我在某个城市下载osm文件。在QGIS中,这张地图看起来不错,所有街道都是连通的。接下来,我执行osm2pgrouting并在QGIS中(当我连接到postgres数据库时)我在街上看不到某些段的地图。因此,找到路径不起作用(我想是这样)。因为问题是什么以及如何解决? 而且,在我在QGIS中执行osm2pgrouting之后,我会从那个角度(如太阳,广泛地)观看许多行。我定义了点的坐标,并用这个坐标删除所有方法。
Trying to load data
Trying to parse data
Reference nd=1162932299 has no corresponding Node Entry (Maybe Node entry after Reference?)
Reference nd=1162931037 has no corresponding Node Entry (Maybe Node entry after Reference?)
Split ways
Dropping tables...
Creating tables...
Nodes table created
2create ways failed:
Types table created
Way_tag table created
Relations table created
Relation_ways table created
Classes table created
Adding tag types and classes to database...
Adding relations to database...
Adding nodes to database...
Adding ways to database...
Creating topology...
size of streets: 62931
size of splitted ways : 97921
我使用osm2pgrouting标准mapconfig.xml。 我注意到从某个点开始的那条线和另一端在缺失段的开头。我认为,意味着这一行缺少细分。但是在QGIS中打开osm文件是正确的。