b1 = 00001010
b2 = 10100111
b3 = 10010010
b4 = 10111110
m0 = 01000000
m1 = 00000001
m2 = 00111100
m3 = 10000000
m4 = 00000010
m0 = ~(b1 | b2 | b3 | b4) // 4 ops
m4 = b1 & b2 & b3 & b4 // 3 ops
m1 = ((b1 ^ b2) & ~(b3 | b4)) | (~(b1 | b2) & (b3 ^ b4)) // 9 operations
m2 = ((b1 ^ b2) & (b3 ^ b4)) | ((b1 ^ b3) & (b2 ^ b4)) | ((b1 ^ b4) & (b2 ^ b3)) // 11 operations
m3 = ((b1 ^ b2) & (b3 & b4)) | ((b1 & b2) & (b3 ^ b4)) // 7 operations
答案 0 :(得分:10)
我们的想法是先使用min = x & y
和max = x | y
// Split in lower and upper half
var c1 = b1 & b2;
var c3 = b1 | b2;
var c2 = b3 & b4;
var c4 = b3 | b4;
// Sort within each half
var d1 = c1 & c2; // (b1 & b2) & (b3 & b4)
var d2 = c1 | c2; // (b1 & b2) | (b3 & b4)
var d3 = c3 & c4; // (b1 | b2) & (b3 | b4)
var d4 = c3 | c4; // (b1 | b2) | (b3 | b4)
// Sort middle
var e1 = d1; // (b1 & b2) & (b3 & b4)
var e2 = d2 & d3; // ((b1 & b2) | (b3 & b4)) & ((b1 | b2) & (b3 | b4))
var e3 = d2 | d3; // ((b1 & b2) | (b3 & b4)) | ((b1 | b2) & (b3 | b4))
var e4 = d4; // (b1 | b2) | (b3 | b4)
// Extract masks
var m4 = e1; // (b1 & b2) & (b3 & b4)
var m3 = e2 ^ e1; // (((b1 & b2) | (b3 & b4)) & ((b1 | b2) & (b3 | b4))) ^ ((b1 & b2) & (b3 & b4))
var m2 = d3 ^ d2; // The same as e3 ^ e2, saves two operations if only m2 is required
var m1 = e4 ^ e3; // ((b1 | b2) | (b3 | b4)) ^ (((b1 & b2) | (b3 & b4)) | ((b1 | b2) & (b3 | b4)))
var m0 = ~e4; // ~((b1 | b2) | (b3 | b4))
m4:3次操作答案 1 :(得分:8)
所以你基本上要做的是实现 n - 输入单位binary adder(在你的情况下, n = 4)使用按位逻辑运算。幸运的是,数字电路设计人员已经对这个问题进行了广泛的研究。
一般解决方案涉及维护 k 位向量数组 t 1 , t 2 ,..., t k (其中2 k > n )存储计数的位,并将每个输入位向量添加到一次计数一个:
// initialize counts to zero
int count[k];
for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) count[j] = 0;
// count input bits
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int carry = input[i];
for (int j = 0; j < k && carry != 0; j++) {
int temp = count[k];
count[k] = carry ^ temp;
carry = carry & temp;
// XXX: if carry != 0 here, some of the counts have overflowed
int masks[n+1];
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
masks[n] = ~0; // initialize all mask bits to 1
for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
masks[n] &= (n & (1 << j) ? count[j] : ~count[j]);
当然,如果输入的数量很小且固定,我们可以针对该特定值优化代码。例如,对于 n = 4,我们可以使用:
// count input bits, store counts in bit-planes c0, c1, c2
int c0 = b0 ^ b1 ^ b2 ^ b3;
int c2 = b0 & b1 & b2 & b3;
int c1 = ((b0 & b1) | ((b0 ^ b1) & b2) | ((b0 ^ b1 ^ b2) & b3)) & ~c2;
// build masks from bit-planes
int m0 = ~c0 & ~c1 & ~c2;
int m1 = c0 & ~c1 & ~c2;
int m2 = ~c0 & c1 & ~c2;
int m3 = c0 & c1 & ~c2;
int m4 = c2; // XXX: count cannot be more than 4
完全天真的编译器会从此代码生成23个AND / OR / XOR运算和9个NOT。但是,一个不错的编译器应该缓存~c0
的值,最多可以保存6个NOT,也可能还有一些重复的子表达式,如b0 & b1
,{ {1}},b0 ^ b1
,b0 ^ b1 ^ b2
和~c1 & ~c2
,最多可保存6个AND / XOR,总计17个AND / OR / XOR加3个NOTs = 20个操作数,这与Jonathan Mee的19-op解决方案非常接近。
事实上,我们可以通过意识到我们实际上不需要计算c1 & ~c2
。我们还可以通过注意c12 = c1 | c2
// count input bits, store counts in bit-planes c0, (c1 = c12 & ~c2), c2
int c0 = b0 ^ b1 ^ b2 ^ b3;
int c2 = b0 & b1 & b2 & b3;
int c12 = ((b0 & b1) | ((b0 ^ b1) & b2) | ((b0 ^ b1 ^ b2) & b3));
// build masks from bit-planes
int m0 = ~c0 & ~c12;
int m1 = c0 & ~c12; // c0 implies ~c2
