是否有人可以建议替换WinForms SplitContainer的替代控件?我不喜欢SplitContainer在选中它和被拖动时如何显示奇怪的虚线条。我想让面板重新调整大小,因为用户拖动而不是鼠标向上,并且在拖动分割器时不显示任何虚线条。基本上就像在Vista浏览器中完成面板的所有重新调整大小一样。
答案 0 :(得分:9)
编写自己的拆分容器UserControl。您基本上只需将两个面板放到控件上(对于左侧和右侧面板),然后让它们之间的空间成为分割器。 UserControl本身上的一个小MouseDown,MouseMove和MouseUp逻辑将让您轻松地左右移动“拆分器”,两个面板将在分配器上的任何地方正确阻止,因此您的逻辑用于检查鼠标是否超过拆分器尽可能简单。
答案 1 :(得分:5)
我在看到你的问题后发现了这个,所以我想分享一下: SplitContainer FAQ
//1. Use the custom control defined in the SplitContainerNoFocus sample
//2. Insert the following code in your project, and attach these events to all of the SplitContainers that you don't want stealing focus.
// Temp variable to store a previously focused control
private Control focused = null;
private void splitContainer_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// Get the focused control before the splitter is focused
focused = getFocused(this.Controls);
private Control getFocused(Control.ControlCollection controls)
foreach (Control c in controls)
if (c.Focused)
// Return the focused control
return c;
else if (c.ContainsFocus)
// If the focus is contained inside a control's children
// return the child
return getFocused(c.Controls);
// No control on the form has focus
return null;
private void splitContainer_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// If a previous control had focus
if (focused != null)
// Return focus and clear the temp variable for
// garbage collection
focused = null;
答案 2 :(得分:1)
你根本无法修改SplitContainer。一种可能性是,如果您仅使用它来调整控件的大小,则完全消除它。您可以在控件本身上使用鼠标事件。在表单上删除TreeView并将其停靠在左侧。订阅MouseDown / Move / Up事件并编写如下内容:
bool mDragging;
private bool onTreeEdge(Point pos) {
return pos.X >= treeView1.DisplayRectangle.Right - 3;
private void treeView1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
treeView1.Cursor = mDragging || onTreeEdge(e.Location) ? Cursors.VSplit : Cursors.Default;
if (mDragging) treeView1.Width = e.X;
private void treeView1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
mDragging = onTreeEdge(e.Location);
if (mDragging) treeView1.Capture = true;
private void treeView1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
mDragging = false;
答案 3 :(得分:1)
答案 4 :(得分:-1)
另外,请查看免费Krypton toolkit