我可以少量调整Bing Map的View / LocationRect / Bounding Box吗?

时间:2014-11-14 19:22:13

标签: c# bing-maps pushpin


photraxMap.SetView(new LocationRect(App.photosetLocationCollection));


photraxMap 是BingMap。 SetView()是Bing Maps方法,而不是我自己的自定义方法。

问题在于它的工作太多 - 它显示所有标记/图钉,但只是勉强 - 极端位置被“剪裁”,如您所见:

enter image description here


我希望他们有一点“摆动空间”。这不仅仅是一个美容问题 - 在您向上或向下或向左或向右拖动地图之前,“异常值”图钉是不可选择的。




// Adapted from Brundritt and Boonaert: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26937358/can-i-adjust-my-bing-maps-view-locationrect-bounding-box-by-a-small-amount
// Before passing the locations to set view, call this twice, to add bogus NW and SE locations that will stretch 
// the viewable area of the map a little, like so:
// Location nwShim = GetAShimLocation(locs, true);
// Location seShim = GetAShimLocation(locs, false);
// locs.Add(nwShim); locs.Add(seShim);
public static Location GetAShimLocation(IList<Location> locations, bool IsForNorthwestCorner)
    const int MAP_CUSHION = 1; // Is 1 a comfortable enough cushion?
    // I don't know why the Lats are 85 instead of 90
    double maxLat = -85;
    double minLat = 85;
    double maxLon = -180;
    double minLon = 180;

    foreach (Location loc in locations)
        if (loc.Latitude > maxLat)
            maxLat = loc.Latitude;

        if (loc.Latitude < minLat)
            minLat = loc.Latitude;

        if (loc.Longitude > maxLon)
            maxLon = loc.Longitude;

        if (loc.Longitude < minLon)
            minLon = loc.Longitude;

    Location retLoc = new Location();
    // I'm not sure this logic/math is right - test it later
    if (IsForNorthwestCorner)
        retLoc.Latitude = maxLat - MAP_CUSHION;
        retLoc.Longitude = maxLon - MAP_CUSHION;
    else // SouthEast corner - stretch a little both directions
        retLoc.Latitude = minLat + MAP_CUSHION;
        retLoc.Longitude = minLon + MAP_CUSHION;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  • 第一个选项:使用虚假位置



  • 第二个选项:手动计算最佳视图



   /// <summary>
/// Calculates the best map view for a list of locations for a map
/// </summary>
/// <param name="locations">List of location objects</param>
/// <param name="mapWidth">Map width in pixels</param>
/// <param name="mapHeight">Map height in pixels</param>
/// <param name="buffer">Width in pixels to use to create a buffer around the map. This is to keep pushpins from being cut off on the edge</param>
/// <returns>Returns a MapViewSpecification with the best map center point and zoom level for the given set of locations</returns>
public static MapViewSpecification BestMapView(IList<Location> locations, double mapWidth, double mapHeight, int buffer)
    MapViewSpecification mapView;
    Location center = new Location();
    double zoomLevel = 0;

    double maxLat = -85;
    double minLat = 85;
    double maxLon = -180;
    double minLon = 180;

    //calculate bounding rectangle
    for (int i = 0; i < locations.Count; i++)
        if (locations[i].Latitude > maxLat)
            maxLat = locations[i].Latitude;

        if (locations[i].Latitude < minLat)
            minLat = locations[i].Latitude;

        if (locations[i].Longitude > maxLon)
            maxLon = locations[i].Longitude;

        if (locations[i].Longitude < minLon)
            minLon = locations[i].Longitude;

    center.Latitude = (maxLat + minLat) / 2;
    center.Longitude = (maxLon + minLon) / 2;

    double zoom1=0, zoom2=0;

    //Determine the best zoom level based on the map scale and bounding coordinate information
    if (maxLon != minLon && maxLat != minLat)
        //best zoom level based on map width
        zoom1 = Math.Log(360.0 / 256.0 * (mapWidth – 2*buffer) / (maxLon – minLon)) / Math.Log(2);
        //best zoom level based on map height
        zoom2 = Math.Log(180.0 / 256.0 * (mapHeight – 2*buffer) / (maxLat – minLat)) / Math.Log(2);

    //use the most zoomed out of the two zoom levels
    zoomLevel = (zoom1 < zoom2) ? zoom1 : zoom2;

    mapView = new MapViewSpecification(center, zoomLevel);

    return mapView;


  • 又一个帮助:


//Determine the best zoom level based on the map scale and bounding coordinate information
if ((mapView.Bounds.SouthEast.Longitude != mapView.Bounds.NorthWest.Longitude) &&
    (mapView.Bounds.NorthWest.Latitude != mapView.Bounds.SouthEast.Latitude))
    Padding padding = mapView.Padding;

    //best zoom level based on map width
    zoom1 = (Math.Log(360.0 / 256.0 * (mapView.MapSize.Width - (padding.Left + padding.Right)) / (mapView.Bounds.SouthEast.Longitude - mapView.Bounds.NorthWest.Longitude)) / Math.Log(2));
    //best zoom level based on map height
    zoom2 = Math.Log(180.0 / 256.0 * (mapView.MapSize.Height - (padding.Top + padding.Bottom)) / (mapView.Bounds.NorthWest.Latitude - mapView.Bounds.SouthEast.Latitude)) / Math.Log(2);

//use the most zoomed out of the two zoom levels
mapView.ZoomLevel = (int)Math.Floor((zoom1 < zoom2) ? zoom1 : zoom2);

答案 1 :(得分:1)


bingMap.SetView(New LocationRect(locList))
bingMap.ZoomLevel = bingMap.ZoomLevel * 0.85
<。> .85表示缩小15%

P.S。我正在使用vb.net btw,但它是相同的概念

答案 2 :(得分:1)

您可以使用一系列用于创建图钉的位置,并将它们传递到 Microsoft.Maps.LocationRect 类的fromLocations函数中。此函数将返回一个 LocationRect ,其中包含传递给它的所有Location对象。然后,在设置地图视图时,可以将此 LocationRect 传递给bounds设置属性。一些开发人员可能会注意到,这导致某些图钉在地图边缘被切断。原因是 fromLocations 函数仅根据Location对象而不是图钉图标使用的其他区域来计算边界框。为了适应这种情况,可以使用padding设置将视图缓冲指定数量的像素。通常将此值设置为图钉图标的宽度/高度的两倍大即可。 source

var locs = [array of Microsoft.Maps.Location];
var rect = Microsoft.Maps.LocationRect.fromLocations(locs);

map.setView({ bounds: rect, padding: 80 });

等等! :)