int m2 = ~c0 & c12 & ~c2;
int m3 = c0 & c12; // c0 implies ~c2
int m4 = c2; // c2 implies ~c0 & ~c1
对于一个天真的编译器,这是19个AND / OR和5个NOT,但是普通的子表达式优化应该将其减少到15个AND / OR和3个NOT,总共 18个ops 。
更新 2014年11月23日:我之前的代码未经测试,并且在c1
/ c12
答案 2 :(得分:7)
m2 = ~(m0 | m1 | m3 | m4) // 4 ops
答案 3 :(得分:7)
假设下面的(低效)C ++搜索代码是正确的,那么操作最少的表达式,不允许使用临时变量,如下所示:
(4 ops): m0 = ~(((b3 | b2) | b1) | b0)
(7 ops): m1 = ((((b1 & b0) | b3) | b2) ^ (((b3 & b2) | b1) | b0))
(7 ops): m2 = (((b3 | b0) & (b2 | b1)) ^ ((b2 & b1) | (b3 & b0)))
(7 ops): m3 = (((((b3 | b2) & b1) & b0) ^ (b3 & b2)) & (b1 | b0))
(3 ops): m4 = (((b3 & b2) & b1) & b0)
// A program to search for boolean expressions that determine
// whether n of bools x0,..x3 are true, made up of a minimal
// number of ands, ors, xors and nots.
// There are 2**4=16 possible assignments of x0,..x3
// so there are 2**16 functions (assignments) -> (output)
// thus each map can be identified as an integer
// fun[i] will be the list of ids of all functions that
// can be represented with <= n operations
// options
const int max_ops = 7; // max number of ops to search to
#include <tchar.h>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
typedef enum {
} OpType;
typedef struct {
int first;
int second;
OpType type;
} op;
int get_count_fn(int k)
// return the id of the function which is true if
// k of the 4 inputs are true
int x = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
int m = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (j & (1 << i))
m += 1;
if (m == k)
x |= (1 << j);
return x;
void add_triple(map<int, op> & src, int first, int second, OpType type, int result)
// record an operation
op rhs;
rhs.first = first;
rhs.second = second;
rhs.type = type;
src[result] = rhs;
int get_first(const vector<map<int, op>> & src, int val)
// find the first n such that src[n] contains val
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++)
if (src[i].find(val) != src[i].end())
return i;
return -1;
string display_retrace(const vector<map<int, op>> & src, int val)
// trace a function backwards to find out how it was constructed
string result;
// find the op leading to it
int n = get_first(src, val);
auto iter = src[n].find(val);
op o = iter->second;
// print it out, recursively
if (o.type == LITERAL)
result = string("b") + to_string(o.first);
else if (o.type == NOT)
result = string("~") + display_retrace(src, o.first);
else if (o.type == AND)
result = string("(") + display_retrace(src, o.first) + string(" & ") +
display_retrace(src, o.second) + string(")");
else if (o.type == OR)
result = string("(") + display_retrace(src, o.first) + string(" | ") +
display_retrace(src, o.second) + string(")");
else if (o.type == XOR)
result = string("(") + display_retrace(src, o.first) + string(" ^ ") +
display_retrace(src, o.second) + string(")");
return result;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int all_on = (1 << 16) - 1;
vector<int> countFuns;
vector<bool> foundCountFuns;
vector<map<int, op>> src;
cout << "The `counting' functions we seek are:\n";
for (int k = 0; k <= 4; k++)
int cf = get_count_fn(k);
cout << std::bitset<16>(cf) << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i <= max_ops; i++)
