
时间:2014-11-21 02:02:18

标签: c pointers


  • int *p
  • char *p 它们都具有相同的大小4个字节或8个字节。所有这些都可以用作printf的参数("%s",p),那么编译器如何区分它们呢?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


编译器需要知道指针指向的数据类型,以便能够找到如何处理它。例如,数组基本上是指向(最好)分配的存储区域的指针。因此,a[1]*(a+1)的简写。但是数组的下一个元素从哪里开始呢?除非你的指针有一个类型,否则编译器无法知道这一点。例如,如果你告诉他指向int(4个字节),例如a = 0x100,他会知道a+10x104,因为那是下一个元素的地址。


答案 1 :(得分:2)

所有关于静态类型检查和指针算术。 也许最好通过一个具体的例子说明它。


#include <stdio.h>

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
   char x[10];

   char *p0       = &x[0];  /* ok */
   int  *p1       = &x[0];  /* <- type checking, warning #1 */
   char (*p2)[10] = &x;     /* ok */
   int  (*p3)[10] = &x;     /* <- type checking, warning #2 */

   (void)printf( "sizeof(char): %ld\n", sizeof( char ));
   (void)printf( "sizeof(int):  %ld\n", sizeof( int ));

   (void)printf( "p0: %p, p0+1: %p\n", (void*)p0, (void*)( p0+1 ));
   (void)printf( "p1: %p, p1+1: %p\n", (void*)p1, (void*)( p1+1 ));
   (void)printf( "p2: %p, p2+1: %p\n", (void*)p2, (void*)( p2+1 ));
   (void)printf( "p3: %p, p3+1: %p\n", (void*)p3, (void*)( p3+1 ));

   return 0;

重要:使用-Wallgcc -Wall -o test test.c)进行编译


% gcc -Wall -o test test.c
test.c: In function ‘main’:
test.c:9:21: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type [enabled by default]
    int  *p1       = &x[0];  /* <- type checking, warning #1 */
test.c:11:21: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type [enabled by default]
    int  (*p3)[10] = &x;     /* <- type checking, warning #2 */


% ./test 
sizeof(char): 1
sizeof(int):  4
p0: 0x7fff9f6dc5c0, p0+1: 0x7fff9f6dc5c1  # + 1 char
p1: 0x7fff9f6dc5c0, p1+1: 0x7fff9f6dc5c4  # + 1 int (4 bytes here)
p2: 0x7fff9f6dc5c0, p2+1: 0x7fff9f6dc5ca  # + 10 chars
p3: 0x7fff9f6dc5c0, p3+1: 0x7fff9f6dc5e8  # + 10 ints (40 bytes here)


答案 2 :(得分:1)


/___________Studio Apartments_____________\
|  _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _  |

/____________2 Bed Apartments_____________\
|  _       _       _       _       _      |

Note: different endianness may look like:
/____________2 Bed Apartments_____________\
|      _       _       _       _       _  |

typedef studio char; //tell the compiler what a "studio" is like
typedef apt2br short; //tell it what a 2 bedroom apartment is like

/*Now let's build our apartments at the first available address.*/
studio mystudios[10] = /*the letter people live here :)*/

/*We just told our contractor to build somewhere - record locations for later.*/
studio *LetterStudios=&mystudios;

/* Let's say we want to print out all of our letter people residents
 * and no one has built an apartment complex next to them, so the data
 * following our last letter person is () a '0'

printf("%s\n", (char *)LetterStudios);

/* if nothing is built we may get "ABECIDOFUG", but since we did not add our
 * own '\0' terminator then we get whatever happens to be next.  This is a
 * buffer overrun ... we may get "ABECIDOFUG<lots of garbage>" or worse


/* So let's give ourselves some boundaries and loop through it, but this
 * case has 1 byte elements, so lets look at a 2 byte array

apt2br myapts[5] = /*people with magic number names live here :)*/
  {0xFEFE, 0xB0B, 0xDADE, 0xABE, 0xBABE};
apt2br *MagicApartments=&myapts;

/* to get the number of units in an apartment complex we can always divide the
 * size of the whole complex by the size of a single unit
for(int i=0;i<sizeof(myapts)/sizeof(myapts[0]);i++){
/* Note: the sizeof() is on the array, not the pointer to it, all pointers are
 * going to be either 4 (32 bit) or 8 (64 bit), which would have printed only
 * 2 or 4 elements because the size of the "apartment" at the address is 2

 /* you can still use the pointer though */
 int apartments = sizeof(myapts)/sizeof(myapts[0]);
 while (apartments--)
 /* This just gives the inspector a number of apartments to inspect and points
  * him to the first apartment to inspect.  Each time he prints off the data
  * pointed to, moves his pointer to the next apartment and decrements the number
  * of apartments to inspect till he gets to 0.
  * Note however that now his MagicApartments pointer is past the last apartment
  * If he were to inspect again (without resetting MagicApartments=&myapts;) ,
  * he would end up inspecting the apartment next door... another buffer overrun

答案 3 :(得分:-2)


void * p = null;  
int* p2 = (int*)p;
float* p3 = (float*)p;

