DocumentDB - 查询结果顺序

时间:2014-11-20 13:29:14

标签: azure azure-cosmosdb

我使用Azure DocumentDB存储有关用户的信息。这些文档包含一个名为 date_created 的属性。我想向documentDB发送一个查询,以检索存储在此集合中的所有用户。我也想要从最新到最旧订购结果。


  1. 为查询返回多个文档时,DocumentDB使用的默认排序是什么?
  2. 据我所知,DocumentDB尚不支持排序控制,但如果我使用存储过程来排序结果,我是执行完整的集合扫描,还是数据库至少利用属性的索引我正在排序?有关信息,我使用的商店程序就是这个(从产品团队提供的Azure示例中稍作修改):

    function orderBy(filterQuery, orderByFieldName, continuationToken) { 
    // HTTP error codes sent to our callback funciton by DocDB server. 
    var ErrorCode = { 
    var collection = getContext().getCollection(); 
    var collectionLink = collection.getSelfLink(); 
    var result = new Array(); 
    function tryQuery(options) { 
        var isAccepted = (filterQuery && filterQuery.length) ? 
            collection.queryDocuments(collectionLink, filterQuery, options, callback) : 
            collection.readDocuments(collectionLink, options, callback) 
        if (!isAccepted) throw new Error("Source dataset is too large to complete the operation."); 
    * queryDocuments callback. 
    * @param {Error} err - Error object in case of error/exception. 
    * @param {Array} queryFeed - array containing results of the query. 
    * @param {ResponseOptions} responseOptions. 
    function callback(err, queryFeed, responseOptions) { 
        if (err) { 
            throw err; 
        // Iterate over document feed and store documents into the result array. 
        queryFeed.forEach(function (element, index, array) { 
            result[result.length] = element; 
        if (responseOptions.continuation) { 
            // If there is continuation, call query again providing continuation token. 
            tryQuery({ continuation: responseOptions.continuation }); 
        } else { 
            // We are done with querying/got all results. Sort the results and return from the script. 
    // Compare two objects(documents) using field specified by the orderByFieldName parameter. 
    // Return 0 if equal, -1 if less, 1 if greater. 
    function compare(x, y) { 
        if (x[orderByFieldName] == y[orderByFieldName]) return 0; 
        else if (x[orderByFieldName] < y[orderByFieldName]) return 1; 
        return -1; 
    // This is called in the very end on an already sorted array. 
    // Sort the results and set the response body. 
    function fillResponse() {
        var page_size = 20;
        // Main script is called with continuationToken which is the index of 1st item to start result batch from. 
        // Slice the result array and discard the beginning. From now on use the 'continuationResult' var. 
        var continuationResult = result; 
        if (continuationToken) continuationResult = result.slice(continuationToken); 
        else continuationToken = 0;
        if (page_size > continuationResult.length ) {
            page_size = continuationResult.length;
        // Get/initialize the response. 
        var response = getContext().getResponse(); 
        // Take care of response body getting too large: 
        // Set Response iterating by one element. When we fail due to MAX response size, return to the client requesting continuation. 
        var i = 0;
        var final_result = [];
        for (; i < page_size; ++i) { 
            try { 
                // Note: setBody is very expensive vs appendBody, use appendBody with simple approximation JSON.stringify(element).
            } catch (ex) { 
                if (!ex.number == ErrorCode.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE) throw ex; 
        /* Now next batch to return to client has i elements. 
        // Slice the continuationResult if needed and discard the end. */
        var partialResult = continuationResult; 
        var newContinuation = null; 
        if (i < continuationResult.length) { 
            partialResult = continuationResult.slice(0, i); 
        // Finally, set response body.          
        response.setBody({ result: final_result, continuation: i }); 


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更新:截至2015年7月 - DocumentDB支持查询中的ORDER BY

目前,您需要在客户端或存储过程中对集合进行排序(尽管我建议在客户端上执行此操作,因为存储过程已执行有限的操作)。< / p>




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