src.push_back(map<int, op>());
// add all the literals to the list for 0 operations
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int x = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
if (j & (1 << i))
x |= (1 << j);
add_triple(src[0], i, -1, LITERAL, x);
// iterate over the number n of operators
for (int n = 1; n <= max_ops; n++)
// iterate over i,j with i+j=n-1
for (int i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
int j = n - i - 1;
// add all combinations of all vectors to the list for n
for (auto pi = src[i].begin(); pi != src[i].end(); pi++)
for (auto pj = src[j].begin(); pj != src[j].end(); pj++)
int xi = pi->first;
int xj = pj->first;
add_triple(src[n], xi, xj, OR, xi | xj);
add_triple(src[n], xi, xj, AND, xi & xj);
add_triple(src[n], xi, xj, XOR, xi ^ xj);
// also add the "nots" from n-1
for (auto pprev = src[n - 1].begin(); pprev != src[n - 1].end(); pprev++)
int xprev = pprev->first;
add_triple(src[n], xprev, -1, NOT, all_on - xprev);
cout << "Functions with " << n << " operators: size is " << src[n].size() << " ---\n";
// search for the functions we are interested in
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < countFuns.size(); k++)
if (!foundCountFuns[k] && src[n].find(countFuns[k]) != src[n].end())
cout << "Found count function " << k << ":\n";
cout << "m" << k << " = " << display_retrace(src, countFuns[k]) << "\n";
foundCountFuns[k] = true;
return 0;
答案 4 :(得分:5)
请原谅C ++。它只是使输出更容易。
const int b1 = 0b00001010;
const int b2 = 0b10100111;
const int b3 = 0b10010010;
const int b4 = 0b10111110;
// 4 operations
const int x12 = b1 ^ b2;
const int x34 = b3 ^ b4;
const int a12 = b1 & b2;
const int a34 = b3 & b4;
const int m0 = ~(b1 | b2 | b3 | b4); // 4 operations
const int m3 = ((x12) & (a34)) | ((a12) & (x34)); // 3 operations
const int m1 = ((x12) ^ (x34)) & ~m3; // 3 operations
const int m4 = a12 & a34; //1 operation
const int m2 = ~(m0 | m1 | m3 | m4); //4 operations
cout << bitset<8>(m0) << endl << bitset<8>(m1) << endl << bitset<8>(m2) << endl << bitset<8>(m3) << endl << bitset<8>(m4) << endl;
答案 5 :(得分:5)
a01 = b0 & b1
a23 = b2 & b3
r01 = b0 | b1
r23 = b2 | b3
m0 = ~(r01 | r23) // 4 ops
m1 = (a01 | r23) ^ (r01 | a23) // 7 ops
m2 = (r01 & r23) ^ (a01 | a23) // 7 ops
m3 = (r01 & r23) & (a01 ^ a23) // 7 ops
m4 = a01 & a23 // 3 ops
// m2,m3 in 9 ops
t1 = r01 & r23
t2 = a01 ^ a23
m2 = t1 ^ (a23 | t2)
m3 = t1 & t2
// m1,m3 in 9 ops
t1 = r01 ^ r23
t2 = a01 ^ a23
t3 = t1 ^ t2
m1 = t1 & t3
m3 = t2 & t3
)可以更快地计算出"sort the bits" approach,这是最佳的。
// m1,m3 in 8 ops (NAND is a single op)
t1 = r01 ^ r23
t2 = a01 ^ a23
m1 = t1 & ~t2
m3 = ~t1 & t2
// m1,m2,m3 in 10 ops (NAND is a single op)
x01 = b0 ^ b1
x23 = b2 ^ b3
a01 = b0 & b1
a23 = b2 & b3
t1 = x01 ^ x23
t2 = a01 ^ a23
m1 = t1 & ~t2
m2 = ~t1 & (x23 ^ t2)
m3 = t1 & t2
再添加一项操作m4 = a01 & a23
这些结果是在穷举搜索代码的帮助下获得的(见下文)。此代码使用一些简化的假设,以便能够足够快地运行。这些假设并不明显,这使得这些代码不是一个很好的工具来证明结果的最优性。至少单独掩码的结果是最佳的,code from other answer证明了这一点。掩码对和三元组结果的最优性由我的代码“证明”,这意味着你很可能不能更快地完成它。
这是代码(C ++ 14或C ++ 11加二进制文字):
/* Search for minimal logical expression (using &|^ operations) for bits set
* exactly N times (in a group of 4 bits).
