Sub Macro1() “ 'Macro1宏 “
” Dim CellValue As String strcellvalue =替换(范围(“A9”)。值,“”,“”) 如果是InStr(strcellvalue,“ - ”)那么 Dim intCurrentBIN为Double Dim intLastBIN为Double Dim intMainRow As Integer Dim intNewRow As Integer intMainRow = 9 intNewRow = intMainRow + 1
intCurrentBIN = CDbl(Left(strcellvalue, InStr(strcellvalue, "-") - 1))
intLastBIN = CDbl(Right(strcellvalue, Len(strcellvalue) - InStr(strcellvalue, "-")))
Do While intCurrentBIN < (intLastBIN + 1)
Rows(intMainRow & ":" & intMainRow).Select
Rows(intNewRow & ":" & intNewRow).Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
Range("A" & intNewRow).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = intCurrentBIN
intNewRow = intNewRow + 1
intCurrentBIN = intCurrentBIN + 1
Rows(intMainRow & ":" & intMainRow).Select
End If
End Sub
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Sub createRows()
Dim iStart As Integer, iEnd As Integer, iLastRow As Integer, iThreeFour As Integer, iLoop As Integer
Dim sID As String, sDesc As String, sCode As String
For iThreeFour = 3 To 4
sID = Range("A" & iThreeFour)
sDesc = Range("B" & iThreeFour)
sCode = Range("C" & iThreeFour)
iStart = Left(sID, InStr(sID, "-") - 1)
iEnd = Right(sID, Len(sID) - InStr(sID, "-"))
iLastRow = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
For iLoop = iStart To iEnd
Range("A" & iLastRow).Value = iLoop
Range("B" & iLastRow).Value = sDesc
Range("C" & iLastRow).Value = sCode
iLastRow = iLastRow + 1
Next iLoop
Next iThreeFour
End Sub