
时间:2014-11-21 14:53:19

标签: android xml-parsing android-xmlpullparser

我正在使用以下XML,其中包含许多&#34;数据包&#34;作为开始标记。我需要解析<proto name="ip" and get the show values of <field name e.g "ip.len" , "ip.id", <field name="ip.proto ........'

需要一些关于同样的建议...... 代码块:<packet> <proto name="ip" showname="Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (" size="20" pos="14"> <field name="ip.version" showname="Version: 4" size="1" pos="14" show="4" value="45"/> <field name="ip.hdr_len" showname="Header Length: 20 bytes" size="1" pos="14" show="20" value="45"/> <field name="ip.dsfield" showname="Differentiated Services Field: 0xb8 (DSCP 0x2e: Expedited Forwarding; ECN: 0x00: Not-ECT (Not ECN-Capable Transport))" size="1" pos="15" show="184" value="b8"> <field name="ip.dsfield.dscp" showname="1011 10.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Expedited Forwarding (0x2e)" size="1" pos="15" show="46" value="2E" unmaskedvalue="b8"/> <field name="ip.dsfield.ecn" showname=".... ..00 = Explicit Congestion Notification: Not-ECT (Not ECN-Capable Transport) (0x00)" size="1" pos="15" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="b8"/> </field> <field name="ip.len" showname="Total Length: 1566" size="2" pos="16" show="1566" value="061e"/> <field name="ip.id" showname="Identification: 0x0000 (0)" size="2" pos="18" show="0" value="0000"/> <field name="ip.flags" showname="Flags: 0x02 (Don&apos;t Fragment)" size="1" pos="20" show="2" value="40"> <field name="ip.dst_host" showname="Destination Host:" hide="yes" size="4" pos="30" show="" value="7f000001"/> <field name="ip.host" showname="Source or Destination Host:" hide="yes" size="4" pos="30" show="" value="7f000001"/> <field name="" show="Source GeoIP: Unknown" size="4" pos="26" value="7f000001"/> <field name="" show="Destination GeoIP: Unknown" size="4" pos="30" value="7f000001"/> </proto> </packet>

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