我看了很多帖子,但是这些帖子中的建议没有奏效: UILabel not updating(更改加载视图控制器的顺序) UILabel Refresh(线程依赖) 等
- (void)swipeUp:(UISwipeGestureRecognizer *) gr
RespondViewController *rvc = [[RespondViewController alloc] init];
rvc.user = self.user;
rvc.question = self.question.text;
rvc.userQ = self.questionUser.text;
[self.navigationController presentViewController:rvc animated:YES completion:NULL];
NSLog(@"question & user is %@ and %@", self.question.text, self.questionUser.text);
@interface RespondViewController : UIViewController
@property (nonatomic) NSString *question;
@property (nonatomic) NSString *userQ;
@property (nonatomic) int qid;
@property (nonatomic) UserObject *user;
@interface RespondViewController () <UIGestureRecognizerDelegate, UITextViewDelegate>
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *userLabel;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *qLabel;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextView *respondText;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSURLSession *session;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
_respondText.layer.cornerRadius = 5;
[_respondText.layer setBorderColor:[[[UIColor grayColor] colorWithAlphaComponent:0.5] CGColor]];
[_respondText.layer setBorderWidth:2.0];
_respondText.clipsToBounds = YES;
// self.userLabel.text = self.userQ;
// self.qLabel.text = self.question;
NSLog(@"self.userQ is %@", self.userQ);
NSLog(@"self.question is %@", self.question);
NSLog(@"self.userQ is %@", self.userQ);
UITapGestureRecognizer* tapBackground = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(dismissKeyboard:)];
[tapBackground setNumberOfTapsRequired:1];
[self.view addGestureRecognizer:tapBackground];
NSLog(@"finished view did load");
[self.view setNeedsDisplay];
2014-11-14 17:19:19.021 Ratings[1136:227062] ran init
***2014-11-14 17:19:19.133 Ratings[1136:227062] self.userQ is <UILabel: 0x175f0f10; frame = (102 78; 81 21); text = 'user name'; opaque = NO; autoresize = RM+BM; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <_UILabelLayer: 0x175f0fd0>>
***2014-11-14 17:19:19.134 Ratings[1136:227062] self.question is (null)
***2014-11-14 17:19:19.134 Ratings[1136:227062] self.userQ is <UILabel: 0x175f0f10; frame = (102 78; 81 21); text = 'user name'; opaque = NO; autoresize = RM+BM; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <_UILabelLayer: 0x175f0fd0>>
2014-11-14 17:19:19.135 Ratings[1136:227062] finished view did load
2014-11-14 17:19:19.136 Ratings[1136:227062] question & user is Heya hey and ivan
// self.userLabel.text = self.userQ;
// self.qLabel.text = self.question;
2014-11-14 17:30:14.034 Ratings[1150:229094] -[UILabel copyWithZone:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x146f67a0
答案 0 :(得分:0)
在视图控制器的alloc / init之后,尝试访问这样的视图: [rvc view]; 强制视图加载。 否则,我认为您的视图在呈现之前不会加载,并且您将无法访问视图中的内容。
答案 1 :(得分:0)