
时间:2014-11-15 21:28:09

标签: c++ parsing



std::map<std::string/*commandname*/, commandfunction*> Commands;

void OnPlayerExecuteCommand(cplayer* player, std::string command, std::string parameters)
    //find check blablabla yaddayadda then..
    Commands[command]->execute(player, parameters);

//heal PlayerId/Name (float)amount
void Command_HealMe(cplayer* player, std::string parameters)
    SomeParsingCodeA(params);//get the cplayer* from playername or id and float heal amount
//vehicle name color1 color2, eg /vehicle Ferrari 0xFF0000 123456
void Command_SpawnVehicle(cplayer* player, std::string parameters)
    SomeParsingCodeB(params);//get the vehiclename, and colors

//kick playername/id reason, eg /kick player_a you are spamming the chat
void Command_KickSomeone(cplayer* player, std::string parameters)
    SomeParsingCodeC(params);//get cplayer* of playername or id, and get the rest string

但是每个SomeParsingCode*代码段都包含许多重复代码,例如IsValidPlayer(string)//returns Cplayer from id or name,将字符串解析为数字或浮点数或其他任何内容。


auto result = ParseMyParameters("Player_string_or_int;int_or_hex;int_or_hex",input) if(result.good()){ //continue


character - expected input
u - PlayerName as String or PlayerID as integer(u as in user)
i - integer number
x - hex formatted number
f - real number
g - integer or hex
w - one worded string
r - return remaining string, 
    like /kick player_a you are spamming the chat
    would be parsed with "ur", and the result would be a cplayer pointer and the string "you are spamming the chat"


但我在想,C ++有很多好东西,我真的不知道在这种情况下使用什么,容器或boost / C ++包括哪些可用于此任务? C ++中有没有让我这样做的东西?建议采用什么方法?


ParseString<cplayer*,int,float,std::string>("Joe 5 5.0 hello my friend!");

std::string = "hello my friend!";

ParseString<cplayer*,int,float,std::vector<std::string>>("Joe 5 5.0 hello my friend!");

std::vector<std::string> = {"hello", "my", "friend!"};

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