
时间:2010-04-23 20:51:20

标签: python integration tcl dsl

  1. 我有一堆Python函数。我们称他们为foobarbaz。它们接受可变数量的字符串参数,并执行其他复杂的操作(如访问网络)。

  2. 我希望“用户”(让我们假设他只熟悉Tcl)使用这些功能在Tcl中编写脚本。

  3. 以下是用户可以提出的示例(摘自Macports):

    post-configure {
        if {[variant_isset universal]} {
            set conflags ""
            foreach arch ${configure.universal_archs} {
                if {${arch} == "i386"} {append conflags "x86 "} else {
                    if {${arch} == "ppc64"} {append conflags "ppc_64 "} else {
                        append conflags ${arch} " "
            set profiles [exec find ${worksrcpath} -name "*.pro"]
            foreach profile ${profiles} {
                reinplace -E "s|^(CONFIG\[ \\t].*)|\\1 ${conflags}|" ${profile}
                # Cures an isolated case
                system "cd ${worksrcpath}/designer && \
                        ${qt_dir}/bin/qmake -spec ${qt_dir}/mkspecs/macx-g++ -macx \
                        -o Makefile python.pro"

    这里,variant_isssetreinplace等等(除了Tcl builtins)实现为Python函数。 ifforeachset等是正常的Tcl结构。 post-configure是一个Python函数,它接受一个稍后可以执行的Tcl代码块(反过来显然最终会调用上面提到的Python“函数”)。


    from Tkinter import *; root= Tk(); root.tk.eval('puts [array get tcl_platform]')是我所知道的唯一集成,显然非常有限(更不用说它在mac上启动X11服务器这一事实)。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


import Tkinter

# create the tcl interpreter
tcl = Tkinter.Tcl()

# define a python function
def pycommand(*args):
    print "pycommand args:", ", ".join(args)

# register it as a tcl command:
tcl_command_name = "pycommand"
python_function = pycommand
cmd = tcl.createcommand(tcl_command_name, python_function)

# call it, and print the results:
result = tcl.eval("pycommand one two three")
print "tcl result:", result


$ python2.5 /tmp/example.py
pycommand args: one, two, three
tcl result: None

答案 1 :(得分:-1)

@Brian - 我必须进行实验以获得正确的结果

from Tkinter import Tcl
tcl = Tcl()
result = tcl.eval(' puts "hello, world" ')



  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
_tkinter.TclError: can not find channel named "hello,"

--- fracjackmac