使用泽西测试框架测试时收到HTTP 500错误

时间:2014-11-21 13:07:32

标签: java rest junit jersey mockito

我实现了 REST Web服务,并希望使用jUnit测试来测试我的实现。

当我使用 REST 参考框架 Jersey 时,我想使用提供的测试框架 JerseyTest ,但我得到一些奇怪的行为:

如果我的资源创建了一个包含String的响应,那么每件事都可以正常工作(参见测试用例 responseCodeIs404IfGetForNotExistingGuiTag())。 一旦我的响应包含pojo,就会出现问题(请参阅测试用例 responseCodeIs200IfGetForExistingGuiTag())。我没有收到预期的200响应代码,而是500'内部服务器错误'。如果我“手动”测试整个界面,那么每件事都可以。所以我假设我需要以某种方式配置测试框架,但我无法弄清楚如何。


我使用Jersey 2.0(因为它目前在我的glassfish 4.0上运行(没有机会更新)),Mockito作为模拟框架,Jackson作为JSON框架。



public class GuiTagResource {

    private GuiTagRepository guiTagRepo;

    public void setGuiTagRepo(GuiTagRepository guiTagRepo) {
        this.guiTagRepo = guiTagRepo;

    public Response getGuiTagById(@PathParam("id") int guiTagNo) {

        Optional<GuiTag> guiTag = guiTagRepo.getCharGuiTagById(guiTagNo);

        Response response;

        if (!guiTag.isPresent()) {
            //This case works fine
            response = Response.status(404).entity("GuiTag with id " + Integer.toString(guiTagNo) + " was not found.")
        } else {
            //This case produces a 404 Error
            CharacteristicGuiTag guiTagTo = fromEntity((CharacteristicGuiTagEntity) guiTag.get());
            response = Response.status(200).entity(guiTagTo).build();

        return response;


public class GuiTagResourceTest extends JerseyTest {
    private GuiTagRepository repoMock;

    protected Application configure() {



        ResourceConfig config = new ResourceConfig(GuiTagResource.class);
        config.register(new InjectableProvider());

        return config;

    public void responseCodeIs404IfGetForNotExistingGuiTag() {


        Response response = target("char/5").request().get();

        //Passes -> response code is 404
        assertThat(response.getStatus(), is(404));

    public void responseCodeIs200IfGetForExistingGuiTag() {

        Optional<GuiTag> compareTag = getGuiTagMock();
        CharacteristicGuiTag pojo = fromEntity((CharacteristicGuiTagEntity)     compareTag.get());


        Response response = target("char/5").request().get();

        CharacteristicGuiTag responsePojo = response.readEntity(CharacteristicGuiTag.class);

        //Doesn't pass as response is 500?
        assertThat(response.getStatus(), is(200));

    private Optional<GuiTag> getAbsentMock() {
        //returns a Optional.absent() to fake a failed db get.

    private Optional<CharacteristicGuiTagEntity> getCharGuiTagMock() {
        //returns a guiTag

    class InjectableProvider extends AbstractBinder implements Factory<GuiTagRepository> {

        protected void configure() {

        public GuiTagRepository provide() {
            return repoMock;

        public void dispose(GuiTagRepository service) {
            repoMock = null;



Nov 21, 2014 12:53:26 PM org.glassfish.jersey.server.ApplicationHandler initialize
INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version Jersey: 2.0 2013-05-03 14:50:15...
Nov 21, 2014 12:53:27 PM     org.glassfish.jersey.test.grizzly.GrizzlyTestContainerFactory$GrizzlyTestContainer start
INFO: Starting GrizzlyTestContainer...
Nov 21, 2014 12:53:27 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.NetworkListener start
INFO: Started listener bound to [localhost:9998]
Nov 21, 2014 12:53:27 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer start
INFO: [HttpServer] Started.

Nov 21, 2014 12:53:28 PM org.glassfish.jersey.filter.LoggingFilter log
INFO: 1 * LoggingFilter - Request received on thread main
1 > GET http://localhost:9998/char/5

Nov 21, 2014 12:53:28 PM org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.Version <clinit>
INFO: HV000001: Hibernate Validator 5.0.0.Final
Nov 21, 2014 12:53:28 PM org.glassfish.jersey.filter.LoggingFilter log
INFO: 2 * LoggingFilter - Response received on thread main
2 < 500
2 < Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 11:53:28 GMT
2 < Content-Length: 0
2 < Connection: close

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