在选择列表中无效,因为它不包含在聚合函数或GROUP BY子句中

时间:2014-11-21 01:56:22

标签: sql-server-2008


列'qualitystd.QualityStd_id'在选择列表中无效,因为它不包含在聚合函数或GROUP BY子句中。


set dateformat dmy 
select qualitystd.qualitystd_id, qualitystd.qualitystd, count(edrec.qualitystd_id) as n, targetreacheddate, treelocation1
from qualitystd    
join (      
select r.edithistory_id, r.targetreacheddate, qualitystd_id, r.treelocation1
from reports r
    right join(
        select edithistory_id, QualityStd_ID, MAX(edit_date) AS edit_date      
        from edit_history      
        where (edit_date < dateadd(day, 1, '11/21/2014'))
        group by edithistory_id,qualitystd_id    
    ) res
on r.edithistory_id = res.edithistory_id
where  r.edithistory_id = res.edithistory_id and (targetreacheddate IS NULL) and treelocation1 = 'Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District' 
) edrec
on edrec.qualitystd_id = qualitystd.qualitystd_id
group by qualitystd.qualitystd_id   
order by qualitystd.qualitystd_id 

谁能告诉我哪里出错了?前两个选择(由内而外)工作正常。这只是造成问题的最后一个。我以为我已将qualitystd.qualitystd_id字段放在group by语句中。


select qualitystd.qualitystd_id, qualitystd.qualitystd, targetreacheddate, treelocation1
from qualitystd    
join (      
select r.edithistory_id, r.targetreacheddate, qualitystd_id, r.treelocation1
from reports r
    right join(
        select edithistory_id, QualityStd_ID, MAX(edit_date) AS edit_date      
        from edit_history      
        where (edit_date < dateadd(day, 1, '11/21/2014'))
        group by edithistory_id,qualitystd_id    
    ) res
on r.edithistory_id = res.edithistory_id
where  r.edithistory_id = res.edithistory_id and (targetreacheddate IS NULL) and treelocation1 = 'Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District' 
) edrec
on edrec.qualitystd_id = qualitystd.qualitystd_id



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您需要从Select语句中删除qualitystd.qualitystd,您只能在select by语句中使用group by子句中使用的那些字段,因此如果您需要计算不同qualitystd.qualitystd_id,则只能使用qualitystd.qualitystd_id当您按照qualitystd.qualitystd_id上的数据进行分组时,计数(qualitystd.qualitystd_id)。所以sql语句将是这样的 `

select qualitystd.qualitystd_id, count(edrec.qualitystd_id) as n, targetreacheddate, treelocation1
from qualitystd    
join (      
select r.edithistory_id, r.targetreacheddate, qualitystd_id, r.treelocation1
from reports r
    right join(
        select edithistory_id, QualityStd_ID, MAX(edit_date) AS edit_date      
        from edit_history      
        where (edit_date < dateadd(day, 1, '11/21/2014'))
        group by edithistory_id,qualitystd_id    
    ) res
on r.edithistory_id = res.edithistory_id
where  r.edithistory_id = res.edithistory_id and (targetreacheddate IS NULL) and treelocation1 = 'Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District' 
) edrec
on edrec.qualitystd_id = qualitystd.qualitystd_id
group by qualitystd.qualitystd_id   
order by qualitystd.qualitystd_id 



    select  qualitystd.qualitystd, count(edrec.qualitystd_id) as n, targetreacheddate, treelocation1
from qualitystd    
join (      
select r.edithistory_id, r.targetreacheddate, qualitystd_id, r.treelocation1
from reports r
    right join(
        select edithistory_id, QualityStd_ID, MAX(edit_date) AS edit_date      
        from edit_history      
        where (edit_date < dateadd(day, 1, '11/21/2014'))
        group by edithistory_id,qualitystd_id    
    ) res
on r.edithistory_id = res.edithistory_id
where  r.edithistory_id = res.edithistory_id and (targetreacheddate IS NULL) and treelocation1 = 'Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District' 
) edrec
on edrec.qualitystd_id = qualitystd.qualitystd_id
group by  qualitystd.qualitystd  
order by  qualitystd.qualitystd