* Uses brute force approach to get one or two expressions for one or two
* values of N at once. To make it possible getting results in reasonable time
* some simplifications were made:
* - first 4 operations pre-defined: &| or ^& or ^| for 2 pairs of input values
* - number of ops limited, if no result found within limit, print "impossible"
* - no attempts to perform operation on 2 expr with the same left and the same
* right parts
* - unused nodes are not allowed (to minimize number of duplicate attempts)
* - no attempt to use "not" (except for "m0")
* Also these optimizations were tried (with no significant effect):
* - no more than 2 different ops on same pair of sub-expressions
* - do not apply same op on same pair of sub-expressions more than once
* operation set may be extended by "nand" (kNAnd option)
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
enum {
kMaxSize = 17,
kNTargets = 5,
kNInputs = 4,
kNil = 255,
kNAnd = 0,
enum Op {
OpAnd = kNInputs,
array<const char*, kNInputs + 3> g_op_str {
"b0", "b1", "b2", "b3",
" & ", " | ", " ^ ",
array<unsigned, kNTargets> g_target_masks {
0b0111111111111111, // gives correct result only after additional "not"
// 0111122222233334
array<unsigned, kNInputs> g_literal_vals {
unsigned g_targets = 0;
unsigned g_score_limit = 0;
mutex g_print_mutex;
template<typename C, typename T>
ptrdiff_t findIndex(C c, T t)
auto it = find(begin(c), end(c), t);
return it - begin(c);
struct DAGNode
unsigned value;
uint8_t op;
bool l_not;
bool r_not;
uint8_t left;
uint8_t right;
uint8_t use_cnt;
void clear()
use_cnt = 0;
void setLit(const uint8_t lit, const unsigned v)
value = v;
op = lit;
l_not = false;
r_not = false;
left = kNil;
right = kNil;
use_cnt = 0;
struct DAG
array<DAGNode, kMaxSize> nodes;
unsigned size;
unsigned score;
void print(ostream& out, size_t ind)
auto& node = nodes[ind];
if (node.op < kNInputs)
out << g_op_str[node.op];
out << '(';
if (node.l_not) out << '~';
print(out, node.left);
out << g_op_str[node.op];
if (node.r_not) out << '~';
print(out, node.right);
out << ')';
void printAll(ostream& out)
for (size_t i = 2 * kNInputs; i < size; ++i)
auto& node = nodes[i];
auto ind = findIndex(g_target_masks, node.value);
if ((1 << ind) & g_targets)
out << 'm' << static_cast<char>('0' + ind) << " = ";
print(out, i);
out << '\n';
bool operator < (const DAG& l, const DAG& r)
return l.score < r.score;
class Find
using SPA = array<uint8_t, (kMaxSize - kNInputs) * (kMaxSize - kNInputs)>;
using EDA = bitset<(kMaxSize - kNInputs) * (kMaxSize - kNInputs) * 5>;
SPA same_pair_;
EDA dup_op_;
DAG dag_;
DAG best_;
unsigned ops_;
unsigned targets_;
unsigned unused_;
class UseCnt
unsigned& unused_;
uint8_t& use_cnt_;
UseCnt(unsigned& unused, uint8_t& use_cnt)
: unused_(unused)
, use_cnt_(use_cnt)
if (!use_cnt_)
if (!use_cnt_)
class PairLim
uint8_t& counter_;
PairLim(SPA& spa, size_t l, size_t r)
: counter_(spa[(kMaxSize - kNInputs) * l + r])
bool exceeded()
return counter_ > 2;
class DupLim
EDA& eda_;
size_t ind_;
DupLim(EDA& eda, size_t l, size_t r, size_t op)
: eda_(eda)
, ind_(5 * ((kMaxSize - kNInputs) * l + r) + op - kNInputs)
bool used()
return !eda_.test(ind_);
unsigned getPos(uint8_t l)
return dag_.nodes[l].value;
bool tryNode(uint8_t l, uint8_t r, uint8_t op)
//DupLim dl(dup_op_, l, r, op);
