所以我在这里查看了所有这些粘贴页脚的帖子......并尝试了每一个"修复"我可以找到,但我仍然无法进行页脚显示并坚持到页面底部。我不确定它是否与我在页面中的响应式iFrame有关 - 但这似乎消除了页脚。我得到的最接近的是让页脚在内容上方漂浮到底部,但我不能让它粘在底部,内容停在页脚上方。您可以给予的任何帮助真的很感激!
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<p align="center"><em> To get help and ongoing support, please <a href="http://www.saviodesigns.com/faq_support.php" target="_blank">click here</a>.
<p>Savio Designs Easy Admin Copyright ©
<?php $then=2 007; $now=d ate( 'Y'); if ($then==$ now) echo $now; else echo "2014 - $now"; ?>
<a href="http://www.saviodesigns.com" target="_blank">SavioDesigns.com</a>, All Rights Reserved.</a>
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<p align="center"><em> To get help and ongoing support, please <a href="http://www.saviodesigns.com/faq_support.php" target="_blank">click here</a>.
<p>Savio Designs Easy Admin Copyright ©<?php
$then = 2007;
$now = date('Y');
if ($then == $now)
echo $now;
echo "2014 - $now"; ?>
<a href="http://www.saviodesigns.com" target="_blank">SavioDesigns.com</a>, All Rights Reserved. </a></p>
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