private void FastFoulierMethod()
int NFFT = 64;
int N_OVERLAP = 32;
int numberOfEpochs = samples.Count / NFFT;
int numberOfSamplesToSelectFromFFT = NFFT-1;
double[] dataaa = new double[samples.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < samples.Count - 1; i++)
dataaa[i] = samples[i].GetValue();//lijst met doubles die we gebruiken
double[,] pFrame = new double[numberOfEpochs, numberOfSamplesToSelectFromFFT];
// The first epoch in the page starts at index 0
int beginIndexOfEpoch = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEpochs; i++)
// This will get the current epoch by retrieving samples from the sample list
// starting at 'beginIndex' with length 'NFFT'. This epoch will need to be detrended next.
List<double> smapletemp = new List<double>();
for (int x = beginIndexOfEpoch; x < beginIndexOfEpoch+NFFT; x++)
double[] epoch = smapletemp.ToArray();
if (epoch.Length == 0)
// Create array of X-axis values 1,2,3,4 ... n
// which will be used to perform linear regression.
double[] xValues = new double[epoch.Length];
for (int j = 0; j < xValues.Length; j++)
xValues[j] = j;
// Perform linear regression on the epoch. This will result in some data that is used later.
Dictionary<String, double> linearRegressionData = math.performLinearRegression(xValues.ToList(), epoch.ToList());
// Detrend the epoch
for (int j = 0; j < epoch.Length; j++)
double intercept = linearRegressionData["Alpha"]; // Get the intercept from the data.
double slope = linearRegressionData["Beta"]; // Get the slope from the data.
//if (1 >= math.StdDev(epoch))
epoch[j] = epoch[j] - intercept - (slope * j); // Detrend the epoch by subtracting the intercept and the slope * j.
// Create Complex from the epoch for windowing and FFT processing.
Complex[] cmplx = new Complex[epoch.Length];
for (int j = 0; j < cmplx.Length; j++)
cmplx[j] = new Complex(epoch[j], 0);
// Perform Hann window function on the Complex.
// Perform Fast Fourier Transform on the Complex.
FourierTransform.FFT(cmplx, FourierTransform.Direction.Backward);
// Create an array for all powers.
double[] powers = new double[cmplx.Length];
for (int j = 0; j < epoch.Length; j++)
powers[j] = cmplx[j].SquaredMagnitude;
// Add the powers to the power frame.
for (int j = 0; j < powers.Length-1; j++)
pFrame[i, j] = powers[j];
// Shift index for the next epoch.
beginIndexOfEpoch += NFFT - N_OVERLAP;
if ( beginIndexOfEpoch + NFFT > samples.Count)
// Create an array for the nan-mean values of all epochs.
// Nan-mean calculates the mean of a set of doubles, ignoring NaN's.
double[] nanMeanValues = new double[numberOfSamplesToSelectFromFFT];
List<double[]> Y = new List<double[]>();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSamplesToSelectFromFFT; i++)
// The sum for calculating the mean.
double sum = 0.0;
// The number of elements (doubles) for calculating the mean.
int count = 0;
// For all epochs...
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfEpochs; j++)
// ...the mean for all doubles at index 'i' is calculated.
double sample = pFrame[j, i];
if (!Double.IsNaN(sample))
// Only take the double into account when it isn't a NaN.
sum += sample;
// Actually calculate the mean and add it to the array.
nanMeanValues[i] = sum / count;
// We now have the mean of all power arrays (or epochs).
// Create an array with Root Mean Square values.
double[] squareRootedNanMeans = new double[nanMeanValues.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < squareRootedNanMeans.Length; i++)
squareRootedNanMeans[i] = Math.Sqrt(nanMeanValues[i]);
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您可以使用具有免费版本的Alglib {http://www.alglib.net/fasttransforms/fft.php}。