value[i];
    amt_count += 1;
    temp[amt_count] = put_at_end;
    value = temp;



VectorDouble vec1(10);
    double dd;

    cout << "Enter 3 doubles to vec1:\n";
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        cout << i << ": ";
        cin >> dd;

    cout << "The variables you entered were:\n";
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        cout << i << ": " << vec1.value_at(i) << endl;


12.5 16.8 15.2


0 0 0


错误是我放置amt_count += 1;,我习惯于从1开始索引的数组而不是零(我在R语言中做了很多编码)。纠正密码泄漏的纠正代码是:

void VectorDouble::push_back_vd(double put_at_end)
    double *temp;
    if(amt_count == max_count)
        max_count += 1;
    temp = new double[max_count];
    for(int i = 0; i < amt_count; i++)
        temp[i] = value[i];
    temp[amt_count] = put_at_end;
    amt_count += 1;
    delete [] value;
    value = temp;

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



一切都正确,但需要注意的是我要避免使用术语“指向值 x ”;您指向对象,而对象又具有值 x



你把指针与数组混淆了。在int a[3]中,a是一个数组。它不是指针。这是一个数组。

*p3 = a无效,所以没有任何意义。









答案 1 :(得分:1)



int* p = nullptr; // p has the value "nullptr" or null memory address
int i = 5;        // i has value 5

p = &i;           // p now has the value of the address of i



cout << *p << endl; // Prints whatever is stored in the memory address of i; 5

对于矢量实现,请尝试将此行amt_count += 1;移到此行下方: temp[amt_count] = put_at_end;,因为您尝试访问数组末尾。


a[3] = {4, 5, 6}; // a points to the first indexed element of the array, namely 4


*p3 = a // what does this mean?

这是无效的。您的类型不匹配:* p3是整数,a是数组。

p2 = p4 // p2 now points to p4, but what happens to the array p2 was pointing to?


delete [] p2; // does this destroy the pointer and the array it is pointing to or just one or the other?

指针的值不会改变。但是,它指向的内存已被释放,因此取消引用它将为您提供未定义的结果。删除后最好设置p2 = nullptr;

This answer可能有助于您理解数组并访问其元素。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


void VectorDouble::push_back_vd(double put_at_end)
    double *temp;
    if(amt_count == max_count)
        max_count += 1;
    temp = new double[max_count];
    for(int i = 0; i < amt_count; i++)
        temp[i] = value[i];
    amt_count += 1;
    temp[amt_count] = put_at_end;
    value = temp;



void VectorDouble::push_back_vd(double put_at_end)
    if(amt_count == max_count)
        max_count += 1;
        double *temp = new double[max_count];
        for(int i = 0; i < amt_count; i++)
            temp[i] = value[i];
        delete[] value;
        value = temp;
    value[amt_count] = put_at_end;
    amt_count += 1;

答案 3 :(得分:0)




这个问题的C ++解决方案是永远不会使用裸数组和指针。相反,你使用std :: vector和std :: shared_ptr;这些将为你清理