//if (dl.used())
// return false;
addNode(l, r, op);
auto node = dag_.nodes[dag_.size - 1];
const auto ind = findIndex(g_target_masks, node.value);
const auto m = (1 << ind) & targets_;
if (m)
if (targets_ == m)
best_ = dag_;
return true;
targets_ &= ~m;
if (!m)
targets_ |= m;
return false;
: ops_(kNInputs)
, targets_(g_targets)
, unused_(0)
dag_.score = 0;
dag_.size = kNInputs;
best_.score = g_score_limit;
best_.size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kNInputs; ++i)
dag_.nodes[i].setLit(static_cast<uint8_t>(i), g_literal_vals[i]);
fill(begin(same_pair_), end(same_pair_), 0);
void addNode(const uint8_t l, const uint8_t r, uint8_t op)
auto& node = dag_.nodes[dag_.size];
switch (op)
case OpAnd:
node.value = getPos(l) & getPos(r);
case OpOr:
node.value = getPos(l) | getPos(r);
case OpXor:
node.value = getPos(l) ^ getPos(r);
case OpNAndL:
node.value = ~getPos(l) & getPos(r);
case OpNAndR:
node.value = getPos(l) & ~getPos(r);
node.op = op;
node.l_not = false;
node.r_not = false;
node.left = l;
node.right = r;
node.use_cnt = 0;
if (op == OpNAndL)
node.l_not = true;
node.op = OpAnd;
else if (op == OpNAndR)
node.r_not = true;
node.op = OpAnd;
void search()
if (dag_.score >= best_.score)
for (uint8_t i_r = kNTargets; i_r < dag_.size; ++i_r)
UseCnt uc_r(unused_, dag_.nodes[i_r].use_cnt);
if (unused_ > 2 * (best_.score - dag_.score) - 1)
for (uint8_t i_l = kNInputs; i_l < i_r; ++i_l)
UseCnt uc_l(unused_, dag_.nodes[i_l].use_cnt);
if (unused_ > 2 * (best_.score - dag_.score) - 2)
if (dag_.nodes[i_l].left == dag_.nodes[i_r].left &&
dag_.nodes[i_l].right == dag_.nodes[i_r].right
PairLim pl(same_pair_, i_l, i_r);
if (pl.exceeded())
if (tryNode(i_l, i_r, OpAnd))
if (tryNode(i_l, i_r, OpOr))
if (tryNode(i_l, i_r, OpXor))
if (kNAnd)
if (tryNode(i_l, i_r, OpNAndL))
if (tryNode(i_l, i_r, OpNAndR))
void print(ostream& out, const char* name)
if (best_.score < g_score_limit)
out << name << " ops = " << best_.score << '\n';
out << '\n';
out << name << " impossible\n\n";
void process(ostream& out, const char* name)
lock_guard<mutex> lk(g_print_mutex);
print(out, name);
unsigned readTargets(char* str)
unsigned num = 0;
for (; *str; ++str)
if (*str >= '0' && *str <= '4')
g_targets |= 1 << (*str - '0');
return num;
void usage()
cerr << "Usage: bitcnt [0-4]*\n"
"example: bitcnt 23 (to find targets m2,m3)\n";
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc > 1)
g_score_limit = 6 + 2 * readTargets(argv[1]);
// set score_limit to 10 for m1,m2,m3 (with nand), time ≈ 1h
array<Find, 3> finders;
finders[0].addNode(0, 1, OpAnd);
finders[0].addNode(0, 1, OpOr);
finders[0].addNode(2, 3, OpAnd);
finders[0].addNode(2, 3, OpOr);
finders[1].addNode(0, 1, OpAnd);
finders[1].addNode(0, 1, OpXor);
finders[1].addNode(2, 3, OpAnd);
finders[1].addNode(2, 3, OpXor);
finders[2].addNode(0, 1, OpXor);
finders[2].addNode(0, 1, OpOr);
finders[2].addNode(2, 3, OpXor);
finders[2].addNode(2, 3, OpOr);
auto t0 = thread([&finders]{finders[0].process(cout, "&|");});
auto t1 = thread([&finders]{finders[1].process(cout, "&^");});
auto t2 = thread([&finders]{finders[2].process(cout, "^|");});
t0.join(); t1.join(); t2.join();
10个操作中的 m2
x1 = b1 ^ b2;
x2 = b3 ^ b4;
m2 = (x1 & x2) | (((b1 & b2) ^ (b3 & b4)) & ~(x1 | x2));
8个操作中的 m1
m1 = (b1 ^ b2 ^ b3 ^ b4) & ~((b1 & b2) | (b3 & b4));