
时间:2014-11-20 05:46:59

标签: c string scanf



输入:      (教师#,名字,姓氏,年龄)      " 123 Suzie Cue 42"

我如何储存" suzie cue"在一个变量中,同时仍将其他整数存储在自己的变量中? 换句话说,我有4个来自文件的输入,但我只有3个变量。


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

当读取作为文本行输入的任何输入时,通常最好使用面向行的输入将整行读入字符串(或缓冲区) )。这允许您使用任何您喜欢的方法解析该缓冲区。这比尝试将行格式变成scanf语句要灵活得多。

面向行的输入的主要工具是fgetsgetline。两者都可以,但我更喜欢getline,因为它提供了作为返回读取的实际字符数,并且能够为您动态分配缓冲区,足以容纳整个字符串读取。 (当你完成它时,你必须记住释放空间)

解析缓冲区非常简单。您的值由spaces分隔。您知道第一个空格位于Faculty#之后,您知道最后一个空格将nameage分开。您可以使用strchrstrrchr轻松找到第一个和最后一个空格。你知道其间的一切都是名字。这有很大的好处。名称是first lastfirst middle lastfirst middle last, suffix等等并不重要......您可以将其命名为。

成功解析缓冲区后,您有Facuty#age作为叮咬。如果您需要integerslongs,则完全没问题。使用atoistrtol进行简单转换可轻松实现转化。这就是首选面向行的输入。您可以完全控制解析缓冲区,但不受scanf format string的限制。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main (void) {

    char *line = NULL;      /* pointer to use with getline ()       */
    ssize_t read = 0;       /* number of chars actually read        */
    size_t n = 0;           /* limit read to n chars (0 - no limit) */
    int cnt = 0;            /* count of lines read                  */
    int spcs;               /* counter to count spaces in line      */
    char *p = NULL;         /* general pointer to use               */

    char *fnumber = NULL;   /* faculty number   */
    char *name = NULL;      /* teacher name     */
    char *age = NULL;       /* teacher age      */

    printf ("\n Enter Faculty Information (Faculty# Name Age) (press [ctrl+d] when done)\n\n");

    while (printf ("  input: ") && (read = getline (&line, &n, stdin)) != -1) {

        if (read > 0 && *line != '\n') {    /* validate input, not just [enter] */

            if (line[read - 1] == '\n') {   /* strip newline */
                line[read - 1] = 0;

            p = line;                   /* validate at least 3 spaces in line   */
            spcs = 0;
            while (*p) {
                if (*p == ' ')

            if (spcs < 3)               /* if not 3 spaces, get new input       */

            p = strrchr (line, ' ');    /* find the last space in line          */

            age = strdup (++p);         /* increment pointer and read age       */
            --p;                        /* decrement pointer and set null       */
            *p = 0;                     /* line now ends after name             */

            p = strchr (line, ' ');     /* find first space in line             */
            *p++ = 0;                   /* set to null, then increment pointer  */

            fnumber = strdup (line);    /* read faculty number (now line)       */
            name = strdup (p);          /* read name (now p)                    */

            printf ("\n    Faculty #: %-10s name: %-24s age: %s\n\n", fnumber, name, age);

            /* free all memory allocated by strdup*/
            if (fnumber) free (fnumber);
            if (name) free (name);
            if (age) free (age);

            cnt++;                      /* count this as a valid read           */

    if (line) free (line);              /* free line allocated by getline       */

    printf ("\n\n  Number of faculty entered : %d\n\n", cnt);

    return 0;


$ ./bin/faculty

 Enter Faculty Information (Faculty# Name Age) (press [ctrl+d] when done)

  input: 100 Mary P. Teacher 45

    Faculty #: 100        name: Mary P. Teacher          age: 45

  input: 101 John J. Butterworth, Jr. 52

    Faculty #: 101        name: John J. Butterworth, Jr. age: 52

  input: 102 Henry F. Principal 62

    Faculty #: 102        name: Henry F. Principal       age: 62

  input: 103 Jim L. Lee, III, PhD 71

    Faculty #: 103        name: Jim L. Lee, III, PhD     age: 71


  Number of faculty entered : 4

答案 1 :(得分:0)


char c[50];

答案 2 :(得分:0)




scanf ("%25s",name);

答案 3 :(得分:0)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main ()
  char name[80];
  char str[40];

  printf ("Enter your first name: ");
  scanf ("%s", str);
  int flen = strlen(str);
  strncat(name, str, flen);
  strncat(name, " ", 1);

  printf ("Enter your last name: ");
  scanf (" %s", str);
  flen = strlen(str);
  strncat(name, str, flen);
  printf("Name is :%s\n",name);

  return 0;