有没有办法在你推进一个' IF'之后再回过头来。声明?

时间:2014-11-20 06:49:38

标签: c

所以我正在为我的'C'编程课程制作这个基于文本的游戏。 我想在完成课程后继续学习,所以这不仅仅是一项家庭作业,我希望将其留待以后使用。


if (door2 == 1)
    // what happens when you touch the orb.
    printf("The orb transports you to an unknown location.\n");
    printf("You look around to get the lay of your area,\n");
    printf("off in the distance you see a church like building.");
    door2 = door2 - 1;
    printf("Do you go to the building? ");
    scanf_s("%d", &door1);
    if (door1 ==  1)
        // Going up to the church.
        printf("You walk up to the building, it gives you a strange feeling\n");
        printf("in the pit of your stomach. You look around and see two windows\n");
        printf("low enough for you to see into along with the main door.\n");
        printf("Do you go to the left window? right window? or try to open the front door?\n");
        scanf_s("%d", &movement);
        if (movement = 1)
            // left window.
            printf("You creep up to the window and peak inside...\n");
            printf("You see a large figure pacing back and forth in the room\n");
            printf("what ever it is spots you and darts further into the church.");
            movement = movement - 1;
            // i subtract the L,S,R numbers to insure there is not an infinite loop.
        else if (movement = 2)
            // front door.
            printf("You walk up to the front door, and try to open it.\n");
            printf("The door does not budge, it must be locked.");
            movement = movement - 2;
        else if (movement = 3)
            // right window.
            printf("You creep up to the window and find an empty room.\n");
            movement = movement - 3;
            printf("The window is cracked open somewhat... Do you try to enter the\n");
            printf("church through the window? ");
            scanf_s("%d", &door2);

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


void main() {

void enterTheCurch() {
  printf("You've entered the Curch. There are 2 Doors. Do you want to go left or right?");
  String direction;
  scanf_s("%s", &direction);
  if(direction == "left") {
  else {

goLeftCurchDoor() {

goRightCurchDoor() {

尝试使用此结构。像这样你也可以为函数提供参数bool alreadyVisited,并根据这些参数更改打印。

答案 1 :(得分:2)



制作游戏并不是一件容易的事情,你不能强迫自己制作一个游戏 - 它需要提前做好周到的计划。尝试在一张纸上画一个对话树。当你在纸上用完房间时,你会很快看到它失控 - 设计游戏是一项复杂的任务。在开始编码之前获得蓝图非常重要。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h> // for true and false

typedef enum { NONE = 0, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN } movement_t;

int main()
    movement_t movement = NONE;
    movement_t last_movement = NONE;
    while (true)
        int movement_input = 0;
        scanf("%d", &movement_input);
        movement = (movement_t) movement_input;

        // ...

        last_movement = movement;


void church()
   printf("Generic church description.");
   if (some_player_did_something)
     printf("You now spot a shiny object on the floor.");


if (last_movement == LEFT)
  printf("You come in from the left and noticed something you haven't before...");


答案 2 :(得分:0)


if (someCondition) {
   goto label;

此代码将循环,直到someCondition变为false。 goto是一种无条件跳转,允许您向前或向后跳转到标签,只要您保持在同一范围内。

很多人讨厌goto,如果你有其他更好的选择,你应该确保不要使用它。 故事讲述听起来像goto的一个很好的用例。

循环或递归是产生此结果的其他选项,例如while do ... while for

答案 3 :(得分:0)

游戏中的每个位置都需要在表格中输入, 以及某些环境细节,例如: 面向玩家的方向 每个位置的可见项目 当前的比赛状态, 目前的库存, &#39;下一个&#39;表格使用等。

每个可能的用户输入都有一个独特的功能来处理输入(没有那么多可能的输入) 这些函数中的每一个都获得一个参数,该参数是指向位置表中的条目的指针,该参数允许该函数处理用户输入。 程序的主循环处理从用户获取输入并调度相应的inputFunction处理程序。 将有子功能来处理库存变化,显示库存,启用/禁用某些类型的操作等